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Утворення термінів за допомогою суфіксів є в англійській мові та­ким же продуктивним способом утворення термінів, як і префіксація. Важ­ливою умовою правильного перекладу суфіксальних термінів є знання зна­чень суфіксів та основних способів перекладу термінів з тим чи тим суфік­сом. В цьому розділі розглядається переклад термінів з вісьмома активни­ми у термінотворенні англійськими суфіксами та напівсуфіксами.

1. Терміни з суфіксом -er/-or

За допомогою суфікса -er/-or від дієслівних або іменних основ утво­рюються іменники (reader), в тому числі складнопохідні іменники (speech-writer). Похідні слова з цим суфіксом мають два основних значення - "лю­дина" і "машина":

1) людина за родом занять: financier- фінансист, assessor- оцінник, inventor- винахідник, 2) людина за звичками або звичною поведінкою: movie-goer - любитель кіно, 3) людина, яка щось робить (постійно): peace­maker - миротворець, 4) людина певних поглядів або учасник певного руху: right-winger- людина правих поглядів, 5) людина за суспільним станом, віком, місцем проживання тощо: insider - член групи; 6) машина, пристрій, елемент тощо із спеціальною функцією: blower - вентилятор, mutator - ртут­ний вентиль; 7) конкретний предмет із спеціальною функцією: receptor-рецептор, ledger- головна бухгалтерська книга.

Похідні слова (терміни) із суфіксом -er/-or звичайно перекладають­ся такими способами:

1) транскодуванням: transputer- трансп'ютер, laser- лазер, container

- контейнер, distributor- дистрибутор, reflector- рефлектор, tractor- трак­ тор, cultivator- культиватор, bulldozer- бульдозер;

2) похідними термінами з суфіксами -ник, -ач, -ар/-яр, -ець, -ка: dis- solver - розчинювач, boiler (heater) - кип'ятильник, conductor - провідник, erector (integrator, rigger) - складальник, disperser - розпилювач, caster (foun­ der, moulder) - ливарник, breaker - вимикач, transmitter - передавач, translator

- перекладач, bootmaker - чоботар, cutter (graver) - різець, clipper - косарка;

3) термінами-словосполученнями, що містять слова на кшталт "при­ стрій" або "апарат" dispenser- дозувальний пристрій, distiller- перегінний апарат, handler - транспортувальний пристрій, chopper - рубальна машина, clarifier- очисний пристрій, cleaner- миючий засіб;


4) описовим способом (шляхом розкриття поняття): closer - ряд клад­ки між віконними прорізами, localiser- курсовий посадочний радіомаяк, liner- зовнішній шар суцільного склеєного картону.

Слід зазначити, що терміни з суфіксом -er/-or можуть мати й інші види перекладних відповідників, які не піддаються зазначеній вище класи­фікації, наприклад: leveler - геодезист, killer - отруйний домішок, jitter - флук­туація, holder- патрон; корпус.

Завдання Перекладіть речення, звертаючи увагу на адекватність перекладу термінів із суфіксом -er/-or:

1. Signals from many microphones may be combined in a "mixer" to produce a finished recording. 2. The long-awaited Energiya, the so-called "su­per booster," made its debut on May 15, 1987. 3. The amount of time the film is immersed in the developer solution is critical and must be accurately measured. 4. If a fluid condenses, the heat exchanger is a condenser. If a fluid evaporates, the heat exchanger is an evaporator. 5. Mercenaries often proved unreliable, however, selling their services to the highest bidder or turning to plunder at war's end. 6. Biological sensors, or biosensors, are electronic devices designed to provide data on biochemical processes taking place in the body. 7. A particle accelerator is a device for increasing the energy of electrically charged atomic particles. 8. By far the most active black filmmaker was Oscar Micheaux, who independently made more than 30 features between 1918 and 1948. 9. Other operative deliveries can be conducted using forceps or a vacuum extractor. 10. Caustic soda (lye) is a widely used industrial chemical that is also used in the home as a commercial drain cleaner and an oven cleaner. 11. The primary functi­on of the power piston, then, is to compress and expand the gas, and the primary function of the displacer is to heat and cool the gas. 12. In contemporary music, electrical signals corresponding to desired sounds may be generated directly by a synthesizer or computer and combined with microphone signals. 13. The one finally approved - the Naval Research Laboratory's Vanguard proposal - invol­ved upgrading two existing sounding rockets, the Viking and the Aerobee, and the construction of a few solid-propellant rockets, creating a three-stage launc­her. 14. It now comprises about 3,100 utilities including systems owned by priva­te investors, federal and other government bodies, and cooperative-user groups. 15. When modulated on a radio frequency (RF) carrier on an assigned channel frequency, the signal can be picked up by a home receiver and decoded to display the original color scene on the picture tube. 16. A laser is useful because it produ­ces light that is not only of essentially a single frequency but also coherent, with the light waves all moving along together in unison. 17. The McCormick-Hussey reaper cut grain with a reciprocating cutting bar and had a reel that put the cut grain onto a conveyer, where it was manually bound. 18. The electric conversion transducer, for example, changes electricity from one frequency to another, and some of the most common transducers change energy from one form into anot-


