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1 Им: в.Г.. IjJvxoBa

Exercise 1.1. Find the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:

the first alloys in the history of metallurgy; melting mixed metal ores; were probably obtained; in small quantities; on a large scale; production of pure aliminium; the polarity of the magnetic field; for transformator cores; natural or artificial alloys; with low melting-points.

были, вероятно, получены; первые сплавы в истории метал­лургии; плавка смешанных металлургических руд; в небольших количествах; производство (получение) чистого алюминия; в большом масштабе; для сердечников трансформатора; полярность магнитного поля; природные или искусственные сплавы; с низ­кой точкой плавления.

Exercise 1.2. Answer the questions:

  1. What are the first alloys in the history of metallurgy?

  2. How were the first alloys obtained ?

  3. What was manufactured on a large scale in the iron and steel

industry in the 19thcentury?

  1. What alloy began a new range of alloys?

  2. What gives the addition of copper, manganese, magnesium and

silicon to aluminium?

  1. What are the properties of alloys?

  2. What is electrum?

  3. What do applications of alloys depend on?

Exercise 1.3. Find the wrong statements and correct them:

  1. The first alloys in the history of metallurgy are duralumin and steel.

  2. Brass was manufactured on a large scale in brass industry.

  3. The addition of nickel to other metals gives a permalloy.

  4. Aluminium alloys are extremely soft.

  5. Electrum is only natural alloy.

  6. Monel metals resist corrosion.

  7. Bismuth was used in the ancient world for coinage.

  8. The conclusion of silver to gold gives bronze.

Exercise 1.4. Translate into English:

  1. Применение сплавов в промышленности зависит от их свойств.

  2. Пермаллой — это сплав железа и никеля.

  3. Сплавы из меди и никеля содержат 2/3 никеля и 1/3 меди.

  4. Сплавы из меди и никеля сопротивляются коррозии.

  5. Алюминиевые сплавы легкие и прочные.

  6. Никель часто смешивают с другими металлами.

  7. Латунь и бронзу получили при плавке металлических руд.

  8. Полярность магнитного поля пермаллоя можно изменить.

  9. Небольшое количество разных металлов добавляют к алюминию, чтобы получить дюралюминий.


Memorize the pronunciation of the following words:

tin [' tin] — олово

native ['neitiv] — самородный,чистыйforeign [' f orin] —инородныйmaterial [ma'tiarial] —веществоgravel ['graevel] —гравийimpurity [im'pjuariti] —примесьremoval [ri'mu:val]— удаление



oxide [' oksaid] —окись,окиселprofit ['profit] —выгодаsilica ['silika] —кремнеземtitanium [tai ' teinja m] —титанphosphorus [' fosfarss] —фосфорore [o: ] —руда

amount [a'maunt] —количество

undesirable [Andi 'zaira bl] —нежелательный

sulphur [' sAlfэ] —сера

adverse [' aedva: s | —вредный,неблагоприятный

effect [i' f ekt] —действие,эффект

purity ['pjuariti] —беспримесность(проба)

Words and word combinations for connected reading:

to be mined —добывать(ся)native state —самородноесостояние

there is considerable foreign material —естьзначительноеколичествоинородноговеществаother impurities —другиепримесиrequire removal —требуютудаления(очищения)to be put through various refining processes —пропуститьчерезразличныеочистительныепроцессы,to obtain the pure metal —получитьчистыйметаллthe most valuable —самыйценныйto be undesirable —бытьнежелательными.


Some metals are mined in thenative state. Among these are gold, silver, platinum, mercury,tin and copper. Even in the native metals, however,there is considerable foreign material, such as rock,gravel, sand andother impurities, whichrequire removal.

Most of the metals, however, are found in the earth in oxide form. This oxide which may be mined with commercialprofit is called ore. Ores of different metalsare put through various refining processes to obtain the pure metal.

The more common impurities in iron ore are silica, tita-nium,and phosphorus.The oreswhich contain the smallest amountsof these impuritiesare the most valuable.Much silicaand titanium are undesirable.

