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Английский язык деловые переговоры.doc
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Facilitating Maneuvers

The Chinese unquestionably prefer tо negotiate on their own territory as it facilitates their internal communications and decision-making procedures and maximizes their control over the ambience of а negotiation. They will purposefully orchestrate all aspects of the environment — press play, the mood of their officials, banquet toasts, the quality of the cuisine, and sight-seeing excursions — tо create а context favorable tо their purposes.

When the Chinese wish to develop а relationship with а foreign government, political or trade officials they use а variety of diplomatic and negotiating ploys tо facilitate agreement and minimize differences. They may use а trusted intermediary tо convey positions tо а foreign government in advance of а negotiation in а deniable or face-saving manner and in order tо "load” the agenda of their foreign counterpart. Accordingly, they used the Pakistani government in 1971 tо communicate their initial positions tо the Nixon Administration in advance of Kissinger's secret visit tо Beijing. They can show magnanimity when they want tо strengthen а relationship, as in 1980 when they offered Secretary of Defense Harold Brown the opportunity tо purchase certain rare earth metals which they knew the U.S. government needed.

They can express differences bу indirection and subtlety of language tо minimize confrontation or draw out their interlocutor with ambiguous yet suggestive formulas. For to "the Japanese formula" — without spelling out in precise detail what this "formula" entailed. They may resort tо stalling tactics tо protract а negotiation when premature closure would be unfavorable to their interests or lead tо а deadlock. Or they may reach а partial agreement on issues where compromise serves their ends, but explicitly reserve their position on irreconcilable differences for negotiation at а later time in more favorable circumstances. For example, in late 1978 the Chinese agreed tо the U.S. formula for establishing diplomatic relations on all points except continuing American arms sales tо Taiwan. On this issue they publicly indicated that — while agreeing tо normalize — they сould not accept the U.S. position and reserved the intention tо negotiate the difference of view at a later date.

1. Where and why do the Chinese prefer tо negotiate?

2. What ploys do the Chinese use when they wish to develop a relationship with foreign government?

3. How do the Chinese minimize confrontation in the talks

EXERCISE 4. Train your thinking and communicating.

Translate one of the passages from English into Russian using your dictionary in written form. Put 10-15 questions to the text. Then have (guide) a conversation using your questions in pairs.

Negotiating Skills Can Be Taught

1. The basic skills. From the array of necessary skills that enter into almost all negotiations - the purchase of a used car or a new home or the negotiation of an international trade treaty - several basics have been selected for teaching purposes.

The first is the ability to prepare a flexible scenario. One is expected to devise a set of modified, strategic plans and approaches. Since any single plan may not be effective, several must be developed and then you should get prepared to implement each. If more than one person is involved in the negotiation, the scenario must identify the appropriate role for each team member.

Then it is necessary to study the ways of overcoming selective barriers and gateways to communication. What are the assumptions about opposing teams that team members have?

2. Body language is another basic area of study. Negotiators must be aware of what their own body language communicates, what behaviours are typical of their own culture, and of the vast differences in meaning implicit in the non-verbal communications in other cultures.

Exercises in the use of voice and the need for congruence in words used and their presentation constitute another basic area of study. One must become aware of his/her own listening styles, how they filter what they hear, and where they need further study or practice.

There exist the importance of understanding the use of emotions in the negotiation process. It is emphasized that each negotiator would do well to understand his/her own emotional responses during the negotiation - in particular, those of anger and anxiety.

Finally, one must compose an ad hoc agreement at the very end of the negotiation. Being able to arrive at some agreement at the close of a negotiation is a significant and basic skill. Everyone is expected to understand the costs of time and expertise.

EXERCISE 5. Increase your skills in translating and rendering.

Translate one of the passages of the text from Russian into English in written form. Look through the text and render it in English.