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IX.Express your opinion of the psychologic and social problems that leprotic patients may suffer from.

X.Make up a dialogue between a specialist of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and a journalist working in periodicals.

J. How could you explain to laymen what leprosy is?

S. _______________________________________

J. Who gets leprosy?

S. _______________________________________

J. How is leprosy spread? Does historical shunning have scientific basic?

S. ___________________________________________

J. What are the symptoms of leprosy?

S. ___________________________________________

J. How soon after exposure do symptoms appear?

S. ___________________________________________

J. What is the treatment for leprosy?

S. ___________________________________________

J. How can leprosy be prevented?


J. Is it necessary to isolate victims in “leper colonies”?



I. Before reading the text find the following words in the dictionary in order to ease comprehension:

1) louse [laus ], pl. lice [ lais ]

2) to infest, infested, infestation

3) to hatch [hæf∫ ]

4) nymph [nimf ]

5) sesame['sesəmi ]

6) seed [si:d]

7) to burrow ['bə:rou ]

8) claw [k lo: ]

9) trench fever

10) nit [nit] ; to comb nits

11) to glue [ glu: ]

12) to scratch [ skræt∫ ]

13) crab [ kræb]

II. Read text fext "Pediculosis ". Pediculosis.

Pediculosis is an infestation of lice, blood-feeding ectoparasitic insects of the suborder Anoplura. The condition can occur in almost any species of mammal, but is commonly used to refer to the infestation of humans.

Head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) infestation is most frequent on children aged 3-10 and their families. Females get head lice more often than males, and infestation in blacks is rare.

Head lice are spread through direct head-to-head contact with an infested person. Body lice are transmitted through direct contact with the body, clothing or other personal items of a person already carrying lice. Pubic lice are most often spread by intimate contact with an infested person. Head lice occur on the head hair, body lice on the clothing, and pubic lice mainly on the hair near the groin. Human lice are not found on pets or other animals. Lice do not have wings and cannot jump.

From each egg or "nit" may hatch one nymph that will grow and develop to the adult louse. Full-grown lice are about the size of a sesame seed. Lice feed on blood once or more often each day by piercing the skin with their tiny needle-like mouthparts. Lice cannot burrow into the skin.

Head lice and body lice (Pedicidus humanus) are similar in appearance, although the head louse is often smaller. Pubic lice (Pthirus pubis), on the other hand, are quite distinctive. They have shorter bodies and pincer-like claws, making them look like crabs (hence, the nickname for pubic lice: "crabs").

The most common symptom of lice infestation is itching. Excessive scratching of the infested areas can cause sores, which may become infected. In addition, body lice can be a vector for louse-borne typhus, louse-borne relapsing fever or trench fever.

Lice on the hair and body are usually treated with medicated shampoos or cream rinses. Nit combs can be used to remove lice and nits from the hair. Laundering clothes using high heat can eliminate body lice. Efforts to treat should focus on the hair or body (or clothes), and not on the home environment.

Some lice have become resistant to certain (but not all) insecticides used in commercially available anti-louse products. A physician or pharmacist can prescribe or suggest treatments. Because empty eggs of head lice may remain glued on the hair long after the lice have been eliminated, treatment should be considered only when live (crawling) lice are discovered.

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