Phosphorus andsulphur are undesirable too because of theiradverse effect on iron and steel.

Exercise 1.1. Find the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:

there is considerable foreign material; to be mined in the native state; commercial profit; of their adverse effect; require removal; are put through various refining processes; the most valuable; to obtain the pure metal; other impurities; contain the smallest amounts.

пропускают через различные очистительные процессы; коммер­ческий доход; самый ценный; добываться в самородном состоянии; получить чистый металл; другие примеси; из-за их вредного дей­ствия; содержит самое малое количество; требует очищения (удале­ния); имеется значительное количество инородного вещества.

Exercise 1.2. Answer the questions:

  1. What state are some metals mined in?

  2. What do a lot of native metals contain?

  3. What do impurities in the native metals require?

  4. What are ores of different metals put through?

  5. What form are most of the metals found in the earth?

  6. Which ores are the most valuable?

Exercise 1.3. Find the correct statements:

  1. Some metals are mined in the...

  1. pure state;

  2. native state.

  1. Even in the native metals there is considerable...

  1. pure material;

  2. foreign material.

  1. Ores of different metals are put through...

  1. water;

  2. various refining processes.

  1. The ores which contain the smallest amounts of these impurities are...

  1. the most undesirable;

  2. the most valuable.

  1. The more common impurities in iron ore are...

  1. gravel and sand;

  2. silica, titanium and phosphorus.

Exercise 1.4. Complete the sentences using the appropriate variants:

  1. Even in the native metals, however, there is considerable... such as rock, gravel and so on.

  2. The impurities require...

  3. Ores of different metals are put through... to obtain the pure metal.

  4. The ores which contain... of these impurities are the most valuable.

  5. Phosphorus and sulphur are... too because of their... effect on iron and steel.

Adverse; removal; undesirable; various refining processes; foreign material; the smallest amounts

Exercise 1.5. Translate into English:

  1. Даже в самородных металлах имеется много инородных веществ.

  2. Примеси следует удалять из металлов.

  3. Многие металлы находятся в земле в форме окиси.

  4. Платина требует незначительного очищения.

  5. Железо и сталь, которые производятся на нашем заводе, высоко беспримесны.


Memorize the pronunciation of the following words:

occurrence [э' kArans] —случай,здесь:месторождениеiron [' aian] —железоweapon [' wepan] —оружие

to distribute [dis' tribju: t] —распределять,распространять

silicate ['silikit] —силикат

oxide ['oksaid] —окись

sulphide ['sAlfaid] —сульфид

to occur [э' ka: ] — происходить, залегать

plant [pla: nt] — растение

constituent [кэп'stitjuant] — составная часть

to involve [in'volv] — включать в себя

absorption [ab'so:pfan] — всасывание, поглощение, абсорбция oxygen ['oksid3an] — кислород lungs [Iatjz] — легкие

to extract [iks' traskt] —удалять,извлекать

ore [о:] - руда

to term [' ta: m] — называть

gangue [даго] — жильная порода

to apply [a'plai] — применять, относиться

to reduce [ri' dju: s] — снижать, раскислять, прокатывать

carbon [' ka: ban] — углерод

amount [a'maunt] — количество, сумма

sulphur ['sAlfa] —сера

phosphorus ['fosfaras] —фосфор

manganese [ 'тэгпдэ' ni : z] —марганец

carbonate ['ka:banit] —карбонат

to mix [miks] —смешивать

sand [saend] —песок

clay [klei] —глина

to melt [melt] —плавиться

to conduct [кэп' dAkt] —проводить

current |' k,\ront] —ток

to treat [tri : t] — обрабатывать, обогащать

metallurgy [тэ' taslodji | —металлургия


Iron was used in the earliest times of which we have any historical records. The art of makingweapons from iron was known to the Egyptians and Hindoos.

The metal is widely distributed in nature in the form ofsilicates, oxides, and thesulphide. Ironoccurs inplants and animals as aconstituent of complex organic compounds. It is present in the hemoglobin of the blood and isinvolved in this condition in theabsorption ofoxygen in thelungs.

