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Рабочая тетрадь 2.doc
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I. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. Our office sells a lot of different goods to foreign firms (3). 2. Our director usually receives businessmen at half past ten (3). 3. Our engineers must send three enquiries to foreign firms today (5). 4. The secretary usually brings the mail to our director at 9 o'clock (4). 5. Our country buys a lot of different equipment from Great Britain (3).

П. Измените место прямого дополнения, где это возможно:

1.1 cannot give you his telephone-number. 2. This is Mike's watch. Give it to him. 3. Take that book off the table and give it to me, please. 4. I'd like to read this telex to you. 5. When can you send us your answer? 6. We write letters to foreign companies every day. 7. The secretary brings telexes to the director every day. 8. We can send our goods to the firm this week.

III. Образуйте порядковые числительные и напишите их по-английски:

1,2,5, 13, 18,22,30,47,54,43,50,68,79, 11, 12,87,83,92,35,38,43,99, 57.

IV. Прочитайте следующие даты:

1218, 1475, 1509, 1600, 1812, 1941, 1900, 1917, 1965, 1970, 1953.

V. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык в двух ва­риантах по образцу:

О б р аз е ц: the tenth lesson, lesson ten.

пятнадцатая комната, десятый дом, пятидесятая квартира, двадцать второй текст, седьмой урок, третья контора, семнадцатое упражнение, де­вяносто пятая страница

VI. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужной форме:

My elder sister's name (to be) Nelly. She (to work) at school. She (to be) a teacher. Nelly (can) speak two foreign languages. She (to know) them well. Nelly (to like) her work very much. All her pupils (to do) well. Nelly usually (to go) to work in the morning. Her lessons (to begin) at half past eight. At 3 o'clock Nelly (to finish) her work at school, but she always (to have) a lot of work to do at home.

My sister (to have) two children. One of them is a boy and the other one is a girl. Her son (to be) 11 years old and her daughter (to be born) five years ago. Her children also (to learn) English. They (can) already speak English to their mother.

Nelly's husband (to be) director of a large factory. The factory (to make) different equipment for export. In the morning his secretary (to bring) him the mail. He (to receive) a lot of mail every morning. He (to go) through it and (to answer) it. He often (to receive) engineers and workers from his factory and from other factories. He often (to communicate) with different companies by fax.

VII. Заполните пропуски артиклями или притяжательными местоимени­ями, где необходимо. Воспроизведите диалог:

Orlov: Hallo. Can I speak to Mr. Lamson?

Lamson: Speaking.

Orlov: Good morning, Mr. Lamson. This is Orlov of Machinoexport.

Lamson: Good morning, Mr. Orlov. I am happy you are in London.

Orlov: Well. We have ... enquiry for ... mining equipment and I'm here to

discuss it.

Lamson: Very good. We have ... catalogues, but we haven't ... price-lists.

... firm would like to buy ... mining equipment.

Orlov: Yes, ... mining equipment is quite good. We do business with ... lot of... foreign firms. They buy ... mining equipment, ... power equipment and ... other goods from us.

Lamson: Well, Mr. Orlov, I'd like to meet you to discuss... prices,... terms of payment and ... terms of delivery with you.

Orlov: I can come to ... office today. When do you finish ... work?

Lamson: Today is Friday and we close at 1 o'clock on Fridays.

Orlov: Can we meet at... quarter to twelve?

Lamson: Yes, certainly.... office is on ... third floor in ... room 212.

Orlov: Thank you.

1. All... engineers of our Ministry must know ... foreign languages. 2. She has two brothers. One of them is... student,... other one is... engineer. 3. There are 12 people in ... office. Six of them know ... English language, ... other people know French or German. 4.1 don't like this book. Please, give me ... other one to read. 5. Is... director in now? I'm sorry, he is out. 6.1 don't know ... telephone number. Give it to me, please. 7. Where are... engineers of our office? They are at... meeting.