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Английский язык (Elementary)_2.doc
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Tекст 2

Environmental Pollution

Big cities – big problems

Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways that human activity harms the natural environment.

Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing humanity and other life forms today.

Specific forms of environmental pollution in big cities are as follows:

  • environmental pollution in the form of an open garbage dump of a factory pouring out black smoke;

  • noise from traffic and machinery;

  • pollutants reducing the capacity of the atmosphere to filter out the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation;

  • automobiles providing the convenience of personal transportation, but creating a large percentage of the city’s pollutions;

  • factories making products that people use and enjoy which industrial processes can also pollute;

  • pesticides and fertilisers aiding in growing city parks;

  • rains washing some harmful chemicals in the city smoke out of the sky and onto land or into waterways.

However, pollution can be reduced in many ways without seriously disrupting people’s lives. For example, city government can pass laws that encourage plants and businesses to adopt less polluting methods of operation.

Scientists and engineers can develop products and processes that are cleaner and safer for the environment.

And individuals around the world can find their own ways to reduce environmental pollution.

PS. To end or greatly reduce pollution, people would have to reduce use of cars and other modern conveniences, and some factories would have to close or change production methods. Many people’s jobs dependent on industries that contribute to environmental pollution would be shut down, which increases unemployment. Do we have a choice? Any ideas? Speak out, please.

Задание 2. Прочитайте текст 3. Объясните значение терминов «Environmetalism» «Environmentalists». Найдите соответствия терминам в русском языке. Переведите текст и напишите краткое резюме, выразите свое отношение к экологической ситуации в мире и предложите свои варианты ее решения.

Impact of Environmentalism on Marketing Decision Making

Environmentalism is an organized movement of concerned citizens and government to protect and enhance people’s living environment. Environmentalists are concerned with strip mining, forest depletion, factory smoke, billboards, and litter; with the loss of recreational opportunities; and with the increase in health problems caused by bad water, air, and chemically sprayed food.

Environmentalists are not against marketing and consumption; they simply want businesses and consumers to operate on more ecological principles; They think the goal of the marketing system should be to maximize life quality. And life quality means not only the quantity and quality of consumer goods and services but also the quality of the environment.

Environmentalists want environmental costs factored into producer and consumer decision making. They favour taxes and regulations to limit the social costs of antienvironmental behavior, requiring businesses to invest in antipollution devices, taxing nonreturnable bottles, and banning high-phosphate detergents are viewed as necessary to induce businesses and consumers to act in environmentally sound ways.

Environmentalism has hit certain industries hard. Steel companies and public utilities have had to invest billions of dollars in pollution-control equipment and costlier fuels. The auto industry has had to introduce expensive emission controls in cars. The soap industry has had to increase biodegradability in its products. The gasoline industry has had to formulate low-lead and no-lead gasolines. These industries resent environmental regulations, especially when imposed too rapidly to allow the companies to make the proper adjustments. These companies have absorbed large costs and have passed them on to customers.

Companies have questioned how many people are willing to pay more for “green” products. A 2005 Simmons report shows U.S. consumers falling into four groups.

  1. Premium greens (22%): higher income, recycling regularly, willing to pay green premiums

  2. Red, white and green(20%): similar to premium greens but lower willingness to pay green premiums

  3. Ecologists (28%):limited resources, believe in recycling but do not practice it

  4. Convenient greens (11%): lower-income group, some will pay for green solutions if convenient

  5. Unconcerned (19%): low-income group, least informed about environment

This demonstrates that there are significant consumer groups who are willing to support green products and initiatives.

Задание 3. Прочитайте тексты 4 и 5. Это истории двух городов, расскажите о своем городе и его проблемах.