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Seminar 7 (Ch.s lit-re)

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Среди мастеров английской литературной сказки второй половины XIX века важны еще два имени: слепой ирландской крестьянки Фрэнсис Браунэ и сына шотландского ткача Джорджа Макдональда. Заслуга Браунэ не только в дальнейшем развитии сюжетики и композиции, но, прежде всего, в том, что она создала сказку особой темы, сказку об английском труженике: рыбаке и земледельце, пастухе и сапожнике. В The Story of Merrymind описывается мрачная страна (Dreary Land), где даже птицы перестали петь, они, как и люди, тоже торопливо и молча трудятся. Сознательно допуская гротеск, Браунэ показывает угрюмого старика, постоянно таскающего на спине корзину, до краев наполненную пылью. Этот образ не только гротеск, но и аллегория: не Ирландия ли это в вековых путах труда, ставшего проклятием? The Story of Merrymind создавалась в 50-х годах XIX века в атмосфере массового революционного движения рабочих, в атмосфере чартизма. Однако сказительница Браунэ верит в победу добра. Именно для того, чтобы все ко нчилось хорошо, чтобы стал радостным труд людей, чтобы запели птицы и сбросил с себя корзину с пылью великан-старик, появился у ирландского земледельца тринадцатый ребенок Меримайнд. Именно поэтому купил он на ярмарке волшебную скрипку и пошел по белу свету искать к ней волшебные струны; именно поэтому выбрал он на пересечении дорог самую трудную, неровную, каменистую и крутую.

Меримайнд положительный герой небывалой для английской литературной сказки трактовки. Это не праздный принц, свершающий подвиг ради себя и своей любви, не избалованный бездельник, павший жертвой собственной лени, он защитник народа, сознательно посвящающий себя нелегкой и неравной борьбе.

С изданием произведений Джорджа Макдональда в сказку приходит тема капиталистического города. Вслед за Браунэ, Макдональд делает центральной фигурой своих сказок подростка из народа, наделяя его лучшими человеческими качествами. Впервые за всю историю английской литературной сказки он избирает главным героем большого произведения в двух частях (The Princess and the Goblin, 1871; The Princess and Cardie, 1877) мальчика-рабочего, потомственного шахтера. Карди Петерсон, бескорыстно служащий людям, не просто сильный, умный и добрый человек, он борец, выполняющий свой долг.

Однако выход из социального неравенства Макдональд ищет лишь в постоянном смягчении человеческих душ, в воинствующей доброте своих положительных героев. Все симпатии писателя на стороне трудовой части общества. На нее возлагается миссия переустройства, исправления и совершенствования порочного мира.

Год 1884. Выходят «Сказки» Оскара Уайльда (Fairy Tales; Oscar Wilde, 18561900), являющие собой, если позволено будет использовать слова Горького, «яркие, оглушающие картины всевозможных социальных контрастов». Несмотря на то, что эти сказки предназначались для детского восприятия, в них нет ни искрящегося веселья, ни доброй улыбки. Для Уайльда, художника и эстета, сказочность важнейшее свойство литературы вообще. Вместе с тем всю атрибутику сказки, как таковой, он фактически ставит в зависимость от социальных проблем времени.

Сказки Оскара Уайльда внутренне неблагополучны. Как и все творчество этого писателя, они насыщены парадоксальностью, отражающей общественные противоречия. Традиционный сказочный мир, населенный принцами и принцессами, у Оскара Уайльда становится условным. Столь же условны, зыбки, парадоксальны обычные соотношения «добра» и «зла», «света» и «тьмы». В сказках

Уайльда и спрятано и прямо вводится много «взрослых» и реалистических мотивов, даже слишком «взрослых» и слишком реалистических, рассчитанных на то, чтобы всколыхнуть общественное мнение и покоробить буржуазную благопристойность. Этому подчинено все: великолепие стиля, редкая гармония слов и красок, отточенность диалогов. Поэтичность как бы отравлена, шутка мрачна, юмор горек. Автор превратил их в хронику человеческих страданий. Может быть здесь -то

инадо искать ответ на вопрос, почему, принимая многие компоненты сказки, Уайльд отказался от одного из основных счастливого конца? Может быть здесь-то

инадо искать ответ на вопрос почему сам Уайльд не считал свои «Сказки»

сказками? '''You tell me of marvellous things, but more marvellous than anything is the suffering of men and of women. There is no Mystery so great as Misery," собственно лейтмотив сказок Уайльда.

