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Английский язык (Elementary)_2.doc
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Вопросы к подлежащему

Если вопросительное слово является подлежащим предложения, do, does или did не используются:

Утверждение: Mark Chapman shot John Lennon in 1980.

Вопрос к подлежащему: Who shot John Lennon?

Так обычно задаются вопросы, начинающиеся с who, но также и с which и what.

Which company bought Rolls Royce in 1998?

What happened next?

Вопросы, оканчивающиеся предлогом

У многих глаголов может быть зависимый предлог. Этот предлог помещается в конце предложения.

He spent all his money on whisky and beer.

What did he spend all his money on?

Задание 2. Прочитайте диалог. Определите типы вопросов. Составьте диалог по образцу приведенного ниже диалога. Задайте все типы вопросов.

Interview with Jade Jagger

(I = Interviewer; JJ = Jade Jagger)

I: Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

JJ: Sure.

I: First of all, where were you born?

JJ: I was born in London, but I've got dual nationality because my mother's from Nicaragua.

I: Do you still live in London?

JJ: No, I'm living in Ibiza now.

I: Oh, really? How long have you been there?

JJ: Not long. I moved from London with my two daughters, Assisi and Amba, about six months ago.

I: Are you happy there?

JJ: Yeah, very happy. We love the outdoor life. Also, my mother's a Spanish speaker and I feel more comfortable in a Latin country.

I: Have you made any new friends?

JJ: Yeah, I've made lots of new friends here. A few English, but my two best friends are Argentinean and Spanish.

I: What do you do for a living?

JJ: I'm a painter, but I've recently started a jewelry business with a friend, and that takes up most of my time. I also do some modeling when I need the cash!

I: And what do you do in your free time?

JJ: Well, with a business and two young children I don't have much free time, but I love reading and listening to music.

I: What sort of music do you like?

JJ: All sorts: pop music and classical.

I: Do you ever listen to the Rolling Stones?

JJ: No, never, but don't tell my father.

I: How often do you see your parents?

JJ: Not very often. My mother is in New York and my father's often on tour. But we all love big family get-togethers.

I: You've obviously traveled a lot. What's your favorite place in the world?

JJ: That's a difficult question because I've been to so many amazing places, but I think Brazil is my favorite. The children love it too.

I: Finally, can I ask one last question - who chose your name?

JJ: I think my father chose it. My mother wanted me to have a Spanish name.

Friends for life

Часть 1

Words and Phrases

To rent a house

Снимать жильё

To put an add

Поместить объявление

To hit off with sb

Поладить с кем-л.

To move in

Въезжать в квартиру

To have a lot in common

Иметь много общего

To share a house

Проживать в одном доме

To fall out a couple of times about sth

Пару раз поссориться из-за чего-л.

To worry about sth/sb

Беспокоиться о чём-л./о ком-л.

To get a job

Получить работу

Production assistant

помощник организатора художественных выставок

To get involved in sth

Заинтересоваться чем-л.

To earn much/little

Зарабатывать много/мало

To get a lot of satisfaction from sth

Получать большое удовольствие от чего-л.

To spend time on sth

Тратить время на что-л.

To come down

вернуться после окончания курса из университета домой, закончить университет

(not) to have very much to talk about

  1. Иметь разные интересы

  2. иметь мало такого, о чём можно поговорить

Задание 3. Прочитайте текст 1 и текст 2. Найдите в текстах ответы на утверждения a; b; c.

Перескажите тексты 1 и 2, используя активную лексику. Составьте аналогичные рассказы друг о друге. Насколько совпадает то, каким вы сами видите себя и каким вас видит ваш друг.

  1. Тина и Уильям познакомились во время учёбы в университете. Три года спустя, журналисты студенческого журнала попросили их принять участие в исследовании: сколько людей продолжают поддерживать отношения после колледжа. Верны или не верны следующие утверждения?

    1. У Тины и Уилла были схожие интересы во время учёбы в университете.

    2. Они выбрали похожую карьеру по окончании учёбы.

    3. У них похожий образ жизни.

  2. Прочитайте, что они говорят о своей дружбе, и проверьте свои догадки.

TINA: I first met Will when I was looking for someone to share the house I was renting. I put an advertisement in the local student newspaper and he was one of the people who answered it. When we met, we hit it off straightaway and I told him he could move in. Living with Will was fun. We soon found out that we had a lot in common and quickly became close friends. We always had really good discussions about everything that was important to us at the time: politics, the environment, literature and other less important things like cooking. We also liked the same music and that's important when you're sharing a house. We fell out a couple of times about the housework. Will thinks I'm untidy but I think life's too short to worry about things like that. When we graduated three years ago, we went our separate ways and since then our lives have been very different. I went back to my hometown and got a job as a production assistant for art exhibitions. I like my job because I'm helping young people to get involved in the arts. I'm living with my parents because I'm not earning very much. Will thinks I'm crazy because money is very important to him now, but I get a lot of personal satisfaction from my job. He's earning a lot of money, but he doesn't have time to spend with his family and his friends. I don't see him very often now. When he comes down for the weekend we have a laugh, but our lifestyles are so different now that we don't have very much to talk about.

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