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Magistrate Course in Interpreting.doc
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Section 3. Memory Exercise

Ex.1. Tongue Tanglers (для отработки дикции).

На дровяном дворе цапля чахла, цапля сохла, цапля сдохла, цыпленок же цапли цепко цеплялся за цепь, которой носил Сеня сено в сани, потом повез Сенька Соньку с Санькой на санках: санки – скок, Сеньку – в бок, Соньку – в лоб, все – в сугроб, а потом пошел Саша по шоссе, а Сонька – Сашкина подружка сосала сушку, да притом у Соньки-вертушки во рту еще и три ватрушки – аккурат в медовик, но Сонька и с ватрушками во рту пономаря перепономарит-перевыпономарит и жужжит, как жужелица, жужжит да кружится: иной молодец против овец, против молодца сама овца, а я была у Фрола – Фролу на Лавра наврала, пойду к Лавру на Фрола Лавру навру, да еще расскажу, что – вахмистр с вахмистршей, ротмистр – с ротмистршей, у ужа – ужата, у ежа – ежата, а у него высокопоставленный гость унес трость, а пять ребят опять съели пять опят с полчетвертью четверика чечевицы без червоточины да тысячу шестьсот шестьдесят шесть пирогов с творогом из сыворотки из-под простокваши, – о всем о том колокола звоном раззванивали, да так, что даже Константин – зальцбуржский бесперспективняк из-под бронетранпортера констатировал: грех – не смех – не уложить в орех, а как те колокола не переколоколовать, не перевыколоколовать, так и всех скороговорок не перескороговорить, не перевыскороговорить; но попытка – не пытка.

Ex.2. Read and Repeat. Ask your partner to translate without looking at the text.


1. The basic difference between classical music and jazz is that in the former the music is always greater than its performance, whereas the way jazz is performed is always more important than what is being performed." - (André Previn)

2. Like the international avant-garde, rock-and-roll is the creative product of a rebellious youth culture trying to reach a mass audience. Its artists embrace technological innovation. (Mary Anne Staniszewski)

3. Bullfighting is the only art in which the artist is in danger of death and in which the degree of brilliance in the performance is left to the fighter's honor. (Hemingway)

4. A good painting to me has always been like a friend. It keeps me company, comforts and inspires. (Hedy Lamarr)

5. We live in a very sick society in which rudeness, sadism and sex have all become commodities. We have become a society of barbarians who love to be entertained by vulgarians. Steve Allen

6. Abstract art: a product of the untalented sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered.

7. An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs. (Edgard Varese)

8. Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in. (Amy Lowell)

9. Art produces ugly things which frequently become more beautiful with time. Fashion, on the other hand, produces beautiful things which always become ugly with time. (Jean Cocteau)

10. Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos. (Stephen Sondheim)

11. If you do not breathe through writing, if you do not cry out in writing, or sing in writing, then don't write, because our culture has no use for it. (Anais Nin)

Ex3. Dictation (ref to keys)

  1. Any buyer of this wine is likely to have a hangover before their first glass, with the ______________ costing a tab-busting ___________.This means each ________ glass costs around __________- enough for ___________ glasses of wine in a pub.

  2. A black cocktail dress worn by Marilyn Monroe has smashed auction estimates of ________ _______ and sold for ____________, and tops __________ paid for her dress worn in ___________ last year.

  3. Also up for sale was the straw hat worn by Audrey Hepburn in __________, which sold for ___________ and Elizabeth Taylor's throne from ________, which fetched _________.

  4. The highest priced relic is regarded to be a pair of ruby slippers from __________ sold in ____________ for an incredible ____________

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