Конец XIX начало XX веков период неоромантизма, время еще одной «битвы за сказку». Правда, теперь уже не дебатируется вопрос «быть или не быть», но наряду со стремительным взлетом интереса к фольклору наблюдается вырождение в чистую литературщину многообразных традиций народной словесности. В этот напряженный момент против «обманщиков со свежевыкрашенными крыльями..., размахивающими волшебными палочками...» выступает Редьярд Киплинг (Puck of Pook's Hill).

Сказки Киплинга в известном смысле выпадают из всего его творчества: воспринимаются буквально по заглавию его сборника «Просто сказки» (Just So Stories). Киплинг возрождает и анималистскую и романтическую сказку и отдает дань той, которую мы встречали у Роско и Дорсет на заре этого жанра. Не случайно пишет он свою небывалую для Англии сказочно-эпическую серию (Puck of Pook's Нills и Rewards and Fairies), не случайно одухотворяет ее шекспировским Паком, поднимая золотоносную глыбу фольклора и мифологии. Сказочные новации Киплинга вот трофеи «битвы за сказку» на рубеже веков.

И, наконец, XX столетие. Литературная сказка нашей эпохи синтез всех ее тенденций. Это творчество почти тридцати писателей, в их числе, как и прежде, собственно сказочники и писатели, которые не занимаются одной лишь сказкой (W. Somerset Maugham). Диапазон современной сказки чрезвычайно широк: это и социально-психологические картины Деламара и антивоенные зарисовки Милна. Отличительная ее черта пестрое множество сюжетов, где выступают природа, люди, вещи и игрушки (Милн, Годден, Айсворт). Сюжетное богатство сегодняшней сказки пополняется и за счет использования элементов других жанров. В начале XX века Барри и Несбит слегка приоткрыли дверь в область научной фантастики и детектива. Теперь с изданием книг ученых-филологов Толкина, Льюиса научная фантастика, приключенческий жанр, детектив, не говоря уже о мифологии, стали живительными источниками английской литературной сказки.

В произведениях известного поэта Мейсфилда, а также Гарнера как бы органически соединены сказки и детектив. Книги Толкина по своей манере близки Несбит, хотя каждый из них самобытен. Условно их можно отнести к жанру научной фантастики. Все эти авторы мастера сложных произведений, в которых старое и новое слито в единый замысел, чаще всего за счет реализации традиционной идеи или темы в особых сюжетных условиях. Последнее тоже представляет одну из примет нашего времени. Обратимся к примерам.

Сказка Памелы Трэверс о няне-волшебнице Мэри Поппинс, свалившейся прямо с неба во двор дома, где живет отец четырех ребятишек, банковский служащий Бэнкс, сюжет, безусловно, новый. Мы встречаемся здесь с применением литературной традиции абсурда и эксцентрики к описанию современной Англии с ее повседневными делами и заботами. Но тема семейных невзгод пришла в литературную сказку давным-давно.

Продолжают традиции анималистской сказки Лофтинг и Аттли, Фарджин и Белл, Биссет и Бонд. Их спокойные повествования полны тепла, юмора и аллегории.

Заметная черта теперешней сказки переосмысление классических сюжетов. При этом нужно учесть, что литературная сказка может быть злободневной, как статья в газете. Это качество, доставшееся ей в наследство от фольклора, четко выражено и в современных произведениях. Сказки о мальчиках-трубочистах появились более ста лет назад (Charles Kingsley, The Water Babies). В конце тридцатых годов нашего века к этому сюжету вернулся известный английский поэт, писатель и сказочник Уолтер Деламар, и появилась социально -психологическая сказка-легенда и в то же время рассказ-быль The Three Sleeping Boys of Warwickshire.

В центре повествования зловещая фигура Джереми Нолликинса, хозяина маленьких трубочистов, которому противопоставлены одинокие и беспомощные дети. Нолликинс основной виновник их гибели. Маленькие трубочисты, никому не нужные при жизни, после смерти оказались предметом споров между правителями двух соседних городов, каждый из которых претендовал на то, чтобы трупы умерших детей были помещены в городском музее, отлично понимая, что это «чудо века» ("Marvel of the age") принесет им большую прибыль. «Отцы города» решили, что «...так как Том, Дик и Гарри не могут быть больше полезны городу в качестве трубочистов, они должны, по крайней мере, зарабатывать честную копейку в качестве «чуда века». Вот он финальный аккорд, который подчеркнул и углубил социальную значимость всего повествования.

