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VI. Below are the three most important meanings of on.

  1. Continuing: go on, keep on, pass on, stay on.

  • Go on reading — I won't disturb you.

  • Children usually stay on at school till they are 17.

  • This information was passed on by the Head Office.

  • Only half of the workers will be kept on after the cutdown.

  1. Progressing: get on, move on.

  • How are you getting on, old boy?

  • I feel like moving on and doing something different.

  1. Other meanings: get on, look on, (two meanings) take on, go on.

  • What is going on here?

  • 1 get on very well with him.

  • He didn't help but looked on, his hands in his pockets.

  • She looked on his behaviour as a grave mistake.

  • The bus stopped to take on passengers.

  • Jim has taken on a most difficult task.

Ex. 1. Choose the right phrasal verb to complete the following defini­tions

  1. If you doing something, you continue to do it.

  2. To ... something ... means to send something (such as informatioi or work) from person to person.

  3. If you ask how someone is with an activity, you are askin

about their progress.

  1. If you with someone, you form a good friendly relationship

with them.

  1. To means to change to something new.

  2. If you ... someone ... at school or work, you continue to educal them or continue to employ them.

  1. When something is , it means that it is taking place at the'

present time.

  1. To means to carry someone further on a journey.

  2. If you while something happens, you watch it without taking

part yourself.

  1. If you at work or at school, you remain in a place.

  2. If you a new job, task or responsibility, you accept it and tiy

to do what is required.

Ex. 2. Match up phrases on the left with those on the right.

  1. She started to work while a. Well I wouldn't say he's hopeless, her brothers

  2. I always pass on good advice. b. It is never any use to oneself.

  3. I'm thinking of letting her stay c. what was going on. on.

  4. How is your son getting on at d. were kept on at expensive private school? schools.

  5. The world moved on and e. while a large crowd looked in. progressed,

  6. We are getting on well f. to meet you and take you on.

  7. Some old women gathered to see g. with our new neighbour.

  8. Two men stole the jewels h. but time stood still in this small


  1. This is as far as we go; you i. She seems to be a veiy nice girl, have to get someone

Ex. 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Боюсь, мы не сможем держать двух садовников. 2. Молодого талантливого врача попросили остаться работать в больнице после его практики. 3. Доктор продолжал читать лекцию, не обращая внимания на шум в зале. 4. Она всегда берется за самое сложное задание. 5. Как идут его дела на новой работе? 6. У меня хорошие отношения с родителями, они всегда понимают меня. 7. Она стояла в стороне и смотрела, не вмешиваясь. 8. Давайте перейдем к другому вопросу. Мы уже достаточно поговорили об этой проблеме. 9. В нашей семье передаются традиции от поколения к поколению. 10. С автобусного вокзала любой автобус отвезет вас туда, куда вам надо.

  1. Leaving and Beginning: break out, go out, set out.

  • When war broke out my uncle joined the Navy.

  • You needn't go out, it is too late.

  • He set out to explore the countryside.

  1. Removing and Excluding: cross out, keep out, knock out, leave out.

  • You shouldn't rewrite it, just cross out what you want to change.

  • They had a guard dog to keep out intruders.

  • Their aim is for the Social Democrats to knock out the Communist Party.

  • Some erotic scenes in the play were left out of the performance.

  1. Searching and Finding: check out, find out, make out, turn out, work out.

  • Have you checked out each room to see if it is fit for a guest?

  • He was only interested in finding out what the facts were.

  • It is often impossible to make out what he is saying.

  • We hope that a more peaceful solution can be worked out.

  • It may look true in the short run and turn out to be false in the longer run.

  1. Producing and Creating: come out, put out, speak out.

  • This magazine comes out twice a month.

П The government v/ill put out a new statement next week.

  • The newspapers are afraid to исак out against the President.

  1. Supporting and Helping: give out, look out, point out.

  • In September the University gives out information about evening courses in

English for students.

  • "Look out," he said. "There is someone coming."

