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How to improve your memory

"I have such a bad memory." "I'm terrible at names." "My memory is appalling." How often do you hear people describe their bad memories as if they were beyond their control?Yet there are a number of tried and tested techniques for improving your memory; you can learn to be better at it.We spoke to the memory man himself, Tony Buzan, author of more than 80 books on the subject, and asked him whether some people are simply naturally more forgetful than others.He's says nothing could be further from the truth."If you are 'simply forgetful' it simply means that you're not using your memory. It's the same as being physically unfit or unhealthy; it's within your power to change. Everyone can improve their memory. Absolutely and definitely."

How memory works

There are 100 billion neurons that make up your brain. Yes, 100 billion. These are wired up to one anther through thousands of connections, known as synapses.Your memories form when certain connections are strengthened by your experiences. This can even be recreated artificially; scientists can give an electrical impulse to a pair of neutrons and that allows the two of them to communicate more easily.

Maximising your memory

So how can you go about improving your memory? Tony recommends using his MindMap technique as a memory aid when you're trying to absorb lots of information, perhaps when you're studying for an exam.

He's written a number of books on his Mind Map technique, including 'The Most Important Graph in the World', which is published next month.The principles behind Mind Mapping suggest that trying to cram information through dull, linear note-taking actively prevents your mind from absorbing information.Instead, students should create branches of information coming off a central idea, adding images and exclamations, and making connections and associations. If you're worried about drawing this, there's a free trial of some Mind Map software available on his website.However, most people don't need to cram information for exams, they simply struggle with sudden forgetfulness, does that sound more familiar? Perhaps you sometimes go into rooms and can't remember why, or forget the groceries you need to pick up. So how can you improve your day-to-day memory? Tony says it's about making a conscious decision to form good memory habits, and changing the way you think about goals and targets. This applies even to small goals such as adding shopping to your list."You have to focus on what you want to do. Picture the outcome you want so that you have a target, you have to consciously imagine your goal. This will massively improve your brain's memory power."He argues that with the right amount of effort, you could see improvement in your memory within just a few hours.

A case in point

Proof that you can train your memory to near-superhuman levels is Dominic O'Brien, eight times World Memory Champion. This is a man who broke a world record in 2002 by memorising the order of a random sequence of 54 packs of playing cards — that's 2808 individual cards.He wasn't born with this ability; Dominic began training in 1987. Unfortunately, the secret is hard work: "I think a lot of it is practice and motivation," he explains."But I think most people can do this if they really tried, although whether everyone could get to championship sort of level I don't know"It's a great exercise for your brain… You don't have to be born with skill, just practice, but it does require an open mind."Dominic believes that there are many benefits to improving your memory, beyond simply forgetting less."We now know that if you train your working memory, it increases fluid intelligence, which is what gives you the ability to reason and solve new problems."Tony agrees: "As you train your memory, you become simultaneously more creative on all levels and fascinatingly, less stressed. It's because you're not trying to remember in linear ways, which isn't how your mind works."He has one final motivating reason for people to follow Dominic's example: "I'm happy to say that modern science is now indicating that if you train your memory, your physical brain cells make more connections and you get a more powerful brain." A more powerful brain, less stress and remembering all your groceries? Motivation indeed.



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