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Infectious pathogens ;

virus[vaι rəs]- вирус

Rickettsia [ri’ketsie] – риккетсии

bacterium [bæk`tiəriəm] pl. bacteria

Spirochete [spairоuki:t] – спирохета

Protozoa [,proutכ’zoue] –простейшие, микроорганизмы

multicellular parasite [pærə`sait] – многоклеточный паразит

fungus [‛fΛnqəs] – гриб, pl. fungi [‘fandgai]

Actinomyces [,ǽktino’maisiz] – актиномициты

Helminth [`helmin ] –гельминт, паразитический червь

Tick [`tik] – клещ

Mite [mait] – клещ (в домашней пыли)

Gnat [nǽt] – комар

Louse [laus] (pi. lice) –вошь

Bug [bag] – жук, клоп.

Flea [fli:] – блоха

Bite [bait] – n. укус, v. кусать

Spore [spo:] – спора

Strain [strein] – штамм, культура.

Dose [douz] – доза

Booster [bu:ste] dose – усиленная доза

Syn. Booster shot

To expose [iks’pouz] –подвергать действию

Exposure to [iks’puad3ə] – воздействие чего-либо, подвергание воздействию.

Toxemia [tok’si:mie] – отравление крови, заражение крови.

guarantine [`kworənti:n]-карантин, изоляция (инфекционного больного)

III. Form the nouns using the suffix(-tion), give their Russian equivalents:

To contaminate, to fumigate, to inoculate, to disinfect, to erupt, to vaccinate, to eradicate, to immunize, to contract, to transmit, to infect, to exterminate, to administer, to eliminate.

IV.Make the words negative:

Infection; hygienic; infestation; contagious; contamination ; communicable ; specific ; symptomatic ; sterile ; immunized

V.Complete this table:

Noun Verb Adjective (Particle)

Asepsis 1.

Contagion 2.

Contamination 3. 4.

Hygiene 5.

Immunity 6. 7.

8. 9. inoculated

Pathogen 10.

11. prophylactic

Susceptibility 12.

Transmission 13. transmitted

To carry 14. carried

Complete the sentences with the correct form of words from Ex.V.

1. It is necessary to maintain an …….. environment in the hospital wards by killing all germs.

2. The anthrax bacterium is ……. to the antibiotic Ciprofloxacin.

3. Originally, a disease …….. only by direct physical contact used to be called contagious.

4. A small quantity of material, such as a vaccine is introduced into the body in the process of …….. .

5. Rubber gloves help protect medical staff from …….. diseases.

6. ……… does not cure disease, but prevents it.

7. This patient must be …….. to German measles- he had it when he was a child.

8. The most ……. method to avoid contamination is to wash hands in hot water before taking meal.

9. Communicable diseases occur as a result of the interaction of the agent, the process of ……. and the host.

10. An infected person who shows no evidence of clinical disease is referred to as ……. .

11. The large areas of land have been …… by the spores of anthrax.

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