И еще об одной особенности современной сказки. Она все чаще и чаще создается без чудесных снов, без традиционных превращений, без переходов, без подготовки. Сказкой становится обычная бытовая ситуация. «Лондон, говорит Э. Несбит, это тюрьма для детей, особенно, если их родители бедны...» и отправляет своих героев за город. Прогулка на лоне природы, за пределами огромного города, полного правил и запретов, вот оно, чудо наших дней. Но у Несбит было только начало сама мысль. А наш современник Дональд Биссет углубляет эту трансформацию категории «чудесного»: надоело вокзалу стоять на месте, и пошел он пить чай... Сказочники XX века обходятся и без волшебства: удивительное рядом.

Вцентре Лондона в парке Кенсингтон Гардене и у берегов Ирландского моря

внебольшом уэльском городке Ландудно возвышаются скульптуры героев сказок «Питер Пэн» Джеймса Барри и «Приключения Алисы в Стране Чудес» Льюиса

Кэрролла. Это символ искреннего признания литературной сказки миллионами читателей всех возрастов.

MacDONALD, GEORGE (1824-1905)

MacDONALD, GEORGE, outstanding author of original FAIRY STORIES and FANTASIES, was born at Huntly in Aberdeenshire, where his family, who were Congregationalis ts, farmed and ran a bleaching business. He was supposedly descended from one of the few MacDonalds who had escaped the massacre of their clan by the Campbells at G lencoe in 1692. His mother died when he was eight and his father remarried; the stepmother was kind and in her turn was delighted by the good manners and fine nature of George and his three brothers. George was taught in a local school, then at King's College, Aberdeen. He began to write poetry and started to turn away from the Calvinism in which he had been brought up, refusing to believe that only the elect would be saved and feeling that God's mercy was infinite.

He took his Master’s degree in Arts in 1845 and went to London, initially as a tutor to a Congregationalist family; while there he met Louisa Powell, daughter of a leather merchant, with whom in 1851 he began a long and happy marriage. He hated tutoring and gave it up in 1848, entering a theological college and beginning to train for the ministry. He soon began to serve as minister of a church in Sussex and was ordained; but he found himself being criticized by his congregation for his slack doctrine. In 1853 he resigned and moved to Manchester, attracted there by the presence of his friend A. J. Scott, principal of Owens College, who held similar religious views to his own. In 1855 he published his first book, a long dramatic poem on the subject of married love and misunderstanding entitled Within and Without; its admirers included Tennyson, Lady Byron, and Charles KINGSLEY. His health was bad, and Lady Byron paid for him and his wife to winter in Algeria. In 1857 he published a collection of poems. He and his family made a home for a time at Hastings on the south coast, where the air was thought to be good for his lungs, and there he began to write 'a kind of fairy tale ... in the hope that it will pay me better than the more evidently serious work'. This was PHANTASTES, completed in two months; it was published in Oct. 1858.

After three years in Hastings the MacDonalds moved to London, living first in Bloomsbury and then near Regent's Park. MacDonald became Professor of English Literature at Bedford College, which produced a small but regular income. During this period he was struggling hard to write something as successful as Phantastes, but it was not until 1863 that he completed David Elginbrod, a long, didactic, and gothically romantic novel about a young man who has a career not dissimilar to MacDonald's own. It proved extremely popular and established MacDonald as a writer.

Over the years eleven children were born to MacDonald and his wife, and in the early 1860s he began to discover a gift for telling fairy tales to his family. His son and biographer Greville records that they 'were expressly written for little people who rushed the platform of his knees and the arms of his chair, or transformed the lap of the mother and the footstool at her feet into front rows of his auditorium'. Several of these stories, including THE LIGHT PRINCESS and THE GIANT'S HEART, were published by MacDonald in 1864, then came Dealings with the Fairies (1867), a collection of tales which also

included THE GOLDEN KEY.

During this period MacDonald made friends with John RUSKIN and also with 'Lewis CARROLL' (C. L. Dodgson), whose company was greatly enjoyed by the MacDonald children; in 1863 Dodgson submitted the manuscript ALICE'S ADVENTURES

to the family to see if they thought it worthy of publication – which they


emphatically did.

In 1868 the London publisher Alexander Strahan started a children's periodical, GOOD WORDS FOR THE YOUNG; the first issue included the initial instalment of a serial by MacDonald, AT THE BACK OF THE NORTH WIND, which Strahan published as a book in 1871. During 1870 and 1871 THE PRINCESS AND THE GOBLIN appeared as a serial in its pages; it was printed as a book in 1872.

