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III. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following phrases.

Столкнуться лицом к лицу; иметь в виду; поделиться всем, что знаешь; внушать учащимся любовь к; растеряться; подружиться; учиться в старших классах; быть загруженным писаниной; педагогическая практика; присутствовать на открытых уроках; высококвалифицированный специалист; хорошо разбираться в предмете, который преподаешь; средства обучения; отстать в учебе; пропустить занятия из-за болезни; проверять письменные работы; внеклассная работа; преодолеть сомнения.

IV. Read the following extract. Translate the underlined phrases and use them in the sentences of your own.

A few weeks ago Miss Blake, a young teacher, was invited to our school to substitute for Miss Caroline, as the latter had fallen ill. Our new colleague was cheerful, attractive, neat and nicely dressed. I liked the way she treated her pupils. None of them felt confused or incompetent in her presence. I must admit that several teachers advised Miss Blake to get a bit tighter hand over her pupils. They considered that her children might let her down if she didn’t tackle them in the right way. Miss Blake kept the other point of view. Miss Blake never forgot her school years and her teacher Mr. Garton. She remembered him bringing the cane down on the boys who showed disobedience. She would never forget her boy friend’s white face and his look full of hatred. His feelings were hurt. Since that very day she didn’t have much faith in heavy punishment and was sure that it wasn’t power alone that mattered in bringing up children.

V. Compare the atmosphere of the school described above to that of the school where you had your teaching practice. Use the following words and expressions:

  1. hostile; gloomy corridors; broken windows; obscene words; to be silent; the silence had nothing to do with attention; the girls with pale or made up faces; a lot of clerical work; to be lost; to be disappointed and disillusioned;

  2. modern; light; bright; well-equipped labs; spacious halls; a friendly atmosphere; ready to help; experienced teachers; competent professionals; enthusiastic; ready to experiment; sympathetic; helpful; to be quite at home in a subject; active; friendly and responsive; teaching aids; extra-curricular work; to be proud of.

VI. Read the following conversation and give the reported version of it. After the First Lesson

Mary:Congratulations! Your first lesson is really a success.

Ann:Thanks. I still don’t believe I’ve done it.

Mary:You have, and very well at that!

Ann:You won’t believe, but I was looking forward to this lesson from my first year in the Institute. It seemed so exciting to appear in the classroom as a teacher! But when the time came I felt I could have died of fright!

Mary:But you didn’t look frightened at all! There was not a shade of hesitation in your voice. To the pupils you seemed perfectly calm and well-composed.

Ann:You don’t say so! I was all nerves and could hardly speak.

Mary:That means you can hold yourself in hand – the first quality a teacher should possess.

Ann:Well, you are joking!

Mary:It’s not an occasion for jokes. I’m sure you’ll make a good teacher – and that’s exactly what our instructor in teaching methods says about you.

And as for me, I feel I’m fit for nothing… My first lesson was a complete failure…

Ann:There, there, don’t exaggerate! It was not as bad as you say. You should pay more attention to all kinds of drills at the lesson, and all that…

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