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Verbs made from nouns

4.3 In each space below put a verb made from the noun in brackets after the sentence.

1 The teachers ________ the pupils to study. (courage)

2 I want to __________ my house by building an extra room. (extent)

3 Fireworks _________ dogs and cats. (fright)

4 The doctor gave her some tablets to _________ the pain. (relief)

5 If the ambulance doesn’t come soon, he’ll _______ to death. (blood)

6 The police can’t ________ that he committed the crime. (proof)

7 More floods could ________ hundreds of homes. (danger)

8 The police are trying to ________ the body. (identity)

9 They plan to ________ the bridge by building more stone supports.


10 She said women must _________ themselves from male domination.


11 The smoke was so dense that we could hardly _______. (breath)

12 My brother and I decided to _______ the money we found. (half)

13 Why can’t they ________ the break so that we have time for a coffee?


Verbs made from adjectives

    1. en Make verbs ending in -en from the following adjectives, making

any necessary spelling changes, then put them in their correct places

in the sentences below.

tight / less / sweet / loose / deep / straight / weak / flat / worse / sharp / bright / light / ripe / quiet / broad / dark / deaf / wide

1 Tomorrow will begin dark and cloudy but it will _______ later.

2 You can _______ the risk of theft by locking your bicycle.

3 These apples _______ in June.

4 You should _______ this dish by adding sugar.

5 The hospital phoned to warn that her husband’s condition was beginning to ________.

6 This road is very narrow but they’re planning to ________ it.

7 He managed to ________ the ropes round his wrists and escape.

8 They decided to ________ the ship by throwing some machinery into the sea.

9 I don’t know how that loud disco music doesn’t ________ people.

10 They are going to _________ that rough area to make a football pitch.

11 When the evening began to _________, we turned on the lights.

12 They are going to ________ the harbour so that it can take bigger ships.

13 Have you a knife? I want to ______ my pencil.

14 Foreign travel will _______ your experience.

15 She gave the noisy baby a toy to _______ it.

16 Can you _________ that picture on the wall? It’s crooked.

17 That screw’s loose. _______ it with a screwdriver.

18 The boxer began the fight strongly but began to ________ in the fifth round.


1) Префиксы, имеющие отрицательное значение:

un – equal (равный) – unequal (неравный)

im – possible (возможный) – impossible (невозможный)

in – ability (способность) – inability (неспособность)

ir – regular (регулярный) – irregular (нерегулярный)

il – legal (легальный) – illegal (нелегальный)

dis – honest (честный) – dishonest (нечестный)

mis – to understand (понимать) – to misunderstand (неправильно понять)

non – interference (вмешательство) – non-interference (невмешательство)

2) Префиксы, которые придают слову противоположное значение или обозначают противоположное действие:

un – to tie (связывать) – to untie (развязывать)

dis – to appear (появляться) – to disappear (исчезать)

de – to control (контролировать) – to decontrol (освобождать от контроля)

anti – aircraft (самолет) – anti- aircraft (противовоздушный)

counter – to act (действовать) – to counteract (противодействовать)

3) Префиксы, имеющие значение «сверх», «пере», «чрезмерно».

over to pay (платить) - to overpay (переплатить)

super – human (человеческий) – to superhuman (сверхчеловеческий)

ultra – violet (фиолетовый) – ultra – violet (ультрафиолетовый)

4) Префикс, обозначающий повторное действие со значением «снова», «заново», «вновь», «пере», «вос», «повторный»:

re to construct (строить) – reconstruct (перестроить)

5) Префиксы, обозначающие общность действия, имеющие значение «между», «взаимно»:

co – operation (действие) – co-operation (сотрудничество)

international (национальный)international (интернациональный)

6) Префиксы, которые переводятся как:

а) «перед», «до»:

pre historic (исторический) – prehistoric (доисторический)

war (война, военный) – pre- war (довоенный)

b) «после»

post war (война) – postwar (послевоенный)

c) «недостаточно», «недо-»:

under – to pay (платить) – to underpay (недоплатить)

d) «под»:

sub – division (разделение) – subdivision (подразделение)

e) «экс», «бывший»:

ex – champion (чемпион) – ex–champion (бывший чемпион)

f) «полу»:

semi – conductor (проводник)semiconductor (полупроводник)

g) «много»

multy – storey (этаж) – multi-storey (многоэтажный)

h) «дву(х)»:

bi – centenary (век) – bicentenary (двухсотлетие)

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