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III. Make the sentence complete:

1) Pediculosis is an infestation with

2) This infection causes ...

3) Continued scratching by the patient may result in ...

4) There are two varieties of the species affecting humans such as

5) Head lice are quite common in ...

6) Head lice do not indicate ...

7) They may be treated with ...

8) Body lice affect ...

9) In case of infestation with body lice, help is required from ...

10)Pubic lice (the crab louse) are

commonly ...

11 )Pubic lice respond to ...

a.secondary bacterial infection of the skin


c.social services


e.medicated lotions

f.severe itching

g.vagabonds* and refugees*

h.sexually transmitted

i.the head louse and the body louse

j.poor hygiene

k.the same treatment as head lice

vagabond * [ 'vægəbכnd ] - бродяга

refugees* [ ¸refju(:)dʒi: ] - беженец

IV. Substitute English words for Russian ones: What do head lice look like?

There are three forms of вши , namely: гниды, личинка and the adult louse:

Nit: Nits are lice яйца. They are hard to see and are often путают with dandruff

[ 'dændrΛf ] (перхоть) or hair spray капельки. Nits are found firmly прикреплены to the hair shaft. They are овальные and usually yellow to white. Nits take about a week, чтобы вылупиться.

Личинка: The nit hatches into a baby вошь called a nymph. It выглядит как an adult head louse, but is меньше. Nymphs созревают into adults about seven days after hatching. To live, the nymph must питаться on blood.

Adult: The adult louse is about the size of'а зерно кунжута, has six legs, and is tan to серовато-белого in color. In people with dark волосы, the adult louse looks darker. Женские особи nits; they are usually larger than мужские. Adult lice can live do 30 дней on a person's head. To live, adult lice need to feed on blood. If the louse падает off a person, it погибает within two days.

V. Listen to the text "Pediculosis " and retell it in Russian:

VI. Fill in the gaps with prepositions in the box:

of; to; by; under; through; for; from

How is a head lice infestation diagnosed?

Head lice can be detected ... looking closely ... the hair and scalp... nits, nymphs, or adults. Locating a nymph or adult may be difficult; there are usually only a few .. them, and they can move quickly ... searching fingers. However, the presence ... nits close ... the scalp confirms that a person is infested. If the nits are located more than 1/4 inch ... the scalp, the infestation is probably an old one. The nits ... head lice are easily visible ... a microscope.

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