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1. Переклад слів-реалій

Слова-реалії - це лексичні елементи, що позначають етноспецифіч-ні поняття, (поняття, притаманні тільки одній культурі). Реалії вважаються безеквівалентною лексикою, тобто такими словами, що не мають в мові перекладу еквівалента (зрозуміло, у випадку нових слів-реалій, що пере­кладаються вперше). Саме через це реалії іноді складно перекладати. Зви­чайно при перекладі реалій використовують такі способи:

1)транскодування (тобто, транскрибування, транслітерування або

використання і того й іншого для передачі певних частин слова): Nowa

children's holiday, Halloween was originally a Celtic festival for the dead, ce­

lebrated on the last day of the Celtic year, Oct. 31. Галовін є зараз дитячим

святом, а початково це був день поминання померлих у стародавніх кель­

тів і відзначався він останнього дня кельтського року - 31 жовтня.

  1. калькування (дослівний переклад): During the 1930s, South Africa's "poor whites" - mainly Afrikaners - began to rise rapidly to key positions in government and industry. У1930-і роки "бідні білГ у Південній Африці - нереважно африканери - почали швидко просуватися на чільні посади в уряді та промисловості.

  2. описовий переклад (шляхом розкриття позначеного поняття): La­tinos are a diverse group of U.S. residents defined by their common connection to the Spanish language. Іспаномовні американці (вихідці переважно з Цен­тральної та Латинської Америки, які проживають в СІЛА) - це різнорід­на група постійних жителів США, які об'єднані тим, що в сім'ях головним чином або виключно спілкуються іспанською мовою.

-Кожний із зазначених способів перекладу слів-реалій передбачає можливість використання при перекладі додаткового пояснення, якщо зна­чення перекладеного елементу незрозуміле з контексту речення.

Завдання Перекладіть речення, визначивши слова-реалії та адек­ватний спосіб їх передачі на українську мову:

1. Culturally they are closer to Afrikaners than to blacks. 2. Botticelli.is a


game in which one player selects a well-known person or fictional character and announces the initial of the last name. 3. In summer they lived in houses made of cottonwood or spruce bark. The kashim was the center of various social activiti­es. 4. Even the aboriginal population is identified as "native American" to dis­tinguish it from Anglo-American^ African-American, and so on. 5. The exche­quer, in Britain, is the accounting and auditing department in the government's treasury. 6. Abolitionists also called upon each white citizen to cast aside preju­dice against blacks and to join the crusade against slavery. 7. Other survivors settled in Louisiana, where their descendants - known as Cajuns - still preserve a distinct culture. Still others returned to France. 8. Affirmative action is a for­mal effort to provide increased employment opportunities for women and ethnic minorities, to overcome past patterns of discrimination. 9. The Hunkers and Bar­nburners were rival factions in the New York State Democratic party in the 1840s. 10. The legitimated issue of peers may bear courtesy titles, but (except someti­mes in Scotland) cannot inherit the peerage. 11. Boxing Day is an English holi­day that falls on the first weekday after Christmas. The name was derived from the boxed Christmas presents given by householders to their servants and to the providers of such services as postal delivery and trash collection - thanking them for their work. 12. Boccie is a bowling game that originated in Italy and is still associated with Italians or those of Italian descent in the United States, Aus­tralia, South America, and elsewhere. It is a game in which two to four players lob or roll hard balls (wood or a composite) 11 cm (4.5 in) in diameter at a smaller (7.0 cm/2.75 in) target ball. 13. Acoma, a pueblo founded about AD 1100, is possibly the oldest continuously inhabited settlement in the United Sta­tes. It is located 135 km (84 mi) west of Albuquerque, N.Mex. 14. Audiencias were regional courts of law established in Spain and its American colonies to exercise royal authority in both judicial and administrative matters. In the 16th and 17th centuries they served as powerful arms of the Spanish throne in the New World, mainly to check the independence of the conquistadors. 15. An act of God is the legal term for a natural event of overwhelming force, an accident or disaster not resulting from human action and that no amount of prudence or foresight could have prevented. 16. An affidavit is a sworn statement made be­fore a notary or some other person authorized to administer an oath; it is used in a court of law to advise the court of certain facts. 17. In England and Wales, under a distinction that has become increasingly blurred, a barrister has traditio­nally been the lawyer who tries cases in higher courts, as opposed to a solicitor, who briefs the barrister, handles pretrial preparation, and represents clients in lower court cases. 18. Executive privilege is the right claimed by members of the executive branch of the U.S. government to immunity from congressional in­vestigation and judicial procedures. 19. In U.S. politics a favorite son is a person favored for nomination by a state delegation to a presidential nominating con­vention. Although he or she has little chance of being nominated, the favorite son controls a block of votes that can be released at a crucial moment to gain the election of a preferred candidate. 20. A gerrymander is an election district that


has been redrawn by the party in power for its own political advantage. The word originated in 1812, when the Massachusetts legislature redistricted the state so as to favor the Democratic-Republicans in state senatorial elections. 21. In current terminology, hospice is the name for a program devoted to easing the pain of terminally ill patients and assuring them a "natural" death, free from the medical interventions often visited on dying patients in hospitals. 22. Impe­achment is the first step in the process specified in the Constitution of the United States for removing the president, vice-president, or other government official from office upon conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misde­meanors. 23. The result in some cases was the "Uncle Tom" or "Sambo" perso­nality, the black who accepted his or her lowly position as evidence that whites were superior to blacks. 24. The American Revolution, the conflict by which the American colonists won their independence from Great Britain and created the United States of America, was an upheaval of profound significance in world history. 25. Abdication crisis (in British history) is the constitutional upheaval of the period 16 Nov 1936 to 10 Dec 1936, brought about by the British king Ed­ward VIII's decision to marry Wallis Simpson, a US divorcee. 26. Addled Parli­ament is the English Parliament that met for two months in 1614 but failed to pass a single bill before being dissolved by James I. 27. Troy system is a system of units used for precious metals and gems. The pound troy (0.37 kg) consists of 12 ounces (each of 120 carats) or 5,760 grains (each equal to 65 mg). 28. In the mid-20lh century the expression male chauvinism was coined to mean an assu­med superiority of the male sex over the female. 29. AS level General Certifica­te of Education or Advanced Supplementary level examinations introduced in the UK 1988 as the equivalent to 'half an A level as a means of broadening the sixth-form (age 16-18) curriculum and including more students in the examina­tion system. 30. The establishment of the Open University 1969 put the UK in the forefront of distance learning; the Open College and individual institutions also offer distance-learning packages. 31. Anglican chant is a form of plainsong used by the Anglican Church to set psalms, canticles (when they are not sung in a more elaborate setting), or other religious texts to music. It is usually sung in unison and with a free rhythm, based upon the inherent rhythm of the language. 32. Public lending right (PLR) is a method of paying a royalty to authors when books are borrowed from libraries, similar to a royalty on performance of a play or piece of-music. Payment to the copyright holder for such borrowings was introduced in Australia 1974 and in the UK 1984. 33. Hip-hop is a popular mu­sic originating in New York in the early 1980s, created with scratching (a per­cussive effect obtained by manually rotating a vinyl record) and heavily accen­ted electronic drums behind a rap vocal.