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Article 330. Suretyship

introduced by (11) Law No. 154 of 11th July 1997 of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Concerning the Introduction of Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan Concerning Issues of Banking Activity.

By virtue of a suretyship, the surety assumes the obligation before the creditor of any other person (debtor) to be liable severally for the execution of that person's obligation in full or in part.

Article 331. Bases and Forms of Guarantees and Suretyships

introduced by (11) Law No. 154 of 11th July 1997 of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Concerning the Introduction of Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan Concerning Issues of Banking Activity.

amended by (24) Law No. 162 of 2nd March 2001 of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Concerning the Introduction of Amendments and Additions To Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan Concerning Issues of the Banking Activity.

1. A guarantee and a suretyship shall arise on the basis of suretyship or guarantee agreements. Application of guarantees may be established by legislation.

2. Guarantee or suretyship agreements must be made in writing. Any failure to comply with the written form shall render an agreement of suretyship or guarantee invalid.

3. The written from of guarantee or surety agreements shall be deemed to be complied with, provided the guarantor or surety notified in writing the creditor of his liability for the execution of the obligation by the debtor, and the creditor did not refuse the proposal of the guarantor or surety during the period of time which is reasonably required for such a refusal.

4. Second-tier banks may carry out issuing of banking guarantees and suretyships on the basis of the licences from the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the rules of this Code and subject to the requirements of the regulatory legal acts of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan which regulate the procedure for conducting said transactions.

Article 332. Liability of Guarantors and Sureties

introduced by (11) Law No. 154 of 11th July 1997 of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Concerning the Introduction of Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan Concerning Issues of Banking Activity.

1. Unless it is otherwise established by the agreement, a guarantee or a suretyship shall secure only valid claims. A guarantor and a surety shall not be released from their liability if they assumed the liability for a debtor whose incompetence had been previously been known to them, while the creditor had no knowledge of that circumstance.

2. The guarantor shall be liable to the creditor within the same volume as the debtor, including payment of damages, remuneration (interest), court expenses associated with the levying of the debt and other costs of the creditor incurred by the failure to execute the obligation or its improper execution by the debtor, unless it is otherwise established in the guarantee agreement.

3. The surety shall be liable before the creditor within the amount as indicated in the suretyship agreement, unless it is otherwise stipulated by its terms. Prior to presenting any claims to the surety who bears several liability, the creditor shall take reasonable measures to make the debtor satisfy this claim, particularly by offseting a counter claim and by imposing claims upon the debtors property in accordance with the established procedure.

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