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FCLP grammar test 7a

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Name: ________________________________ Date: ____________________

First Certificate Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 7a (Units 31–34)

1 Underline the most suitable word(s) in each sentence.

0 I suddenly remembered that I forgot/had forgotten my keys.

1 It’s a nice dress, but in/for my opinion it doesn’t really suit you.

2 Whatever/No matter he says, I won’t believe him.

3 By/In conclusion, let me thank you all for coming to my presentation.

4 I keep asking myself/me what I would do in her situation.

5 Let’s meet at seven tonight, shall we/won’t we?

6 I can’t wear these old jeans at the restaurant! I have to change/change myself.

7 A new party formed the government because/as a result of the elections.

8 Try to behave! Remember/Remember yourself where you are!

9 Wherever/Whenever you leave, I’ll take you to the station.

10 Decisions such/such as these should be made by politicians.

2 Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

The Age of the Robot

(0) C , I’d like to thank Keiko Ishida for inviting me here to talk to you today. The title of my talk is ‘The Age of the Robot’. (1) _______, I think that over the next twenty years robots will become part of our everyday life. (2) _______ , robots will be present in hospitals, helping with tasks (3) _______ delivering food trays, cleaning and helping patients who have problems walking. (4) _______ , robots will also be important in home entertainment – singing and dancing for our pleasure and amusement. Many big companies like Sony and Matsushita have invested a lot of money in developing personal robots and (5) _______ progress has been rapid. (6) _______ , it’s clear that the development of a robot that can communicate with human beings is a long way off, (7) _______ no-one really understands how to program intelligence into a computer chip. We’re not really anywhere near the time when we won’t have to do anything for (8) _______ .

0 A As a result B Besides this C First of all D However

1 A For example B Personally C Nevertheless D In comparison

2 A On the other hand B For example C In comparison D Then

3 A as B such as C owing to D thus

4 A However B In contrast C Besides this D In conclusion

5 A for this B since C however D as a result

6 A On the other hand B To sum up C Thus D For example

7 A owing to B however C thus D since

8 A ourselves B myself C yourselves D theirselves

3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the words given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way. to Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

1 The room is empty. is There ___________________________________________________ the room.

2 I have seldom seen such a boring film. seen Seldom __________________________________________ such a boring film.

3 I’ll never be able to look in Simon’s eyes again. in I’ll never be able to look at ______________________________________ eyes again.

4 We really need a bigger flat. we What ________________________________________________ a bigger flat.

5 Alan was not only late, but he didn’t even apologize. only Not ____________________________________ , but he didn’t even apologize.

6 The art gallery has a good exhibition on at the moment. good There ___________________________________________ at the art gallery at the moment.

4 Look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. Tick each correct line. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space.

The importance of English

English is probably the most important language 0

in the world. However, it isn’t because the England 00 the

itself is an important country. As the real reason 1 ______

why English is so widely spoken it is because of the 2 ______

United States. Not only does the US dominate the 3 ______

world of business, but also does international relations 4 ______

in general. In the future perhaps only China can to 5 ______

gain the same importance on the world stage. 6 ______

First Certificate Language Practice

Grammar Progress Test 7a (Units 31–34) 2

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