The naturally occurring materials containing compounds of the metals which may be economically extracted are calledores. The definite chemical compound of the metal in the oreis termed a mineral. The namegangue is applied to the constituents of the ore other than the mineral containing the metal to be extracted.

Iron is obtained by reducing its ores withcarbon. The ores contain, in addition to the oxides andcarbonate of the metal, smallamounts of combinedsulphur, phosphorus, andmanganese and aremixed with more or lesssand andclay. The metals from lithium down to manganese are obtained by electrolysis ofmelted compounds thatconduct an electriccurrent.

The science which treats of the methods used to obtain the metals in free condition from compounds that occur in nature is calledmetallurgy.

Exercise 1.1. Find the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:

the art of making; is widely distributed; a constituent of complex organic compounds; the absorption of oxygen; containing compounds of the metals; is termed a mineral; small amount; are mixed with sand and clay; melted compounds; conduct an electric current; is used to obtain; occur in nature.

небольшое количество; смешивают с песком и глиной; широко распространен; называется минералом; содержащие элементы металлов; составная часть сложных органических веществ; расплавленные вещества; используется для получения; встречаются в природе; проводят электрический ток; поглощение кислорода; искусство изготовления.

Exercise 1.2. Answer the questions:

  1. When was iron first used?

  2. Where does iron occur?

  3. What is the function of iron?

  4. What is termed a mineral?

  5. How is iron obtained from the ores?

  6. What is the ore?

  7. What do iron ores contain?

  8. What are by electrolysis of melted compounds obtained?

  9. What is metallurgy?

Exercise 1.3. Correct the wrong statements:

  1. Iron is used only nowadays.

  2. The metal is broadly diffused in nature in the form of silicates, oxides and sulphide.

  3. The metal is created artificially.

  4. Metal is a constituent of complex non-organic compounds.

  5. The definite chemical compound of the metal in the ore is called ore.

  6. Iron is obtained by melting its ores with oxide.

  7. Small amount of manganese and sulphide are mixed with sand and clay.

Exercise 1.4. Complete sentences choosing the true variant:

  1. Iron was used in:

  1. the earliest times;

  2. recent times.

  1. Iron is an essential constituent of:

  1. planets;

  2. plants and animals.

  1. The study which treats of the methods used to obtain the metals in free condition from compounds occurred in nature is called:

  1. ore;

  2. metallurgy.

  1. Ores are materials that occur in natural and:

  1. contain compounds of sand;

  2. contain compounds of metals;

  3. are involved in the absorption of oxygen in the lungs.

  1. A mineral is:

  1. an indefinite chemical compound of the metal in the ore;

  2. the definite chemical compound of the iron in the ore;

  3. the definite chemical compound of the metal in the ore.

Exercise 1.5. Translate into English:

  1. Искусство изготовления оружия было известно древним народам.

  2. Золото, серебро и медь добываются в свободном состоянии.

  3. Железо получают из руд.

  4. Железо широко применяется в промышленности.

  5. Железо — составная часть сложных органических веществ.

  6. Металлургия — наука, изучающая методы получения ме­таллов в свободном состоянии.

  7. Вещества встречаются в природе.


Memorize the pronunciation of the following words:

to resemble [ri ' zembl] —походить,иметьсходствоbehaviour [bi ' heivia] —режим(работы)markedly ['ma:kitlij —заметно,отмеченоto vary ['veari] —меняться,изменятьсяdensity ['densiti] —плотность,удельныйвесlithium [' liGiam] —литий

to relate [ri' leit] — относиться, иметь отношение

sodium [' soudj эш] — натрий

potassium [pa'taesiam] — калий

aluminium [, ael ju'minjam] —алюминий

lead [led] —свинец

tin [tin] —олово

hardiness ['ha:dinis] —крепость

to be molded [ 'mouldid] —формировать,изменять

wax [weeks] —воск

chromium [' kroumj am] —хром

extent [iks' tent] —мера

strain [strein] —текучесть(металлов)

