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Lesson 5. The Clinical Basis of the Academy

I. Прочитайте и запомните значения следующих английских слов и словосочетаний

basis ['beisis] – база

specialized ['speSq"laizd] – специализированный

obstetric [qbs'tetrik] – акушерский

cardiologic ["k@:diq'lO8ik] - кардиологический

internal [n't3:nl] – внутренний

laboratory [lq'bOrqtqri] – лаборатория

inpatient ['in"peiSqnt] – стационарный

outpatient ['aut"peiSqnt] – амбулаторный

ward [wO:d] – палата

operating theater – операционная

sterilizing room – стерилизационная

dressing room – перевязочная

chief [7i:f] – главный

qualified ['kwOlifaid] – квалифицированный

completely [kqmp'li:tli] – полностью

experienced [ik'spiqriqnst] – опытный

take the temperature – измерять температуру

injection [in'8ekSqn] – инъекция

give injections – делать инъекции

apply [q'plai] – ставить

mustard plaster ['m0stqd"pl@:stq] - горчичник

transfusion [r1ns'fj9Zn] – переливание крови

prescription [pris'kripSqn] – назначение

II. Прочитайте и назовите русский эквивалент названий

a) клиник больницы

Surgical clinic, obstetric and gynecologic clinic, clinic of nervous diseases, cardiologic clinic, clinic of internal diseases, urologic clinic, endocrinology clinic, gastroenterological clinic, ophthalmological clinic, otorhinolaryngological clinic, clinic of traumatology

б) помещений в отделениях клиник

X-ray room, operating theater, sterilizing room, dressing room, ward

III. Прочитайте текст, переведите его на русский язык и выполните упражнения после текста

The Hospital of Peter the Great

The Peter the Great hospital is the clinical basis of the St.-Petersburg State Medical Academy. It is one of the largest hospitals in the city. The hospital has many specialized clinics and curative centers. There are Surgical Clinics, the Obstetric and the Gynecologic Clinic, the Clinic of Nervous Diseases, the Cardiologic Clinic, the Clinic of Internal Diseases, the Urologic Clinic, the Endocrinology Clinic and many others. There are also different laboratories in the hospital.

Each clinic has in-patient and out-patient departments. There are wards, X-ray rooms, operating theatres, sterilizing rooms and dressing rooms in these departments. The chief-physician is at the head of the hospital, and the head of the clinic is a professor who is responsible for the work of the clinic in general. Different specialists work in the hospital, such as surgeons, therapeutists, neurologists, psychiatrists, gynecologists, urologists, endocrinologists, laboratory assistants and others.

Thousands of patients come to the hospital every year and get highly qualified medical aid. All the physicians try to be very attentive to the needs of their patients and do their best to treat them completely.

Specialists at the hospital not only treat patients but also teach students. They deliver lectures, give practical classes and teach students general and special methods of treating patients. The most experienced doctors are responsible for the practical work of students. Junior students must have special practical work as nurses. During this practice they take the patients’ temperature, measure blood pressure, give injections, apply mustard plasters, make transfusions and carry out other prescriptions of the doctor in charge. Senior students have patients and treat them under the guidance of experienced doctors.

IV. Ответьте на вопросы словосочетаниями из текста.

1. What is the basis of the St.-Petersburg State Medical Academy? 2. What clinics are there in the hospital? 3. What departments are there in each clinic? 4. What rooms are there in these departments? 5. Who is at the head of the hospital? 6. Who is the head of the clinic? 7. What specialists work in the hospital? 8. Why do thousands of patients come to the hospital every year? 9. What do specialists of the hospital do besides treating patients? 10. How do they teach students? 11. What kind of practical work do junior students have? 12. What do junior students do during their medical practice? 13. What do senior students do in the hospital?

V. Выпишите и запомните название клиник больницы Петра Великого.

VI. Заполните пропуски необходимыми по смыслу словами и словосочетаниями.

1. Hospital of Peter the Great is the ... of SPSMA. 2. This hospital is one of the ... in our city. 3. There are many ... in the hospital. 4. Each clinic has ... and ... departments. 5. There are ... in these departments. 6. The hospital is headed by ... . 7. ... specialists work in the hospital. 8. ... of patients come to the hospital every year. 9. All the ... try to do their best to help their patients. 10. Many specialists of the hospital also ... students. 11. They ... lectures, ... practical classes. 12. The most ... doctors are responsible for the practical work of students. 13. All junior students have their practical work as ... . 14. They ... injections, ... the patients' temperature and blood pressure, ... transfusions, apply .... 15. Students ... prescriptions of the ... . 16. ... have patients and treat them under the ... .

VII. Выпишите и выучите названия следующих отраслей медицины и специалистов, в них работающих:

эндокринология, офтальмология, отоларингология, пульмонология, акушерство, анатомия, терапия, урология, гинекология, гигиена, кардиология, физиология, невропатология, гистология, фармацевтика, хирургия, фармакология.

VIII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What is a therapeutist? 2. What is the main duty of a surgeon? 3. What does anatomist do? 4. What is neurology? 5. What does pulmonologist do? 6. What diseases does ophthalmologist treat? 7. What is endocrinology? 8. What does histologist do? 9. Diseases of what organs does otorhinolaringologist treat? 10. What specialist treats cardiovascular disorders? 11. How do we call a person who works in a drug-store? 12. What specialists study the structure of the human body?