her. 19. The best-known bitters are angostura aromatic bitters, created in the 1920s as an appetite enhancer and general cure-all by a German physician in the army of Simon Bolivar. 20. Science fiction writer William Gibson coined the word in Neuromancer (1984), a novel in which "hackers" connect their brains directly to a computer network where the data of multinational corporations are represented as geometrical shapes in a virtual reality landscape. 21. The injector system for a gasoline engine uses sensors to read the amount of oxygen in the exhaust, an indicator of how efficiently and cleanly fuel is being burned in the engine cylinders; sensors also monitor engine speed and other significant measu­res of performance. 22. All rectifiers perform the same basic function of rectify­ing an electronic current—that is, transforming an alternating current (AC) con­taining both positive and negative components into a fluctuating current having only a positive or negative component—a direct current (DC). 23. A comparator is any device that measures the properties of an object by matching them with known reference values; mechanical comparators, for example, are used to mea­sure dimensions in the production of parts by machine tools. 24. Business machi­nes, devices originally designed to aid in the performance of routine clerical work in offices, have evolved radically from, for example, the first typewriter, of the 1860s through today's word processor. 25. A compiler is a type of computer software designed to translate programs written in high-level languages into ele­mentary machine language suited to a particular computer. 26. A circuit breaker is tripped by a device that senses the excessive current, such as an electromagnet, or by a temperature-sensitive device, such as a thermostat. 27. In the 1960s mer­gers began to take place among companies in substantially different industries. Greyhound, a bus company, acquired Armour, a meat packer. 28. With the Stee-lers, Stautner was an "enforcer": he defended his teammates by "going after" any opponents who played "dirty"—that is, dangerously outside the rules. 29. The British National Remote Sensing Center (NRSC), with facilities in several nati­ons, is Europe's largest commercial supplier of data combined from satellites in the Landsat, SPOT, and ERS series, among others. 30. A range finder, often used in military and photographic equipment, is an instrument that determines the dis­tance from a home reference point to a distant object by optical and trigonomet­ric means. 31. The normal viewer can match any color by using a mixture of three wavelengths. Viewers who have defective color vision, or color blindness, may require abnormal proportions of the three wavelengths (anomalous trichroma­tism). 32. The Levellers' aims are not easy to disentangle, but they were essenti­ally individualistic—unlike the communistic Diggers, an even shorter-lived mo­vement of the same period. 33. Sir Rowland Hill, b. Dec. 3, 1795, d. Aug. 27, 1879, was an English inventor, administrator, and educator who is remembered chiefly as a postal reformer and an innovator in the field of printing. 34. The MiG-31 (Foxhound) two-seat strategic interceptor was introduced into service two years earlier, in 1983.35. A particle accelerator is a device for increasing the energy of electrically charged atomic particles. 36. The first, built by Alvin Clark and installed in 1888, is the second-largest refractor in the world. 37. Adams was