The 1870s and early 1880s saw an immense output of MacDonald's writing, he had to labour very hard to provide money for his huge family and its various dependents and sometimes had two or more stories running as serials at the same time. His novels during this period can be broadly divided into 'Scottish' and English'. Several were for children: Ranald Ban-Herman's Boyhood (1871) describes a Scottish childhood, Gutta Percha Willie (1873) is the story of a clever boy who discovers a medicinal spring, and The Wise Woman (1875) tells of two horrid children and their regeneration. None of these is remarkable, but in THE PRINCESS AND CURDIE (first printed as a serial in 1877) MacDonald produced another outstanding children's book.

In 1872-3 he made a lecture tour of America, where his books were being pirated and widely read, and where he was almost as popular an author as DICKENS. He became friendly with Mark TWAIN, and some years later the two even discussed writing a novel in collaboration, so as to secure copyright of a work on both sides of the Atlantic. In 1875 the MacDonald family left Hammersmith, where the river air was believed to be bad for George's lungs, and eventually established a home in Italy. Here they spent the winters, but from 1879 to 1887 they came to England each summer for MacDonald to lecture, and to perform plays as a family troupe.

MacDonald once declared: 'I do not write for children, but for the childlike, whether of five, or fifty, or seventy-five.' His use of the fairy story for didactic purpose resembles that of Hans ANDERSEN; he remarked that 'a fairytale is not an allegory', and left his readers to draw their own meanings from what he had written. 'The best thing you can do for your fellow,' he wrote, 'is – not to give him things to think about, but to wake things up that are in him; or say, to make him think things for himself.' The quality of his writing and the energy of his imagination keeps his best books alive and still very attractive to children.

The Princess and the Goblin

It is the second children's novel by George MACDONALD. The Princess Irene lives 'in a large house, half castle, half farmhouse' halfway up a mountainside, where she is looked after by her nurse Lootie; her father the king sometimes visits her. Beneath the mountain in a series of caves lives a race of beings 'called by some gnomes, by some kobolds, by some goblins'. It is said of these GOBLINS that they once dwelt above ground and were much like other people, but were driven underground, since when they have become grotesquely ugly. They have no toes on their feet and are greatly contemptuous of toepossessing humans. Their feet are, however, the most sensitive parts of their bodies, their heads being hard as stone.

Adjacent to the goblin caves are mines, worked for precious metal by the humans. The miners are wary of the goblins but not dreadfully afraid of them, for they can be sent packing by stamping on their feet and by chanting rhymes at them – the goblins hate all

verse. Among the most fearless of the miners is a lad named Curdie Peterson, who works in the mines with his father and is devoted to his kindly mother.

One day Irene loses her way in the deserted upper floors of her house and comes across a stair which leads her up to a tower, where sits a lady who is both very old and very beautiful. She is Irene's great-great-grandmother. Irene is entranced by her, but on subsequent occasions when she tries to revisit the tower she cannot discover the stair – until she is desperately in need of help, whereupon she finds her way to her 'beautiful mother of grandmothers' almost in an instant.

One evening Irene and her nurse are caught out on a mountainside by the approach of darkness, and are surrounded by goblins as they try to make their way home. Curdie appears and rescues them and is rewarded by the promise of a kiss from the princess – though Lootie, the nurse, is outraged at this suggestion. Soon afterwards Curdie discovers that the goblins are plotting some great outrage against the royal house; he is captured and imprisoned in the goblin caves. Irene rescues him and Curdie warns the royal guards of imminent disaster, but he is accidentally wounded by a guard when he is mistaken for an enemy and falls ill with a fever. The goblins break into the royal house; Curdie recovers, and helps to rout them, while Irene finds safety in Curdie's parents' cottage. The goblins are drowned in an underground flood caused by themselves, and, with the approval of her father the king, Irene rewards Curdie with the promised kiss.

