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How To Write a Business Letter in English

There are many different reasons for writing a business letter. However, most business letters follow some general guidelines as described below.

Difficulty: Average

Time Required: 40 minutes

Here's How:

  1. Use block style - do not indent paragraphs.

  2. Include address of the person you are writing to at the top of the letter, below your company address. For example:

Buyers Inc. Alan Smith, Director 28376 Red Ave. New York, NY 25009

  1. After the address, double space and include date

Buyers Inc. Alan Smith, Director 28376 Red Ave. New York, NY 25009

June 24, 2012

  1. Double space (or as much as you need to put the body of the letter in the center) and include the salutation. Include Mr. for men or Ms for women, unless the recipient has a title such as Dr.

June 24, 2012

Dear Mr. Anders:

  1. State a reference reason for your letter (i.e. 'With reference to our telephone conversation...'

  2. Give the reason for writing (i.e. 'I am writing to you to confirm our order...') For example:

I enjoyed our conversation earlier today. I am writing to follow-up with a few questions about your products.

  1. Make any request you may have (i.e. 'I would be grateful if you could include a brochure...') For example:

Could we meet next week to discuss the proposal in person? I am available any time between 9 and 2 Monday through Thursday.

  1. If there is to be further contact, refer to this contact (i.e. 'I look forward to meeting you at...') For example:

I look forward to seeing you again next week.

  1. Close the letter with a thank you (i.e. 'Thank you for your prompt help...')

  2. Finish the letter with a salutation (i.e. 'Yours sincerely,')

  3. Include 4 spaces and type your full name and title For example:

Yours sincerely,

Kenneth Beare

  1. sign the letter between the salutation and the typed name and title


  1. Keep the letter brief and to the point

  2. Do not use shortened verb forms - write them out (i.e. 'don't instead of do not')

  3. Always keep a copy of correspondence for future reference

Guide to Basic Business Letters

The basics of good business letter writing are easy to learn. The following guide provides the phrases that are usually found in any standard business letter. This basic of business letters are important because certain formulas are recognized and handled accordingly.

Think of a basic business letter in three steps:

  1. Introduction - The reason for writing

The introduction helps the reader understand in which context the letter should be considered. Possibilities include job interview inquires, business opportunity requests, complaints, and more. Of course, Eeach type of business letter has its own standard phrases.

  1. Details - What you would like to accomplish

The detail section of a business letter is extremely important. This is where you achieve your goals in writing a business letter.

  1. Conclusion / Next Steps - What you would like to happen in the future

Provide a call for future action. This can be a chance to talk in person, a follow-up letter or more. It's important and expected to make it clear what you would like for the next step from the person reading your business letter.

The phrases presented in this guide provide a frame and introduction to the content of business letters. At the end of this guide, you will find links to sites that give tips on the difficult part of writing successful business letters - arguing your business objective. By using these standard phrases, you can give a professional tone to your English business letters. Once you understand these basics, you can refine your business letter writing skills by focusing on different types of business letters, as well as other business documents to refine your skills for your business needs at your employers or your own small business organization.

The Start

The start of any business letter begins by addressing the recipient of the letter.

Dear Personnel Director,

Dear Sir or Madam: (use if you don't know who you are writing to)

Dear Dr, Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms Smith: (use if you know who you are writing to, and have a formal relationship with - VERY IMPORTANT use Ms for women unless asked to use Mrs or Miss)

Dear Frank: (use if the person is a close business contact or friend)

Note: If you are unsure how formal you should be, always choose a more formal form. Writing to a specific person is always preferred if at all possible.

The Reference

Begin by referencing a specific conversation or other contact means. If this is the first letter in a conversation, you can also provide the reason for writing.

With reference to your advertisement in the Times, your letter of 23 rd March, your phone call today, Thank you for your letter of March 5 th .

The Reason for Writing