educated at Cambridge and became a fellow, tutor, and professor of astronomy and geometry before being named director of Cambridge Observatory in 1861. 38. British biologist Charles Elton, b. Mar. 29, 1900, d. May 1, 1991, was a major contributor to modern ecology. 39. The French astronomer Pierre Jules Cesar Janssen, b. Feb. 22,1824, d. Dec. 23,1907, was an early investigator in the fields of astronomical spectroscopy and photography, especially as applied to the Sun. 40. If a fluid condenses, the heat exchanger is a condenser. If a fluid evaporates, the heat exchanger is an evaporator. 41. In the 1960s mergers began to take place among companies in substantially different industries. Greyhound, a bus company, acquired Armour, a meat packer. 42. Second, learning involves the progressive development of skills like reading and mathematics—skills that are basic academic enablers. 43. When a borrower (абонент) is seeking a parti­cular title, the computer is given the task of searching the library booklist and comparing the desired title with the list. 44. Signals from many microphones may be combined in a "mixer" to produce a finished recording. In contemporary mu­sic, electrical signals corresponding to desired sounds may be generated directly by a synthesizer or computer. 45. In playback, the pattern is "read" by a small laser and photocell. 46. The sound-wave pattern is represented by variations in the frequency of a "carrier" signal whose average frequency is above 1 mega­hertz. 47. The 1912 invention of the "Audion" vacuum-tube amplifier by Lee de Forest, however, inspired efforts to develop electrically amplified phonographs. 48. Most of the fundamentals of modern loudspeaker design, including the cor­rect use of a large "woofer" and small "tweeter" to reproduce low and high frequ­encies, respectively, were established in Hollywood about 1935. 49. Modern ta­pes use plastic resins for the "binder" that glues the magnetic powder to the bac­king. 50. This in turn was adapted as a satellite launcher, and on Jan. 31, 1958, the modified rocket, sometimes referred to as Juno 1, put the first American satellite into orbit. 51. Reactor control is achieved by carefully balancing the neutron production rate with the neutron loss rate, most commonly by adjusting the amount of neutron absorber, or control, in the core. 52. Although IBM was a latecomer to the computer business, its superior reputation, ambjtion, financial resources, and marketing skills gradually lifted it above its competitors.

2. Терміни з напівсуфіксом -free

Напівсуфікс -free в похідних словах переважно термінологічного характеру має два основні значення:

  1. такий, що не містить чогось: salt-free- такий, що не містить солі, sugar-free- такий, що не містить цукру;

  2. вільний від чогось: aberration-free image - безабераційне зобра­ження, error-free communication - безпомилкова передача даних.

Терміни з напівсуфіксом -free перекладаються звичайно такими спо­собами:


  1. найчастіше складними термінами, де відповідником напівсуфікса -free виступає підрядне означувальне речення (як правило, заперечуваль-не), що вводиться сполучними словами "що", "де", "який", "коли" і нерід­ко має присудок на кшталт "містити", "мати": oxygen-freeatmosphere- ат­мосфера, що не містить кисню, frost-freearea- зона, де немає морозів, ma­intenance-freebattery- батарея, що не потребує догляду, examination-freelearning - навчання, де немає іспитів, ice-free period of the year - сезон, коли немає льоду, trouble-free- який не завдає проблем, duty-free- який не об­кладається митом, shark-free beach - пляж, де немає акул, quartz-free - який не містить кварцу, calcium-free- який не містить кальцію, sand-free- де немає піску, fat-free- що не містить жирів, basalt-free- де немає базальту (про планету Меркурій), ion-free water - вода, що не містить іонів, pesticide-free food - їжа, що не містить пестицидів, vegetation-free - де немає рослин­ності, phosphate-freedetergent- миючий засіб, що не містить фосфатів;

  2. похідними термінами з префіксом без-: nuclear-free zone - без'ядер­на зона, toll-free - безкоштовний (про зв'язок), tuition-free - безкоштовний (про навчання), tariff-free access - безтарифний доступ, defect-free - безде­фектний, gravity-free - безгравітаційний, error-free observation - безпомил­кове спостереження, recoil-free - безвідкатний (про гармату);

  3. складними термінами, що містять словосполучення "вільний від (чогось)", "звільнений від (чогось)": debt-free - вільний від заборгованості, anxiety-free - вільний від проблем (хвилювань), disease-free - вільний від хвороб, tax-free - звільнений від оподаткування;

  4. значно рідше, похідними термінами з префіксом не-: ice-free har­bor - незамерзаюча гавань, pathogen-free - непатогенний, decay-free - незіп-сований (про зуби);

  5. іноді сполученням іменника з прийменником "без": odor-free - без запаху, preserver-free- без консервантів.

Завдання Перекладіть речення, звертаючи увагу на особливості перекладу термінів з напівафіксом -free:

1. Soils in Antarctica are limited to the ice-free areas, only 2% to 3% of the continent, and are patchy even there. 2. The presence of the Great Lakes, however, makes Michigan unique within that climatic zone, because the lakes influence the temperature, the number of frost-free days, and the ratio of sunshi­ne to cloudy days. 3. In 1837 the nation's first state primary school fund was created, and tuition-free primary schooling was enacted in 1869. 4. he positions that they occupied in the preworked state. Recrystallization occurs as the tempe­rature of the metal is raised further and nuclei for the growth of new, stress-free crystals begin to form. The higher the temperature, the more nuclei are precipi­tated. As these nuclei form in cold-worked metal, the stress-free crystals exhibit most of the original physical properties of the metal. 5.. Meanwhile, in 1829 the convict-free British colony of Western Australia was established on the Swan