MacDonald himself said that the story was 'as good work of the kind as I can do', and the book, beside being his own best tale for children, is one of the most accomplished 19th-cent. FANTASIES by a British author. Admirers of The Princess and the Goblin have included G. K. Chesterton and C. S. LEWIS, while the goblin mines beneath the Misty Mountains in THE HOBBIT owe much to it—the book was among the childhood favourites of J. R. R. TOLKIEN. In 1877 MacDonald published a sequel, THE PRINCESS AND


The Princess and Curdie

The story, which is a sequel to THE PRINCESS AND THE GOBLIN, tells how Curdie the miner's son is sent, by the more than half-magical great-great-grandmother of the little Princess Irene, to the city of Gwyntystorm, where stands the palace of Irene and her father the king. Evil councillors have taken control of the city, and indeed virtually the entire population of Gwyntystorm is corrupt. Thanks to the help of his companion, a g rotesque but loving animal named Lina, Curdie gets into the king's private chamber and discovers that the old man is being kept in a stupor of nightmares by means of poison. Curdie rouses the king to his senses, much to the gratitude of Irene. With the aid of a whole troop of beasts who are as grotesque as Lina – 'the Uglies', Irene calls them – the evil courtiers and the dishonest servants are chased from the palace, and when war is made on Gwyntystorm by a neighbouring power, the king's small force is victorious. Gwyntystorm is set to rights, and Irene and Curdie marry and in due time become queen and king. But they have no children, and after their day the city goes to the bad again, eventually crashing in ruins in a destruction brought about by its own occupants.

EDITH NESBIT (1858-1924),

NESBIT, author of stories and novels for children, creator of the Bastable family, and, in a


Edith Nesbit, known to the family as Daisy, was the youngest of the four surviving children of John Collis Nesbit, an agricultural chemist of distinction and an early promoter of natural science as a school subject. He died in 1862 when Edith was only three. For several years his widow ran the college herself, but when Edith was about nine her mother decided to go abroad for the health of Edith's elder sister Mary. Edith hated most of her numerous schools, and she apparently made several attempts to run away from one in Germany. More successful was a period spent learning French with a family in France. Meanwhile she read voraciously, and her own writings reflect a wide knowledge of 19th - cent. children's books, to which she and her heroes and heroines constantly refer, either mockingly or with approval.

After a happy time in one house in Brittany the family came back to England, and settled in a large country house in Kent, which she loved. Her two brothers were of an age to join her in exploiting its shrubberies, its pond, its secret place on the roof to store books, its nearby railway cutting, and its reputation for ghosts (in which Edith always believed). She drew on both the setting and-the way of life in later writings.

When Edith was about 15 she began to have verse accepted by a magazine. She dreamt 'of the days when I should be a great poet like Shakespeare, or Christina Rossetti!' Around 1877 Edith married Hubert Bland, a handsome young bank employee. Edith became, like her husband, a Socialist Edith was on the Pamphlet Committee, and showed other signs of being an advanced woman. She cut her hair short, wore all-wool 'aesthetic' clothes, and smoked in public; she worked for the poor of Deptford, organizing Christmas parties and PANTOMIMES for them with great energy. She fell in love with another Fabian, George Bernard Shaw, and wrote verses to him, though to make money she needed to publish these, with his identity disguised.

The celebrated books for children by 'E. Nesbit" emerged almost without warning when she was 40, out of a mass of more or less hack-writing in almost every genre. In the words of her biographer, 'she took the best part of twenty years to find her level, and even then did not realise she had found it.' Stories for children were among her magazine contributions, and in 1892 the firm of Raphael TUCK, for whom she also designed Christmas cards, brought out her first complete book for children, The Voyage of Columbus, a verse narrative. These she followed with such things as a birthday book made up of her own poetry, Pussy Tales and Doggy Tales, and SHAKESPEARE retold for children. She planned a new MAGAZINE for children, but it came to nothing. Then, apparently unaware that she was engaged in anything different from her usual breadwinning, she produced, in 1898, a series of stories for the Pall Mall and Windsor magazines concerning Oswald Bastable and his family. These were published as a book, THE STORY OF THE TREASURE SEEKERS, the following year. It was immediately successful, and introduced a period of prosperity in the Bland household.

The second Bastable book, The Wouldbegoods, appeared in 1901, and a series of stories entitled 'The Psammead' began to be published in the STRAND MAGAZINE the same year. The Psammead stories formed the basis of Five Children and It (1902); The Phoenix and the Carpet began to appear in the Strand in 1903, and The New Treasure Seekers (a

collection of Bastable stories) in the London Magazine the same year; both were published as books in 1904. This was all at the same time as Edith was personally answering innumerable letters from child and adult admirers.

