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Английский язык (Elementary)_2.doc
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Письмо: Оформление конверта

Выучите, как пишется адрес на конверте.

Оформите конверты:

а) другу,

б) своим родителям,

в) родственникам,

г) зарубежным друзьям по переписке.

Напишите почтовую открытку:

а) своим родителям,

б) родственникам,

в) зарубежным друзьям по переписке.

Изучите оформление делового письма. Сравните с письмом другу. Чем они отличаются?

Потренируйтесь в написании деловых и неофициальных писем.

Почтовая открытка

Прочитайте отрывки из писем и скажите, кому они адресованы и по какому поводу.

а) You will see from the enclosed copy of the statement that, on 3 November, ₤43.00 was debited from my account under the description ‘Direct Debit’. I did not and have never authorized such a direct debit.

б) I try to tell you how much you mean to me when I’m with you, but, somehow, we’re enjoying ourselves so much just doing things and being together that I never actually get round to stating the obvious — I love you.

в) Thank you so much for your assistance in obtaining the library card. I am now getting on with the book as fast as I can and will make sure to send you a copy once it is published.

г) Thank you so much for the delicious dinner. The haddock was incredible. I hope the stain came out of the tablecloth!

д) On 20 August I received my Visa bill, including the figure of 93.65 but not including any of the refund. I must now pay this full amount or I will be charged interest. This is clearly an unsatisfactory state of affairs.

е) Would it be possible to establish a zebra crossing just in front of the school? Or, if not, would it be possible to place a traffic inspector at the junction at that time in the morning in order to supervise the traffic? This would surely be a sensible precaution given the circumstances.

ж) Hey, I’m writing to tell you how I miss you. Hope we’ll see during the vacation.

з) All right then. You get the booze, I get the snack. See you on picnic on the lawn.

а. Деловое письмо

Б. Письмо другу

Dear Jim,

How are you? Thanks for the letter. I’d be glad to have your new books but it won’t be easy getting them here. I think the best thing will be to send them over with some friends of mine who are coming to visit me next week. Trouble is they can’t carry too many. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Love, Julie

Openings and Closings

Найдите соответствующие начало и концовку писем



  1. I am writing with regard to your recent email. We regret to inform you that there are no double rooms available for the nights you require. C

  1. Anyway, thanks again for inviting me, and I'm really looking forward to it. Do you want me to bring anything?

  1. Thanks so much for the wonderful present. It's exactly the book that I wanted - how did you know? I'm really looking forward to reading it.

  1. You know you can count on me if you need any support. I'll call you at the weekend to see how things are.

  1. Patricia, I've just read your email. I'm so sorry to hear about what happened.

  1. Should you need any further information about room availability, we will be happy to assist you.

  1. Sorry, I can't make it to your birthday party at Fishers restaurant, as I'm away on that day.

  1. I look forward to receiving this information as soon as possible.

  1. I am mailing this via the 'Contact Us' link on your website. I'd like to know a few more details about the anti-virus software that's listed on your web site.

  1. It really is great news, and I'm sure that it's only the beginning of our work in the French market.

  1. I am writing with reference to our order number GH67. The goods arrived this morning but you only sent 200 pieces instead of 300 that we ordered.

  1. Please deal with this matter urgently. I expect a reply from you by tomorrow morning at the latest.

  1. Yes! Great! I’d love to come to the party.

  1. Thanks again for the gift, and give my regards to your family.

  1. I've just heard from Antonio about the Paris contract. It’s fantastic news — you worked really hard on this and you deserve the success.

  1. Anyway, sorry again that I can't come, but have a great time. I hope we can meet up soon. What about going to see that new Spielberg film?


Выучите фразы




Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms Jackson

Dear Maggie

Hi/Hello Maggie

Maggie, … (или без имени)

Previous contact

Thank you for your email of…

Further to your last email…

I apologize for not getting in contact with you before now.

Thanks for your email.

Re your email, …

Sorry I haven’t written for ages, but I’ve been really busy.

Reason for writing

I am writing in connection with…

I am writing with regard to…

In reply to your email, here are…

Your name was given to me by…

We would like to point out that…

Just a short note about…

I’m writing about…

Here’s the … you wanted.

I got your name from…

Please note that …

Giving information

I’m writing to let you know that…

We are able to confirm that…

I am delighted to tell you that…

We regret to inform you that…

Just a note to say…

We can confirm that…

Good news!

Unfortunately, …


Please find attached my report.

I’m sending you … as a pdf file.

I’ve attached…

Here is the … you wanted.

Asking for information

Could you give me some information about…?

I would like to know …

I’m interested in receiving/finding out …

Can you tell me a little more about…?

I’d like to know…

Please send me…


I’d be grateful if you could…

I wonder if you could…

Do you think I could have…?

Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.

Please could you…

Could you …?

Can I have …?

I’d appreciate your help on this.

Promising action

I will…

I’ll investigate the matter.

I will contact you again shortly.

I’ll …

I’ll look into it.

I’ll get back to you soon.

Offering help

Would you like me to…?

If you wish, I would be happy to…

Let me know whether you would like me to…

Do you want me to …?

Shall I …?