River and was rescued from mismanagement by the British government a few years later. 6. Australia has defense links with the United States and New Zea­land and signed (1986) a treaty to establish a nuclear-free zone in the South Pacific. 7. Chromium to be used in iron-free alloys is obtained by reduction or electrolysis of chromium compounds. 8. The hydroxides dissolve the sulfur and other unwanted minerals in the coal; acid- and water-washes remove the conta­minants, leaving the coal about 90 percent sulfur-free. 9. In England, Sir Albert Howard popularized the idea of chemical-free farming with his book An Agri­cultural Testament (1940). 10. Antismoking campaigns, health warnings on ci­garette packets, and demands from nonsmokers for smoke-free environments have contributed to the diminishing numbers of smokers, as have state laws restricting smoking in public places and in workplaces. 11. Hypothetically, if a photograph of a perfectly flat horizontal ground surface is exposed at an instant when the camera is pointing downward exactly at a right angle to that surface and is taken with a camera whose lens is distortion-free, the photograph will have a uniform scale. In actuality, these conditions are never met. 12. This vigo­rous and relatively pest-free vine is hardy throughout much of the United States. 13. The key was the use of sterile (germ-free) materials and antiseptic techniqu­es. 14. Baikal's exceptionally mineral-free waters support an unusual populati­on of organisms, including many species endemic to the lake and its vents. 15. Basalts of suboceanic origin may contain abundant olivine but varieties cal­led tholeiites, often originating at or near the margins of continental plates, are olivine-free. 16. Although the quality of paper used in mass production remains a problem, recently developed, acid-free papers are being used more frequently by publishers. 17. The bacterium can only grow in an oxygen-free atmosphere (for example, in canned or preserved food). 18. Bristol has solved shipping prob­lems caused by the channel's unusually high tides by installing locks to create a tide-free port. 19. Space frames are used for structures such as exhibition halls, where long spans and a column-free interior space are desired. 20. Most U.S. feedlot cattle receive the implants, but some cattle operations now set aside hor­mone-free animals for sale to the EU. 21. Centrifuges are widely used in testing laboratories for such tasks as removing the red and white blood cells from se­rum, obtaining particle-free test solutions, and collecting the sediment from water and sewage samples for examination. 22. Therapeutic communities (TCs), such as Daytop Village in New York and Walden House in San Francisco, advocate a completely drag- and alcohol-free existence. 23. Finally, the film is placed in a dust-free enclosure to dry; forced air or heat may be used to accelerate the dry­ing step. 24. At the center of the storm, within a "wall" of powerful winds, there is an "eye"—a cloud-free circular region of relatively light winds that has a diameter of 10 to 100 km (6 to 60 mi). 25. The insurance industry has expanded consumer outreach efforts, including toll-free "helplines," consumer-oriented publications, anti-drunk driving programs, and premium discounts for users of safety devices. 26. Public concern about lead pollution, however, has led to U.S. legislation requiring the use of lead-free gasoline in all modern automobiles.


27. In 1933 the inventor Edwin Armstrong demonstrated a new static-free met­hod of transmission, frequency modulation (FM), far superior to the amplitude modulation (AM) then in use. 28. Maglev enthusiasts see their invention as the solution to comfortable, economic, almost maintenance-free rapid travel, especi­ally within urban areas. 29. Because they do not require knowledge of a distribu­tion, such methods are also called distribution-free methods. 30. With this met­hod each repeater station can transmit noise-free pulses, even if the incoming signal has been degraded by static and other electrical noise. 31. The plants use a complex distillation process, in which water flashes into a salt-free vapor. 32. Ultrasound is used to perform noninvasive, risk-free abdominal examinati­ons. 33. Advanced gasification techniques for the large-scale production of fuel are still in the experimental stage, but they offer the potential for the pollution-free use of all grades of coal. 34. Frost-free periods range from 170 to 180 days in the south and from 60 to 70 days in the interior of the Upper and Lower Penin­sulas. 36. The most common penguin is the Adelie, which nests in ice-free areas mostly on offshore islands around the Antarctic continent. 37. The life consists primarily of a few species of lichens and mosses; some small floating plants called phytoplankton, which occur in certain freshwater lakes in ice-free desert areas; and a few arthropods, the most numerous of which are several groups of mites.