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Раздел 6. Экономическая теория конституции

6.1 Конституциональная экономика

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Савас Э.С. Приватизация: ключ к рынку. М.: Дело, 1992. Ч. 2. С. 53 - 158.

Фридман и Хайек о свободе. Вашингтон, 1985. Минск, 1991.

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Buchanan James M. Economics. Between Predictive Science and Moral Philosophy // Texas A&M University Press, 1987.

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Lee Dwight R. The Calculus of Consent and the Constitution of Capitalism // Cato Journal, 1987, Vol. 7(2). P. 305-312.

Mueller D.C. Constitutional and Liberal Rights // Analyse & Kritik, 18, Sept. 1996, P. 96-117.

ORDO. Jahrbuch fur die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. 1992. Bd. 43. Stuttgart, Jena, N.Y.

Paul J. Zak and Stehen Knack, Trust and Growth , July 1998, WP #219

Peter Ordeshook, Constitutions For New Democracies: Reflections of Turmoil or Agents Of Stability? May, 1995, WP #162

Pontusson, J. (1992). The Limits of social democracy. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Vanberg V. Organizations as Constitutional Systems. – Constitutional Political Economy. 1992. Vol. 3. P. 223-253.

Vanberg V. Rules and Choice in Economics. – L. N.Y.: Routledge, 1994

6.2 Парадокс либерализма

Gaertner W., Pattanaik P., Suzumura K. Individual Rights Revisited. -Economica, 1992, vol. 59, May, p. 161-77.

Lott J., Wittman D. The Myth of Democratic Failure. - Public Choice, 1997, vol. 91, No 3/4, June, p. 1-13.

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Sen A. Liberty, Unanimity and Rights. - Economica, 1976, vol. 43, p. 217-245.

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