In 1905 she wrote The Story of the Amulet. The Railway Children began as a serial in the London Magazine in 1904, and came out as a book in 1906, the year that THE ENCHANTED CASTLE began to appear in the Strand. Then in 1908 THE HOUSE OF ARDEN came out as a book, after running in the Strand; its sequel, HARDING'S LUCK, appeared in 1909. In 1908 was also published a collection of her retellings of FAIRY STORIES entitled The Old Nursery Tales, this being the first volume of a series entitled 'The Children's Bookcase', which she was editing.

Considering the nature of her literary career before she came to write for children, it is not surprising that her stories sometimes have the flavour of hack-work. And, consistently amusing as her 'Bastable' books are, her portrayal of children in them seems condescending and patronizing when compared with that achieved by her contemporary Kenneth GRAHAME in THE GOLDEN AGE. On the other hand, in this series, and even more in Five Children and It and its sequels, she created a form of children's book which served as a model for many later writers.

E. NESBIT. Five Children and It (1902)

Robert, Anthea, Jane, Cyril, and their baby brother 'the Lamb' are left to stay in the country while their parents are away. They discover the Psammead, a sand -fairy, brown and hairy, with bat's ears and snail's eyes, and the power of granting them wishes; but it does so reluctantly, for it is a cantankerous, self-pitying creature. Each of the children's daily wishes, which are unmade at sunset, brings unforeseen trouble, whether being 'beautiful as the day', having a gravel pit full of gold, making other people want to look after the Lamb or having him grow up, flying, being in a besieged castle, being a GIANT, or encountering INDIANS. Several of the wishes are accidental, irredeemably out of the children's mouths before they can think of something more sensible, and by the end of the book they have to promise the Psammead never to ask for another wish, if only he will undo all the awful consequences of their last one.

Five Children and It was the first of E. Nesbit's FANTASIES (it was followed by two


all the powers of portraying lively, bantering children that marked her earlier, realistic, children's stories. The characterization of the sand-fairy and of the infant Lamb are additional strong points. The embarrassment and comedy of mixing fairy wishes with everyday life was probably suggested by F. Anstey's THE BRASS BOTTLEAnthea and Jane credit the reading of that book with their being able to clear up the mess created by their last wish.

The book was dedicated to E. Nesbit's own 'Lamb', her infant son John. It established a formula for children's fantasy-writing which has been followed by many authors in England and elsewhere.

E. NESBIT.The Phoenix and the Carpet

The second FANTASY novel by E. NESBIT, sequel to FIVE CHILDREN AND IT.

Robert, Anthea, Jane, and Cyril acquire a nursery carpet in which is wrapped a mysterious egg; when the egg falls into the fire, there hatches out of it the Phoenix, who has been taking 2,000 years' rest from his usual cycle of self-destruction and rebirth. He explains to the children that the carpet is a magic wishing-carpet, which he was given by a prince and princess who had no further use for it. With the carpet to convey them wherever they want, and to carry out virtually anything they wish for, the children begin a series of adventures, the Phoenix accompanying them as a benevolent guide.

As in Five Children and It, they soon discover that almost every magic journey or wish has unforeseen consequences of the most alarming kind, and often the Phoenix's own ingenuity and powers are required to get them out of a tight spot. They accidentally imprison themselves in a French castle, carry the family cook off to a desert island where she becomes queen of the savages, acquire 199 vociferous Persian cats (and a cow), and, in a memorable scene, visit the Phoenix Fire Insurance offices, which the Phoenix supposes to be the temple of his worshippers.

E. NESBIT. The Enchanted Castle (1907)

Gerald, Jimmy, and Kathleen discover a magnificent castle which they decide to pretend is enchanted. In a maze in the garden they find a girl of about their own age who is pretending to be the Sleeping Beauty. She is in fact Mabel, the niece of the castle's housekeeper; but when she shows them a secret room in the castle, the enchantment becomes real. Among the jewels they find there is a ring which Mabel declares will make her invisible – whereupon to her astonishment it does. Invisibility proves to be a great nuisance, however, as does the ring's power of granting its wearer's wishes; though it does eventually manage to unite the castle's owner, Lord Yalding, with the lady he loves.

The book is more complex in structure than anything Nesbit had previously written for children. The critic Julia Briggs has pointed out that it attempts a 'sustained examination of childhood fears', and 'swings unsettlingly between the everyday world and the world of childish nightmare'. It is perhaps too ambitious to be entirely successful, but it reaches a fine pitch of grotesque comedy when the Ugli-Wuglies, a group of scarecrowlike human figures that the children have manufactured out of household objects, actually come alive, thanks to a casual wish.

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