Let me know if you’d like me to…

Final comments

Thank you for your help.

Do not hesitate to contact us again if you require any further information.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. My direct line is…

Thanks again for …

Let me know if you need anything else.

Just give me a call if you have any questions. My number is …


I am looking forward to… (+ing)

Give my regards to…

Best wishes


Looking forward to … (+ing)

Best wishes to …

Speak to/See you soon.

Bye (for now)/All the best.

Напишите письма

а) другу в США; поздравьте с праздником;

б) родителям в России; расскажите о своих успехах в учёбе,

в) деловым партнёрам за рубежом; уточните детали соглашения.

Расположите фрагменты делового письма в правильном порядке. Запишите правильный вариант.


Mary Bates

Sales Manager


Yours sincerely


hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.


you if you can give us some idea of the quantity you are thinking of


selling very well.


from the printers. I will send it to you under separate cover as soon as


catalogue and price list. We are pleased to hear of your shop’s interest


Dear Mr Wilson


Mr J. Wilson


Brighton Sports

10 Putney Street

Brighton BN3 6FE


I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.


ordering. Our terms of payment are one month after receipt of invoice. Don’t


You asked about a quantity discount. We will be happy to discuss this with


possible. Please note our new line of children’s water toys which has been


in stocking our products. Unfortunately, the new catalogue is not yet back


Thank you for your letter of 3 May 1996 enquiring about our new sales


19 May 1996


Sea Star Sports Articles

100 Hayward Road, London NW2 4HF tel/fax: 0171-886 6789

Задание 29. Прочитайте следующие тексты. Найдите специальность, наиболее близкую вашей. Изучите текст и подготовьте презентацию вашего факультета.

BEng/BEng (Honours)

Electronic & Computer Engineering

Entry: 220 UCAS points, from Higher, Advanced Higher, Intermediate 2, A Level, AS Level or equivalent qualifications. Irish Leaving Certificate at 400 points or equivalent

Typical: SQA Higher: Must include Standard Grade Credit Maths and a minimum of 3 Highers. GCE A Level: Must Include GCSE Maths and a minimum of 3 AS Levels

This practical programme is concerned with the analysis of computer systems and how these systems interface with external equipment. The programme provides you with an opportunity to develop a complete understanding of computer systems including embedded systems, their specification, design and testing. In addition to studying the computer hardware, you will develop proficiency in programming and software design. A typical project in stage 3 might be 'The Design of an Audio Aid for the Blind' or 'Building an Intelligent Microprocessor-Based Toy'. Transfer to other programmes in our Engineering suite is possible.

What you study

Stage 1: Creative Engineering, Creative Science, Professional Skills, Maths, Computer Engineering, Engineering Science, Electronic Engineering, Elective.

Stage 2: Industrial Management, Mechatronics, Engineering Design, Maths, Control Measurement & Instrumentation, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Devices & Circuits. Elective.

Stage 3: Engineering Applications, Electronic Systems, Computer Systems, Engineering Economics, Group Assignment, Industrial Work Placement (Honours), Individual Project (Degree).

Stage 4: Honours Project, Professional Engineering, Electronic Design (Digital & Analogue), Embedded Processor Systems, Microelectronic Design (ASICs & FPGAs), Digital Signal Processing & Data Communications, Advanced Assignment.

Work placement

Twenty-week supervised work experience.

Careers/further study

Electronic Design Engineer, Electronic Test Engineer, Computer Support Engineer.

Degrees at Napier

BEng/BEng (Honours) Mechanical Engineering

Entry: 220 UCAS points, from Higher, Advanced Higher, Intermediate 2, A Level, AS Level or equivalent qualifications. Irish Leaving Certificate at 400 points or equivalent

Typical: SQA Higher: Must include Standard Grade Credit Maths and a minimum of 3 Highers. GCE A Level: Must Include GCSE Maths and a minimum of 3 AS Levels

Mechanical engineering offers a satisfying and rewarding career and remains one of the most popular engineering areas. There is a continuing demand for mechanical engineering professionals. Our programme provides graduates with the opportunity to work in a wide range of high technology industries, able to play a key role in many industrial sectors. The programme is initially broad based and specialises in the later years. The emphasis is on engineering applications and developments that reflect the needs of modern industry.

What you study

Stage 1: Professional Skills, Creative Engineering, Creative Science, Maths, Computer Engineering, Engineering Science, Electrical Engineering Principles, Elective.

Stage 2: Engineering Design, Mechatronics, Industrial

Management, Maths, Mechanics, Thermofluids, Materials & Manufacturing, Elective.

Stage 3: Engineering Applications, Materials, Manufacturing Systems, Case Studies in Engineering Economics, Group Assignment, Industrial Work Placement (Honours) or Individual Project (Degree).

Stage 4: Honours Project, Advanced Energy Systems, Mechanics, Dynamics, Professional Engineering, Advanced Assignment.

Work placement

Twenty-week supervised work experience

Careers/further study

Career opportunities for graduates are excellent, with the demand for qualified people currently outstripping supply in Scotland. Starting salaries are upwards of £20,000 a year. Transfer to other programmes in the Engineering suite is possible.