  • My friend always points out the weaknesses in my arguments.

  1. Ending and Disappearing: sell out, wear out, wipe out.

  • After the advertising campaign all the goods were almost sold out.

  • She wears me out more than anybody else.

  • The war wiped out a lot of cities.

  1. Other meanings: carry out, sort out.

  • The first experiments were carried out in summer.

  • Will you sort out the papers to be thrown away and put the rest back?

Ex. 1. Choose the right phrasal verb to complete the following defini­tions.

  1. To means to begin suddenly.

  2. If you ... something you examine it because you want to make sure that everything is correct.

  3. If you a solution, you think about it carefully and decide what to do.

  4. To means to go outside,

  5. If you ... something ... , you give someone an important piece of information or correct their mistaken ideas.

  6. To means to draw a line through writing to remove it.

  7. To means to start a journey.

  8. If you don't include or put in something, you ... it ... .

  9. You say or shout to warn someone that they are in danger.

  1. If you a group of things, you divide them into categories that

are different from each other.

  1. To means to tire someone or oneself greatly.

  2. If you can ... something ... , you manage to see or hear it.

  3. To ... someone or something ... of a place means to prevent them from being there.

  4. To means to be all sold.

  5. If something or someone to be a particular thing, they are

discovered to be that thing.

  1. When you defeat someone, you them.

  2. When something such a book , it is published.

  3. If you make something known publicly, you

  4. If you a task, you got it.

  5. If a statement or stoiy is , it is officially told to people.

  6. To means to speak boldly and freely.

  7. To means to destroy something or kill someone.

Ex. 2. Match up phrases on the left with those on the right.

  1. All the villages have set out a. they're not members any more.

  2. Our soldiers had orders b. looking for the missing child.

  3. No one dared to speak out c. that she was wrong.

  4. These tropical disease can d. to see whether anything unusual wipe out was going on.

  5. Cross out the last two names, e. to knock out the enemy.

The roof is falling!

broke out in your work place? the date has been left out.

others refuse to part with any.

the populations of whole villages, has nothing to do with the truth.

  1. Would you know what to do if a fire

  1. The police was going to check g. out the hotel

  2. Lookout! h.

  3. Some employers give out a lot of information

  4. All the tickets for the last performance

  5. We found out

  6. The story that the committee will put out

  7. Please, complete this cheque m. against the new law.

Ex. 3. Give the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the space provided.

  1. We must begin to a better method of saving (make out, turn

out, work out).

  1. I can't the meaning of this poem (make out, turn out, work


  1. He asked me to send him any new stamps which might

(come out, speak out, put out).

  1. I ... this ... to you in a letter last week (gave out, looked out, pointed out).

  2. "Cosmopolitan" magazine has just a survey (carried out, spo- ke out, broke out).

  3. It took quite a while to all our luggage (keep out, come out,

sort out).

  1. As it has , there was no need to worry (made out, turned out,

worked out).

Ex. 4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

  1. Мы должны постараться разработать план наших дальнейших действий.

  2. Рано утром они отправились в горы. 3. Вам придется зачеркнуть то место, где вы ссылаетесь на этого автора. 4. Студенты издают свою газету. 5. Ежедневные гости изматывают меня. 6. Ты простудишься, если не будешь осторожен. 7. Иногда трудно понять, что говорят по репродуктору. 8. Мне надоело, что она постоянно указывает на мои ошибки.

  1. Оказалось, что он все утро был в банке и проверял наши счета.

  2. Автор должен изъять эту сцену, иначе роман не появится в печати.

11. После удачной рекламы товар быстрее распродается. 12. Ничего не изменится в нашей жизни, пока мы не начнем смело высказываться о наших недостатках. 13. Он очень рассердился, когда обнаружил, что его обманули. 14. Во время войны сотни городов были стерты с лица земли. 15. Когда разразилась эпидемия, люди убежали в горы. 16. Наша армия одолела врага. 17. Было объявлено, что правительство и президент пришли к согласию.

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