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  1. The writer's personal appearance picked up

    Ex. 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

    1. Она предпочитает не работать, а сидеть дома и воспитывать детей.

    1. Он поехал в Норвегию усовершенствовать свои знания в менеджменте.

    2. Обычно погода улучшается после майских праздников. 4. Все газеты сообщили, что правительство учредило комитет по борьбе с мафией. 5. Не унывай! Еще не все потеряно! 6. Их требования к правительству поддержали их руководители. 7. Он вырос в маленьком городке на юге. 8. Наш отдел разработал новый метод, который ускорил выпуск продук­ции. 9. Она с детства любит наряжаться. 10. Он выпил горячего молока, чтобы согреться. 11. Вы все сделали, чтобы организовать встречу директоров фирм?

    You can ask John a.

  2. She bought a new dress b.

  3. Another mistake c.

  4. She needs someone d.

  5. He's lived in St.-Petersburg e. for three years

  6. We jogged around the track f. several times

  7. A special committee has been g. set up

  8. The plan of action for the h. future election

  9. The policeman wouldn't have i. believed me

  1. You will have to speed up your j. rate of work

  2. We shall dress up k.

  3. My aunt brought up 1.

  4. The writer's personal m.

to cheer herself up. but he grew up in Moscow, to examine the details of the sug­gestion.

if you want to finish by the agreed date.

the sales of the book considerably, for Christmas, four children, to warm up.

had been drawn up months

in advance.

to speak up for her.

to fix up a ticket to the concert, you need to brush up your short­hand.

if you hadn't backed me up.

  1. Approaching: catch up (with), keep up

  • You walk on and I'll catch up with you later.

  • Keep up the good work.

  1. Completing and Finishing; check up (on smb), drink up, end up, give up, sum up, tidy up, use up, wind up.

  • Have you been checking up on me?

  • The two of them drank up a whole bottle of coca-cola.

  • I hope we shall end up with millions of unemployed.

  • I'll never give up jogging.

  • He can't sum up his idea in one sentence.

  • Every Saturday I tidy up my studio.

  • We used up a tremendous amount of energy.

  • My turn came to wind up the debate.

Ex. 1. Choose the right phrasal verb to complete the following defini­tions.

  1. When you you investigate to see if someone or something is

reliable, honest and true.

  1. To means to do or receive something in the end.

  1. If you , you work as well as other people or get all your work

done in the required time.

  1. To means to bring something to an orderly end.

  2. When you you finish your drink.

  1. If you give a short account of something or give the main ideas of something written or spoken, you

  1. To means to use something till none is left.

  2. To means to stop doing or having something or get rid of


  1. To means to reach someone who is ahead or come level with

someone or something.

10. When you make neat, you

Ex. 2. Match up the phrases on the left with those on the right.

  1. Can you think of a good joke a. to catch the other firm up. I can use

  2. Drink your medicine up b. running the firm.

  3. It's the chairman duty c. on his story.

  1. When you have used up the polish,

  1. We shall work hard

  2. Help me to tidy this room up

  3. He ended up

  4. His marks are fine

  5. The police are checking up

  6. Didn't the doctor tell Jim

  1. to wind up my speech?

  2. let's tiy this new kind.

  3. and he doesn't seem to have any trouble keeping up.

  4. to give up sweets to lose weight.

  5. to sum up at the end of the meeting.

i. before my parents arrive! j. it's good for you.

Ex. 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Он отказался от карьеры журналиста ради своей семьи. 2. У нас осталось только пять минут, чтобы подытожить нашу беседу. 3. Ему не хотелось их догонять. 4. Он использовал все монеты, которые у него были. 5. Если мы купим кухонный комбайн "Мулинекс", со многими проблемами будет покончено. 6. Допивай чай и пойдем гулять. 7. Комис­сия проверила его и сочла его непригодным для службы в армии. 8. Он закончил свое выступление демонстрацией фильма о Манчестерской Бизнес-школе. 9. Сегодня ты убираешь квартиру. 10. Ей пришлось посидеть ночь, чтобы успеть дописать курсовую работу.

Ex. 4. Write paragraph on the topic of your choice including at least one example of each of the phrasal verbs you have just studied.

XL Below are the most important meanings of UP (Part 3).

  1. Disrupting and Damaging: blow up, break up, mess up, mix up.

  • He tried to blow up the bridge.

  • The Soviet Union has broken up.

  • Her late arrival messes up our plans.

  • It's easy to mix him up with his brother.

  1. Happening and Creating: bring up, come up, pick up, turn up.

  • I want to bring the matter up at the next meeting.

  • I'll let you know if anything comes up.

  • He may pick up some useful ideas for his report.

  • Protein turns up in almost every food.

G. Collecting and Being together: look up, make up, put up.

  • I looked up several old friends.

  • Women now make up one-tenth of the Duma.

  • I'm afraid I can't put you up; you'll have to go to a hotel.

Ex. 1. Choose the right phrasal verb to complete the following defini­tions.

  1. If someone ... you ... , you stay with them for one or more nights.

  2. If you a skill or habit, you learn it without making any effort.

  3. To means to break into pieces, by an explosion.

  4. To means to spoil something carelessly.

  1. If you ... someone ... , you pay a visit to the person after not having seen him for a long time.

  1. If you something, you find it by chance.

  2. The people or things that something form that thing.

  1. When you a particular subject, you mention it in a discus- sion or conversation.

  1. To means to destroy something.

  1. To means to happen.

  2. If you confuse or disorder things or ideas, you ... them ... . Ex. 2. Match up phrases on the left with those on the right.


If John messes up his driving


a good chance may come up soon

test again


When you're in England you


from those people.

must look up George


You never know when you may


on the way back from Manchester.

turn up an ancient coin in York


The men in the garage will


a person's character.

break up the old cars


I don't want to pick up any bad


to blow up the plane.



My papers are all mixed up,


I doubt if he'll ever pass it.


The terrorists wanted


for their parts.


Different qualities make up


the topic of money yet again.


I'm sure


at the Grand Hotel.


We were put up


and I was trying to keep them in

alphabetical order.


I'm sony to bring up


which is so rich in history

Ex. 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Я не знаю, где мои дети нахватались этих грубых слов. 2. Совет директоров состоит из опытных специалистов. 3. На прошлой неделе взорвался химический завод. 4. Он разломал старую мебель и сжег ее. 5. Она может принять нас на неделю. 6. Потерянная сумка была случайно найдена в кустах совершенно пустой. 7. На совещании был поднят вопрос об увольнении некоторых сотрудников. 8. Если вы еще раз приедете сюда в командировку, не забудьте навестить нас. 9. Мы не сможем встретиться сегодня вечером, так как возникла одна проблема. 10. Ничто не может испортить нашу поездку. 11. Вы так похожи, что я перепутал ваши имена.

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