Degrees at Strathclyde University

Mathematics and Computer Science

BSc (Honours and Pass)

(in collaboration with the Department of Computer and Information Sciences)

Why study Mathematics and Computer Science?

The huge increase in the availability and power of computers has led to them being a necessary part of any modern business. Often, the problems that arise in the business world must first be formulated using Mathematics before the computer can be of use.

For instance, the aerodynamic design of cars and aeroplanes is carried out using computers. However, the computer and the engineer, both need to know the mathematical equations that govern the airflow around the car.

The Mathematics and Computer Science degree will give you a blend of skills required to tackle these types of problems in the business environment.


The two disciplines are studied equally during the first two years, but the flexible nature of this joint degree then allows students in Years 3-4 to take up to two-thirds of their classes in either Mathematics or Computer Science. Honours graduates who opt for a sufficient number of computing classes may seek accreditation from the British Computer Society.

Career Opportunities

Mathematicians with accompanying computing skills are eagerly sought after by employers. Recent graduates have found employment as business analysts with ScottishPower, and also in the IT sector as consultants with Detica Ltd.

Mobile Communication Systems

MEng BEng (Honours)

What are Mobile Communication Systems?

The rapid advances in telecommunication systems make it hard to believe that only a generation ago, transatlantic telephone calls had to be booked days in advance. Now we can easily communicate with people all over the world, and the majority of people in the developed world have a mobile phone.

Mobile phones operate by communicating with a base-station via a radio link. The underlying technology behind these systems is electronics. This technology is growing exponentially: for over three decades, the number of transistors on a silicon chip has doubled each year and continues to do so.

How will the telecommunications industry use the increase in electronic/computing capability on a silicon chip in the future?

One thing is certain - mobile phones will incorporate computing functionality and true Internet capability. Imagine having a videophone and a laptop PC fully connected to the Internet, all in one piece of equipment about the same size as a modern mobile phone.


Year 1: Focuses on fundamental Mathematics, Engineering Science (including Computing and IT) and Business and introduces hands-on training and experience of engineering through visits and seminars. Students are supported academically and pastorally by a group tutorial system.

Year 2: Completes the study of Mathematics and Engineering Science, continues Business Studies and introduces the core Technology subjects appropriate to the degree programme. A project-based laboratory class supports the technology subjects.

Year 3: Consolidates knowledge and understanding of the key Technology and Business subjects, introduces course-specific design and case studies and incorporates an integrated laboratory programme.

Year 4 (BEng): Provides the professional-level education and training in the Technology areas relevant to each course while offering a measure of subject choice reflecting the interests and aptitudes of the individual student. A major individual project provides opportunities for personal professional development as well as demonstrating knowledge, understanding and learning ability in a chosen Technology area.

Year 4 and 5 (MEng): Provide an integrated education and training to professional level in the relevant Technilogy areas and in Business Studies. Option choices allow both a broadening and a deepening of knowledge in a student’s chosen interests.

A major individual project in Year 4 and a major group project in Year 5 facilitate personal and professional development, the demonstration of knowledge and the application of learning, management and teamwork skills.

Independent learning skills, communication skills and teamwork are nurtured over the duration of the courses through a programme of individual and group assignments, dissertations and projects, requiring written and oral reporting.

Students in all the Electronic degrees study Analogue and Digital Electronic Circuits and Systems from the outset and learn to programme electronic devices at an early stage in the course.

In the later years, students have compulsory classes in subjects such as the Internet and Home Gateways and Mobile Communications, as well as a full range of optional modern electronic/computing classes that form a compulsory element of other degrees.

Case studies, individual and group projects in Years 3, 4 and 5 are based around mobile communication themes. Business and Management classes and free choice elective classes enable students to obtain a well-rounded education.

Electrical Energy Systems Engineering

MEng BEng (Honours)

What is Electrical Energy Systems Engineering?

Electrical Energy Systems Engineering (EESE) is a branch of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, which deals with all aspects of the supply, control and use of electrical energy.

Energy is vital to modern life: for powering industry and transport; providing heating and lighting; and operating the domestic, recreational, healthcare, business and personal items of equipment on which we have come to rely.

Electrical energy is one of the most important forms of energy because it can be:

  • Derived (converted) from other energy forms such as heat, light, chemical energy, mechanical work, nuclear energy

  • Converted into heat, light, sound, mechanical work, chemical energy

  • Easily delivered in large or small amounts

  • Controlled

  • Clean, quiet and safe when used correctly.

The need for electrical energy continues to increase as it replaces other energy forms for space heating, industrial processes and road/rail/sea transport. It is vital that this energy is made available at the minimum cost to our planet's resources and the environment. The challenge for engineers is to supply the energy and save the planet.


In Year 1, a class in Energy Studies introduces the context and scope of this technology and reinforces the importance of studying fundamental Mathematics, Science and IT.

In Year 3, following the completion of foundation studies, there is more emphasis on the energy technologies and students carry out a major design project in association with relevant industrial partners.

In Years 4 and 5, a range of energy systems options is available. Individual and group projects have a clear energy systems theme. Projects may also be associated with industrial companies, offering students access to real-life engineering problems.