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Модуль 9 “Retailing and Wholesaling.”

  1. English-Russian Vocabulary.

adjust (v)

регулировать, устанавливать, приспосабливать

advice (n)


arrange (v)


book (v)


broker (n)

брокер, посредник

catalogue sales

продажа с помощью каталогов

convey (v)

перевозить, сообщать, выражать

dealer (n)

торговец, посредник, дилер

department store (n)


discount store (n)

розничный магазин, торгующий по сниженным ценам

display (n)


distributor (n)

распределительная организация, фонд

door-to-door sales

продажа через торговых агентов на дому

fee (n)

гонорар, вознаграждение

furniture (n)


general merchandise store

магазин со смешанным товаром

immediately (adv)


institution (n)


jewelry (n)

ювелирные изделия

jobber (n)

оптовый торговец

merchandise agent

торговый агент

non-store retailing

продажа помимо магазина

obtain (v)


pack (v)


perform (v)

исполнять, выполнять

retailing (n)

розничная продажа

retailer (n)

розничный торговец

shelf (n)


specialty store

специализированный магазин розничной торговли

supermarket (n)

супермаркет, универсам

tray (n)

поднос, лоток

turnover (n)

оборот, товарооборот

vending machine

торговый автомат


оптовая продажа

  1. Text “Retailing”.

The retailer performs the last stage of the production process for it is he who puts the goods in the hands of the actual customers. His work is “to have the right goods in the right place at the right time”.

There are four types of retail institutions: 1) specialty stores, 2) supermarkets, 3) general merchandise stores, 4) non-store retailing.

Often specialty stores sell one type of product, such as clothing, jewelry, furniture, books. These stores having a better feeling of their market, compete against giant department stores. The can adjust more quickly to market conditions.

Big supermarkets are usually well located. All the goods are arranged on trays and shelves. All the prices are clearly marked. The goods are ready-weighed and beautifully packed. There you can find everything you need. The prices are reasonable.

General merchandise stores (GMS) carry a wide variety of products. There are three types of GMS, a) department stores, b) discount stores, c) hypermarkets. Big department stores started in America more than 50 years ago, and then the idea was brought to European countries. These stores are wonderful places. People can do all their shopping under one roof. All the things for sale are displayed so that they can be easily seen, and the customers walk around and choose what they want.

The store is divided into departments: women’s clothes, men’s clothes, shoes, toys, sports goods, china and glass. There may be a restaurant with an orchestra and sometimes a tea-room as well. You will also find a room where you can rest if you are tired. There is an office where you can book seats for the theatre or arrange to travel anywhere in the world.

Low price is the major attraction of the discount stores. These stores sell the most popular items, colours and sizes. The stores keep long hours and usually open on Sundays. Supermarket is a type of discount store that was developed in Germany. They are very large stores with low-price and high-turnover products. Supermarkets achieve cost savings by simplifying their unpacking and display.

There are three major types of non-store retailing: a) vending machines, b) door-to-door sales, c) catalogue sales.

  1. Exercises

Exercise 1. Express in one word.

1. money paid for a place to live

a. fees

2. money paid to the government

b. interest

3. money paid for the professional services

c. taxes

4. money in coins and notes, not cheques

d. wages

5. money paid to workers by hour or week

e. salary

6. money paid as charges on the money you borrow

f. rent

7. money paid to workers for a month’s or year’s work

g. pension

8. money paid to older people who no longer work

h. cash

9. money returned to you after you pay too much

i. change

Exercise 2. Match English and Russian equivalents.

1. wholesaling

a. продажа с помощью каталогов

2. vending machine

b. продажа помимо магазина

3. retailing

c. оптовая продажа

4. non-store retailing

d. продажа через торговых агентов на дому

5. door-to-door sales

e. торговый автомат

6. discount store

f. универмаг

7. department store

g. розничная прoдажа

8. catalogue sales

h. розничный магазин, торгующий по сниженным ценам

Exercise 3. Fill in the right word or word-combination:

general merchandise stores, discount stores, non-store retailing, specialty stores, departments, retailer.

  1. … performs the last stage of the production process.

  2. Often … sell one type of product, such as clothing, jewelry, furniture.

  3. There are three types of …, department stores, discount stores, supermarkets.

  4. The store is divided into …: women’s clothes, men’s clothes, shoes, china and glass.

  5. Low price is the major attraction of the … .

  6. There are three major types of …: vending machines, door-to-door sales, catalogue sales.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences.

1. The retailer performs … .

2. There are four types of retail institutions: … .

3. Specialty stores sell … .

4. General merchandise stores carry … .

5. There are three types of general merchandise stores … .

6. Discount stores sell … .

7. There are three major types of non-store retailing: … .

Exercise 5. Insert the necessary prepositions: of, into, under, on, against, to, at, in.

  1. The retailer puts the goods … the hands … the actual customers.

  2. His work is to have the right goods … the right place … the right time.

  3. Specialty stores compete … giant department stores.

  4. They can adjust more quickly … market conditions.

  5. All the goods are arranged … trays and shelves.

  6. People can do all their shopping … one roof.

  7. The store is divided … departments.

Exercise 6. Answer the questions to the text.

  1. What are the types of retail institutions?

  2. What are the advantages of specialty stores?

  3. What do supermarkets sell?

  4. What are the three major types of non-store retailing?

  1. Supplementary reading

Text “Wholesaling”.

Read the text and answer the questions:

  1. What is a wholesaler?

  2. What role does the wholesaler play in the economy?

  3. Would it be better without wholesalers? Explain.

  4. What is the most important function of a wholesaler?

Wholesalers are the institutions which stand between the manufacturer and the retailer. The wholesaler buys goods in bulk from producers and sells them in small quantities to retailers. In doing so he helps the production process. If you had an intention to be a successful manufacturer, you would make high quality products at a reasonable price for selected markets. If you intended to be a wholesaler, you would learn how to serve the market.

Wholesaler economises the distribution. The most important function of a wholesaler is to contact manufacturers and potential customers.

Wholesalers are used for information and advice. Suggestions which customers make to the retailer are passed to the wholesaler who conveys them to the manufacturer. Thus the latter can improve his product.

The wholesaler keeps stocks. Shoppers like to obtain goods immediately. This requires stocks. Often, however, neither the producer nor the retailer has extensive storage facilities and responsibility falls on the wholesaler.

Moreover he arranges imports from abroad. Foreign manufacturers can rarely bother to ship small parcels to individual retailers abroad. They prefer to deal with a wholesaler, an import merchant with established trade connections.

Wholesalers may be classified into three groups: manufacturer – owned operations, merchant wholesalers and merchandise agents and brokers. Manufacturers can establish their own wholesaling office or branch, the latter providing more services to its customers. Depending on the industry or geographical location merchant wholesalers are called distributors, jobbers, or dealers. Among merchandise agents there are selling agents, brokers, comission agents and action companies. They are all compensated by either a commission or a brokerage fee.