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Lesson 7. Policlinic

I. Прочитайте следующие слова, запомните их произношение и значение.

in need – нуждаться

consulting room – кабинет врача

call a doctor in – вызвать врача на дом

waiting room – зал ожидания

invite [in'vait] – приглашать

learn [l3:n] – узнать, знать

common ['kOmqn] – общий

subjective [sqb'8ektiv] – субъективный

manifestation ["m1nifes'teiSn] – проявление

run a temperature – иметь температуру

thermometer [Tq'mOmiq] – термометр

fever ['fi:vq] – лихорадка, жар

sweating ['swetiN] – потливость

ache [eik] – боль

headache ['hedeik] – головная боль

backache ['b1keik] – боль в спине

malaise [mq'leiz] – недомогание

nausea ['n%siq] – тошнота

diarrhea ["daiq'riq] – понос

vomiting ['vOmitiN] – рвота

constipation ["kOnsti'peiSn] – запор

breathlessness [breTlqsnis] – одышка

sore [s%] – больной

throat [Trqut] – горло

cough [kOf] – кашель

giddiness ['gidinqs] – головокружение

weakness ['wi:knqs] – слабость

tremor ['tremq] – дрожь, тремор

rash [r1S] – сыпь

tumour ['tj9mq] – опухоль

sign [sain] – признак

include [in'kl9d] – включать

routine [r9'ti:n] – обычный

blood [bl0d] – кровь

sputum ['spj9tqm] – мокрота

urine ['juqrin] – моча

cerebrospinal ["seribrq'spainql] – цереброспинильный

fluid ['fl9id] – жидкость

palpation [p1l'peiSn] – пальпация

percussion [pq'k0Sn] – перкуссия

auscultation ['%skql'teiSn] – аускультация

extremity [ik'stremiti] – конечность

establish [is't1bliS] – устанавливать

reliable [ri'laiqbl] – надежный

determine [di't3:min] – определять

bed rest – постельный режим

II. Прочитайте текст, переведите его на русский язык и выполните упражнения после текста

At the policlinic

Those people who fall ill must receive medical help. This may be done at the policlinic, hospital, dispensary, etc. But as a rule, patients in need of medical treatment are to see, first of all, their district doctor in his consulting room. They may call him in, or receive medical aid at the place of work. When patients go to the policlinic they usually have to wait in the waiting room for the doctor to invite them.

In order to make the patient's diagnosis the doctor must learn about common symptoms, subjective manifestations of the patient's chief complaint. He should know if the patient is running a temperature, and if so, he must ask the patient to take it with the thermometer.

The most common symptoms include fever, sweating, general body ache, headache, backache, muscle or joint ache, malaise, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation and breathlessness. The patient may also complain of sore throat, cough, giddiness, weakness, tremor and pain. During physical examination the doctor may find rash, sweating, distension or tumor. These are objective findings called signs, which also include the results of routine laboratory examinations of blood, sputum, urine and stools and possibly the cerebrospinal fluid too.

In his consulting room (surgery) the doctor is likely to use one of the three most common methods of examination: palpation, percussion and auscultation.

In examining the patient the doctor proceeds, as a rule, from the top of the head down to the neck, to the chest and abdomen, and finally to the extremities.

This – together with the patient's past history and family history – helps to establish a reliable diagnosis and to determine what kind of treatment is needed. Then the doctor can write out a prescription, recommend bed rest or hospitalization, invite the patient for another visit or – if necessary – send him to a certain specialist.

III. Ответьте на вопросы словосочетаниями из текста

1. Where may а person receive medical help? 2. What has a patient usually to do when he goes to a polyclinic? 5. What must a doctor learn to make diagnosis? 4. What do the most common symptoms include? 5. What may a doctor find during physical examination? 6. What do objective signs include? 7. What are the four classic methods of examination? 8. How does the physical examination of a patient proceed? 9. What does physical examination help to do? 10. What can a district doctor do after physical examination?

