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Answer the following questions by circling the correct response. Each question only has one correct response.

Chapter One

  1. Check all of the following organizations that would best be described by the term “open system.”

    1. A training institute within a federal bureaucracy.

    2. A public affairs office within the armed forces.

    3. An excellent private hospital.

    4. A monopoly in the energy field.

  1. Check the knowledge, skill or ability not expected of a public relations technician.

    1. Writing content for various communication campaigns and programs

    2. Linking objectives of activities to organizational goals

    3. Creating communications vehicles for specific messages

    4. Creating goals for the organization and crisis communications plans

  1. True or false: utilities in quasi-monopolistic markets and nonprofit associations are more likely to support professional development of public relations managers than private banks or government agencies.

    1. True

    2. False

  1. Describe the field of public relations as practiced today compared to 100 years ago.

    1. Publicity

    2. Public information

    3. Public education

    4. Focused on building relationships

    5. All of the above

  1. True or false: there is no one best way to manage public relations.

    1. True

    2. False

  1. In the United States, women public relations practitioners earn, on average, what percent of pay that is paid men performing comparable work:

    1. 50 percent

    2. 60 percent

    3. 70 percent

    4. 80 percent

    5. 90 percent

  1. Professor Elizabeth Lance Toth has described the area above “the glass ceiling” as:

    1. The domain of public relations managers

    2. The domain of male managers

    3. The domain of general managers

    4. The domain of the dominant coalition

  1. A religious sect and a bureau within a bureaucracy are good examples of what type of system:

    1. Closed

    2. Boundary spanning

    3. Open

    4. General

  1. Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) was described as the dominant marketing concept of the 1990s. It refers to the combination of:

    1. Marketing, advertising and employee communication

    2. Marketing, advertising and public relations

    3. Marketing, advertising, public relations and human resource management

    4. Marketing and advertising

  1. Which of the following is not considered part of Grunig’s four models of public relations?

    1. Press agentry

    2. Public information

    3. One way asymmetric

    4. Two way symmetric

Chapter Two

  1. Which of the following are characteristics of ethical issues especially operating at the interpersonal levels of analysis?

    1. Gender

    2. Education level

    3. Friendship

    4. Small group behavior

  1. Which of the following factors are within the control of an organization and can affect its ethical decision-making?

    1. An organization’s regulators

    2. An organization’s technology

    3. An organizations competitive environment

    4. An organization’s professional associations

  1. True or false: research by social scientists indicates there are no significant differences in moral values between men and women—that there are no differences between the way men and women think about ethics.

    1. True

    2. False

  1. Which of the following is not a recommended strategy for increasing cooperation leading to more ethical decision-making in public relations?

    1. Making relationships among participants more durable and frequent.

    2. Keeping the payoffs the same.

    3. Teaching participants to care about each other.

    4. Keeping others from interfering.

    5. Organizing the key relationships more formally.

  1. Two fundamental sources of authority for all ethical decision making are:

    1. Laws and public policies

    2. Cultural values and beliefs

    3. Intuitive and naturalistic assumptions

    4. Loyalties and principles

  1. Being fair, being equitable, being impartial are examples of what type of duty:

    1. Duty of fidelity

    2. Duty of gratitude

    3. Duty of justice

    4. Duty of beneficence

    5. Duty of self-improvement

Chapter Three

  1. Check all of the factors outside the control of an organization that affect ethical decision-making.

    1. An organization’s technology

    2. Small group dynamics within the organization

    3. Employee-supervisor interpersonal communication

    4. Public policies and laws

    5. The dominant coalition’s world view

  1. Which of the following factors is considered an essential characteristics of a profession.

    1. Mastery of a body of knowledge

    2. Acceptance into a professional association

    3. State sanctioned admission into the profession

    4. University-level education

    5. State sanctioned procedures for removing practitioners who violate professional standards

  1. This statement—professional communicators protect confidential information and, at the same time, comply with all legal requirements for the disclosure of information affecting the welfare of others--is an example of an ethical principle that primarily emphasizes which of the following levels of analysis?

    1. Intrapersonal—factors within the person

    2. Interpersonal and small group

    3. Organizational

    4. Public policies and laws

    5. Cultural values and beliefs

  1. This statement—professional communicators will be prepared to identify the source of funding of any public communication for which they are responsible--is an example of an ethical principle that is principally focused on which of the following levels of analysis?

    1. Interpersonal

    2. Small group

    3. Organizational

    4. Public policies and laws

    5. Cultural values and beliefs

  1. This statement—professional communicators refrain from taking part in any undertaking that the communicator considers to be unethical--is an example of an ethical principle that is principally focused on which of the following levels of analysis?

    1. Intrapersonal

    2. Small group

    3. Organizational

    4. Public policies and laws

    5. Cultural values and beliefs

Chapter Four

  1. Which of the following can be described as a process goal?

    1. To increase public awareness by 20 percent over the next 18 months.

    2. To reach 80 percent of all editors of newspapers in the top 10 markets in the next two months.

    3. To increase awareness by ten percent based on target audience recall of seeing commercial message.

    4. To sell 5,000 units more this year than we did last year.

  1. What part of the following sentence is the moderating variable: By producing and distributing 50,000 brochures to 1,000 retail outlets within the Mid-Atlantic region in June we will increase awareness of the new government regulations not only by store owners but also by customers and, therefore, reduce the number of violations of these regulations.

    1. Producing and distributing 50,000 brochures

    2. To 1,000 retail outlets

    3. Within the Mid-Atlantic region

    4. Increase awareness of the new government regulations