IX. Опровергните следующие положения, используя выражения: That's wrong; You are wrong; I'm afraid you are wrong; On the contrary; I cannot agree with you; You are mistaken.


1. The SPSMA is the basis of the Peter the Great hospital. 2. The Peter the Great hospital is the largest in St.Petersburg. 3. There are only surgical clinics in the hospital. 4. The Peter the Great hospital has only outpatient departments. 5. Only therapeutists work in the hospital. 6. Thousands of patients come to the hospital every day. 7. Specialists at the Peter the Great hospital treat patients and do not teach students. 8. Students of SPSMA have their practical work outside the hospital.


1. Surgeons work in X-ray departments. 2. Pulmonologists treat disorders of the urinary system. 3. The task of any therapeutist is to perform operations. 4. Patients with ear, nose and throat disorders usually come to a therapeutic clinic. 5. The main task of a hygienist is to study anatomical structure of the human body. 6. Endocrinologists treat diseases of heart and blood vessels. 7. Neurology studies the work of cardiovascular system. 8. An obstetrician study different cells and cell preparations.

X. Заполните пропуски необходимыми по смыслу словами, обращая внимание на использование конструкции it is... that (who, where).

1. It is ... who performs surgical operations. 2. It is in ... where ear, nose and throat diseases are treated. 3. It is ... who deals with nervous diseases. 4. It is in ... where ambulatory patients are treated. 5. It is ... who treats cardiovascular disorders. 6. It is ... who treats patients under the guidance of experienced doctors. 7. It is ... which is obligatory for all the students. 8. It is ... which serves the basis for the St.Petersburg State Medical Academy. 9. It is ... which was earlier called the Mechnikov Hospital. 10. It is ... who is responsible for the work of the clinic in general. 11. It is ... who not only treat patients but also teach students. 12. It is ... who is at the head of the hospital.

XI. Назовите английский эквивалент следующих русских предложений.

1. Ежегодно больница принимает сотни больных. 2. Студенты старших курсов проходят практику в клиниках больницы им. Петра Великого. 3. В больнице есть стационарные и амбулаторные отделения. 4. Больница им. Петра Великого база – Санкт-Петербургской государственной медицинской академии. 5. Студенты младших курсов проходят сестринскую практику. 6. Во время практики студенты работают в клиниках больницы. 7. В больнице много разных клиник. 9. Во главе больницы стоит главный врач, который отвечает за работу всей больницы в целом. 9. Наиболее опытные врачи руководят практической работой студентов. 10. Специалисты больницы им. Петра Великого лечат больных и обучают студентов. 11. Старшекурсники лечат больных под руководством опытных врачей. 12. Во время практики студенты делают уколы больным, измеряют температуру и давление, ставят горчичники и банки.

Lesson 6. Medical service in the Russian Federation

I. Прочитайте следующие слова, запомните их произношение и значение.

abdomen ['1bdqmem] – живот, брюшная полость

acutely [q'kj9tli] – остро, внезапно

emergency [i'm3:8qnsi] –неотложный, срочный emergency ambulance service-

скорая(неотложная) помощь

administer [ qd'ministq] –назначать

ambulance ['1mbjqlqns] – атомобиль скорой помощи

humanity [hl9'm1niti]– гуманность

kind [kaind] – вид, разновидность

measure ['meZq] - измерять

obligatory [qb'ligqtqri] – обязательный

once [w0ns] – один раз

outside ["aut'said] - вне

prescription [pris'kripSqn] – предписание, назначение

prevention [pri'venSn] – профилактика

procedure [prq's:8q] – процедура

proper ['prOpq] – соответствующий

provide [prq'vaid] – обеспечивать

receive [ri'si:v] – получать

refer [ri'f3:] - направлять

regular – регулярный

render ['regjqlq] – оказывать

suddenly ['s0dqnli] – вдруг, внезапно

throat [Trqut] - горло

availability [q"veilq'biliti] –доступность

be in charge [7@:8] – обслуживать

break (up) [breik] – разразиться, внезапно начаться

checkup ['7ek0p] – осмотр

clear [kliq] – ясный, понятный

complaint [kqmpleint] – жалоба

coppetence ['kOmpitqns] - компетенция

concern [kqn's3:n] – иметь дело, касаться

data ['deitq] – данные

definite ['defqnqt] – точный, определенный

diagnosis ["daiq'gnqusis] - диагноз

discharge [dis7@:8] – выписывать

dispensary [di'spensqri] - диспансер

fall ill - заболеть

II. Назовите русский эквивалент следующих словосочетаний

Call a doctor in, listen to the heart, medical assistance, feel a pulse, palpate abdomen, physical examination, certain symptoms, proper treatment б district doctor, consulting hours, case history, sick leave

III. Назовите русский эквивалент следующих названий больниц

General hospital, infectious disease hospital, mental disease hospital, oncologic clinic, maternity home

IV. Прочитайте Текст 1, переведите его и ответьте на вопросы после текста.