dimension [di'menfan] —измерение,размер,объем

solids ['solidz] —твердыеметаллы

molten ['moultan] —расплавленный,литой

solidify [sa' lidifai] —твердеть,застыть

alloy ['asloi] —сплав,примесь

constituent [kan'stit juant] —составляющаячастьцелогоcomponent [kam'pounant] —компонент,составнойэлемент

to offer resistance —оказыватьсопротивлениеthe so-called light metals —такназываемыелегкиеметаллыto be closely related —бытьтесносвязаннымиone-half as heavy as water —почтивдваразалегчеводыin physical and chemical properties —пофизическимихимическимсвойствам

to obtain the metals in free condition —получитьметаллывсвободномсостоянии


The metals resemble one another in their general chemicalbehaviour with other substances, but they differmarkedly in activity.

The uses to which metals are put are based upon their physical or chemical properties. The metals vary greatly indensity. The lightest islithium, which has the density of 0.534 and is, therefore, about one-half as heavy as water. The heaviest is osmium (D. 22.48) which is closelyrelated to platinum (D. 21.45) in physical and chemical properties. The so-called light metals, of whichsodium, potassium, magnesium andaluminium are examples, have a density less than 4; iron,lead, tin, silver, etc. are known as heavy metals.

The metals also vary in hardness, from potassium, which canbe molded likewax, tochromium, which will cut glass. The metals and other substances differ in theextent to which they can resist astrain that tends to bring about a permanent change in their form. All substances offer more or less resist-ance to the flow of an electric current through them. With any given substance, the resistance is determined by itsdimensions and the temperature.

The solids obtained when two or more metals are mixed in themolten condition and allowed tosolidify are called alloys. Eachconstituent of analloy is called acomponent. Alloys may be binary (two-component), ternary (three-com-ponent), etc. The ability of various metals to form alloys differs greatly.

Exercise 1.1. Find the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:

the metals resemble one another; are based upon their physical or chemical properties; metals vary greatly in density; about one-half as heavy as water; also vary in hardness; can resist a strain; to offer more or less resistance; with any given substance; in the molten condition; the ability of various metals.

металлы изменяются сильно по удельному весу; металлы схожи друг с другом; способности различных металлов; основаны на их физических или химических свойствах; также изменяются по твердости; оказывать более или менее сопротивление; в расплавленном состоянии; могут противостоять деформации; для любого данного вещества; почти в два раза легче воды.

Exercise 1.2. Answer the questions:

  1. What do metals resemble one another in?

  2. What do metals greatly vary in?

  3. What metal is the lightest?

  4. What metal is the heaviest?

  5. What is an alloy?

  6. What is each constituent of an alloy called?

Exercise 1.3. Complete the statements:

  1. The uses to which metals are put are based upon their...

  1. only physical properties;

  2. only chemical properties;

  3. both physical and chemical properties.

  1. The lightest metal is...

  1. magnesium;

  2. aluminium;

  3. lithium.

  1. The heaviest metal is...

  1. platinum;

  2. silver;

  3. osmium.

  1. The resistance to the flow of an electric current through a substance is determined by...

  1. its density;

  2. its dimensions;

  3. its temperature.

Exercise 1.4. Complete the sentences using the appropriate variants:

  1. All substances... more or less... to the flow of an electric current through them.

  2. The metals also vary in ...

  3. The metals ... greatly in ...

  4. The... obtained when two or more metals are mixed in the molten condition and allowed to ... are called ...

  5. ... are seldom used in engineering.

Pure metals; hardness; solids; vary; density; solidify; alloys; offer; resistance.

Exercise 1.5. Translate into English:

  1. Чистые металлы редко используются в промышленности.

  2. Они производят сталь двумя главными методами.

  3. Магний, железо и цинк способны забирать кислород из воды.

  4. Способность различных металлов образовывать сплавы сильно отличается.

  5. Каждая составляющая часть сплава называется компонен­том.

  1. Text В