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Lesson 8. Hospital

I. Прочитайте следующие слова, запомните их произношение и значение.

serious ['siqriqs] –серьезный, тяжелый

demand [di'm@:nd] – требовать

divide [di'vaid] – делить

intend [in'tend] – предназначать

tuberculosis [tju"b3:kju'lqusis] – туберкулез

mental ['mentl] – психический

disorder [di's%dq] – нарушение, заболевание

list patients – плановые больные

nurse on duty – дежурная медсестра

surname ['s3:neim] – фамилия

patronymic ["p1trq'nimik] – отчество

occupation ["Okjq'peiSqn] – профессия

contain [kqn'tein] – содержать

consist [kqn'sist] – состоять

department [di'p@:tmqnt] – отделение

filing cabinet – картотека

differ ['difq] – отличаться, различаться

depend (on) [di'pend] – зависеть (от)

lavatory ['l1vqtqri] – туалет

kitchen ['ki7in] – кухня

II. Прочитайте текст, переведите его на русский язык и выполните упражнения после текста


Patients whose state is too serious and who demand in-patient caring are hospitalized. There are different types of hospitals, including infectious disease hospitals, therapeutic hospitals, departmental hospitals, oncologic clinics and others. All the hospitals are divided into general and specialized ones. The specialized hospitals are intended for treating patients with tuberculosis, infectious diseases, mental disorders, etc.

Usually patients are hospitalized according to doctor's recommendation. Emergency cases are taken to the hospital even without having the doctor's recommendations. List patients are usually admitted to the department or ward depending on their state and diseases.

Receiving a patient a nurse on duty has to take his clinic case history, including physical examination and laboratory studies, systematic classification of the common symptoms and signs. When writing a case history, the nurse must make a compilation of the patient's case record (clinical notes), as well as putting down the patient's personal data (name, surname, patronymic, age, social status, occupation, address, etc.). The case history should con­tain the date of patient's admitting to the hospital and the date of his leaving (discharging), diagnosis and recommendations.

A general hospital is usually divided into two parts, consisting of outpatient and in-patient departments. Consulting rooms, waiting rooms, a filing cabinet, where records are kept, and laboratories and X-ray rooms making a part of a hospital are called outpatient departments.

The basic unit of the in-patient department is a ward, where patients receive their nursing and medical care. The number of wards differs depending on the size of the hospital, but in general there are several groups of wards including medical, surgical, special surgical, obstetric and gynecologic, pediatric, etc.

A ward consists of rooms for patients, a treatment room, nurse's room, bathrooms and lavatories; there may also be an admission room, a kitchen, and a small laboratory.

III. Ответьте на вопрос словосочетанием из текста.

I. What patients are usually hospitalized? 2. What types of hospitals are there in Russia? 3. How are all the hospitals divided? 4. Whom are specialized hospitals intended for? 5. How are usually patients hospi­talized? 6. How are emergency cases hospitalized? 7. Into what departments are list patients admitted? 8. What has a nurse on duty to do receiving a patient? 9. What must a nurse write down when filling in a case history? 10. What should a case history contain? 11. What parts does a general hospital usually consist of? 12. What is an outpatient department? 13. What is a basic unit of the in-patient department? 14. What does the number of wards in the hospital depend on? 15. What wards are usually there in the hospital? 16. What rooms does a ward consist of?

IV. Назовите значения следующих русских словосочетаний и запомните их:

outpatient department, list patients, filing cabinet, admission room, specialized hospital, inpatient caring, emergency case, nurse on duty, case history, general hospital, consulting room.

V. Назовите английский синоним данного русского слова.

принимать (advise, admit, according), включать (induce, include, involve), различный (even, any, various), содержать (develop, consist, contain), обеспечивать (provide, discharge, demand), состояние (state, stage, study, condition).

VI. Используя две колонки слов, составьте словосочетания, соответствующие данным русским:

история болезни, неотложная помощь, маленький размер, болезненное состояние, различные требования, медицинский уход, длинный список;

disease aid

long size

case history

small state

emergency list

different care

medical demand

VII. Составьте как можно больше словосочетаний со словам various.




various case-history




IX. Заполните пропуски соответствующими словосочетаниями.

1. The nurse on duty filled in the patient's ... . 2. The patient was seriously ill and needed ... . 3. ... in hospitals must be on a high level. 4. There are ... of patients waiting for specialized medical care. 3. The ... of a person was quite obvious even with­out examination. 6. This hospital is of ... . 7. Medical care at the hospital must correspond ... . 8. ... are treated by highly qualified specialists in general hospitals.

X. Укажите русский эквивалент следующих английских словосочетаний:

provide treatment предназначать для лечения

admit to the hospital состояние больного

discharge from the hospital данные на больного

intend for treatment поступать больницу

patient’s state проводить лечение

patient's data выписывать из больницы

XI. Используя две колонки словосочетаний составьте предложения и переведите их на русский язык.

1. There are 1. the patient’s case history

2. On admission to the hospital the 2. different types of hospitals

nurse on duty 3. general and specialized ones

3. The patients are recommended for 4. by a district doctor

hospitalization 5. inpatient and outpatient


4. Data on patients age, occupation, 6. fills in a case-history

social status are included into 7. in any hospital

5. A general hospital has

6. The hospitals are divided into

7. There are many different rooms

XII. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Сегодня мой друг попал в больницу. 2. Его принимала дежурная медсестра. 3. Она заполнила его историю болезни и направила к дежурному врачу. 4. Врач осмотрел моего друга. 5. Он спросил о его жалобах и диагнозе. 6. Затем он направил его в хирургическую палату. 7. Палата была большой, в ней было пять коек. 8. Моему другу было рекомендовано хирургическое лечение.