IV. Прочитайте следующие словосочетания и переведите их.

to run а temperature, to take a temperature, first of all, past history, family history, if necessary, bed rest.

V. Выпишите из текста, переведите и запомните названия основных симптомов.

VI. Выпишите из текста, переведите и запомните название основных объективных признаков заболевания.

VII. Найдите русский эквивалент следующих английских слов и словосочетаний.

general body ache общее недомогание

nausea одышка

headache боль в теле

malaise головная боль breathlessness головокружение

weakness тошнота

giddiness слабость

VIII. Составьте словосочетания со словом "ache".




back ache




IX. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словосочетаниями из текста.

1. The patient complained of ... . 2. The symptoms of common cold include ... 3. The child ill with whooping cough was ... . 4. The girl with signs of poisoning was complaining of ... . 5. An ill person had a ... . 6. In case of hypertension a patient has ... . 7. Many infectious diseases are characterized by ... .

X. Используя две колонки словосочетаний, составьте предложения и переведите их на русский язык.

Common cold is characterized by high temperature and


Whooping cough is characterized by sore throat

Tonsillitis is characterized by tubercle microbes in

the sputum

Measles is characterized by severe attacks of


Poisoning is characterized by rash and high


Tuberculosis is characterized by nausea and diarrhea

XI. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Медицинскую помощь можно получить в поликлинике, больнице или диспансере. 2. Вероятно у больного жар. 3. Должно быть у него недомогание. 4. Наверное, у больного высокая температура. 5. Врач должен был поставить диагноз. 6. У него, вероятно, сильная головная боль. 7. Надо измерить давление больному. 8. Врач, наверняка, поставил достоверный диагноз.

XII. Расскажите о вашем последнем посещении врача и о вашем заболевании, используя слова из текстов 1 и 2.

XIII. Прочитайте и выучите следующие диалоги.

Dialogue 1

D. Good morning Mr.Clark! What’s brought you along* today?

P. Well, you see doctor, I have headaches, and ...

D. And how long have they been bothering* you?

P. Well, they started about three months ago.

D. I see. Now let me examine you.


* to bring along – приводить

* to bother – беспокоить

Dialogue 2

  1. What’s the matter with you, Mr. Brown?

P. Oh, Doctor, I’m sicker than I knew*. I have a terrible cough. My temperature is 38,2°C.

D. When did you get sick?

P. About a week ago.

  1. I’d better start by examining you. Strip to the waist, please. I must sound* you. Big breath, please. Again. Cough a little. Again. I see ... Put on your clothes. I’m afraid it’s pneumonia.

P. Are you sure, Doctor?

  1. I think it is pneumonia. But for an extra confirmation* you’ll have your chest film made and get the blood test done.


* I’m sicker than I knew – мне никогда не было так плохо

* extra confirmation – дополнительное подтверждение

* to sound – послушать

Dialogue 3

  1. Well, Mrs. Smith, what’s the trouble?

P. I’m in severe abdominal pain.

D. When were you taken ill?

P. All was well until ten-twelve hours ago. Then I began to feel pains.

D. Did you vomit?

P. I did.

I’ll have to do some work on you. Tense* your abdomen. Physically the abdomen is rigid* and there is tenderness*. I’m certain that you have acute appendicitis. Emergency removal of your appendix is necessary.


* to tense – напрягать

* rigid – плотный, твердый

* tenderness – болезненность

Dialogue 4

  1. What do you complain of, John?

P. I have a bad headache and a sore throat. I feel a sort of feverish*.

D. Let me feel your pulse. Open your mouth, please. I see your tongue is coated and your throat is inflamed. Now strip to the waist, please.

(The doctor sounds the lungs).

Take a deep breath. Well, you are to keep your bed for three days at least*. Here is a prescription. The medicine is to be taken three times a day, before meals, two tablespoonfuls* each time. It will help to keep the fever down.

P. Thank you, doctor.


* to feel feverish – лихорадить

* at least – по крайней мере

* tablespoonful – по столовой ложке

Задание 21. Составьте диалоги о посещении врача.