XIII. Заполните пропуски соответствующими словами:

  1. ill – sick

1. The nurse mixed the medicine with a teaspoon and gave it to the ... man who sat up in the bed to take it. 2. When people are ... and have a temperature over 39C we say they are in a high fever. 3. When I come to the dissecting room I feel ... . 4. She was suddenly taken ... .

  1. illness (sickness) – disease

1. Did the man suffer from any chronic ... or complications after a serious ...? 2. Scarlet fever is an infectious ... . 3. His ... prevented him from going to school together with his friends.

  1. treat – cure

1. After scarlet fever complications developed, and they had to be ... for a month before the patient was completely ... . 2. The open air in the mountains ... him of headache. 3. The doctor said that if I followed his instructions I should soon be ... of the disease.

d) cure – heal

Fresh air, sunshine, good food may ... a patient lung inflammation. 2. After a slight fever which lasted for two weeks, the wound ... and the patient recovered. 3. The doctor prescribed me a medicine, which ... a deep cut in my finger.

  1. ache – pain – hurt

1. As an old man was coming home a sudden ... in his heart made him stop and take some nitroglycerine. 2. Wet weather often makes old people feel an ... in their bones. 3. He fell down the stairs and ... his leg. 4. This heavy suitcase makes my arm ... . 5. Did you ... yourself?

XIV. Прочитайте следующие диалоги и на их основе составьте свои собственные.

Dialogue 1

N. Do you want to make your daily round of patients, doctor?

D. Yes, madam, please accompany me.

N. Of course, doctor. All the patients are ready.

D. We’ll begin our round with a men’s department. How many patients are there in the department.

N. The department is full, doctor. There are no vacant places. There is not a single place.

Dialogue 2

D. Show me the case history of this patient, please! How does he feel?

N. He feels much better. He has eaten a little this morning.

D. What was his temperature?

N. He had no fever.

D. That’s a good sign.

Dialogue 3

D. How does the patient from ward 4 feel? Did he have stools?

Yes, he slept well at night. But in the morning he vomited again and he has diarrhea as before.

D. What does he take? Give him ganidan, 2 tablets three times a day.

  1. Yes, doctor.

Dialogue 4

  1. It is necessary to transfer the old gentleman from ward 12 to the surgical department. And this young man, what does he take?

N. Here is his prescription. He receives intravenous injections of gammaglobulin and vitamin B12 intramuscularly 2 times a day.

Dialogue 5

D. What drugs does this child take?

  1. He takes supraxin, one tablet six times each twenty-four hours.

D. Does the child receive tonics?

  1. Yes, doctor, during the whole week.

D. Stop giving him diphenylhydromine hydrochloride (димедрол). Cancel dioxine (диоксин). Continue PASK. Continue the same prescription.

XV. Переведите на русский язык следующие истории болезни, при необходимости пользуясь словарем.

  1. Case one

A man, aged 44, fell ill. He returned home from his work on the day previous to the onset of his illness and felt a bad headache and chillness.

The physician who examined the man in the afternoon found the symptoms of influenza. The man complained of pains in the head, back, eyes, limbs and joints.

He had a fever, which ranged from 38,5 to 39,7C.

He was hoarse and had a harsh cough. He often sneezed. The mucous membrane of the nose and throat was red. The examination of the urine showed nothing abnormal. The sick man kept his bed for several days and regularly took the medicine. In several days the fever fell to normal. The pains in the limbs and joints disappeared but a marked hoarseness remained for several days. In two weeks the man was well again.

  1. Case two.

A young man, aged 24, fell ill with the flu. The illness began with a chill, and during five days he had a bad headache.

On the sixth day the doctor sent him to the hospital. To the doctor who examined him there he complained of prostration and pains in the limbs and in the right chest.

His temperature was 39,2C, pulse 126 and respiratory rate 32 per minute. BP (blood pressure) was 120/70 mm Hg. The doctor diagnosed pneumonia as a complication after the influenza. The urine was normal. Laboratory analysis revealed pneumococci in the sputum. Hemoglobin content was normal. Blood count showed leucocytosis (12,000 leucocytes per cubic millimeter). Blood culture remained sterile.

The doctor prescribed sulfa drugs, which the patient took during a week. By the end of the week he felt and looked well. His temperature fell to normal, he slept well and his appetite was good. He did not complain of discomfort and made a complete recovery. Soon he left the hospital and went to the sanatorium.

  1. Case three.

A man, aged 52, developed a mild upper respiratory infection one week previous to admission. Two days before he had chills, fever, and marked prostration. He coughed but did not complain of chest pain.

The man’s temperature was 39,3C, pulse 126 and respiratory rate 36 per minute; BP 140/90 mm Hg.

He had bronchial breathing over the right lateral chest.

The urine was normal. Hemoglobin content was 85% and leukocyte count 20.000. Laboratory analysis revealed type I pneumococci in the sputum. An X-ray film of the chest showed a large area of density in the right upper field of the lung.

The patient received an initial oral dose of 2 g of sulfadiazine, and then 1 g every four hours. The treatment lasted 11 days. On the seventh day of the therapy the patient felt and looked much better. The bronchial breathing disappeared.

In twelve days the temperature fell to normal; leukocyte count lowered to 7.200. Pulse was 80 and respiratory rate 20 per minute. Soon the patient made a complete recovery without any complications.

XVI. Напишите историю болезни больного, используя в качестве образца истории болезни, приведенные в упражнении XV:

а) страдающего ангиной

б) ОРЗ

в) гриппом