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42 Six Friends

February 2013
















Narrators: One day we were sitting and thinking about the book worth performing. Some of you are fond of fairy tales, others like adventures…

So, tastes differ! And then, all of a sudden the idea occurred to us! All of you like stories about yourselves. Last summer we read a book “6 friends”. It is about schoolboys and girls, about their friendship and about some funny things. So, we decided to tell you about this book. We hope you’ll like it.

So, we start…


Author: There lived six little children: Clever, Fat, Noisy, Naughty, Slow and Funny. They were all eight years old.

Clever, Fat, Noisy, Naughty, Slow, Funny выходят и пред-

ставляются по очереди.

Clever: I am Clever. I am a nice little girl. I am short and thin. I have long dark hair and big brown eyes. I like reading and I am very clever.

Fat: I am Fat. I am a nice little boy. I am short and fat. I have short fair hair and grey eyes. I like eating very much.

Noisy: I am Noisy. I am a little girl. I am tall and slim. I have long fair hair and big blue eyes. I like talking and I am very noisy.

Naughty: I am Naughty. I am a little boy. I am tall and thin. I have short curly brown hair and big blue eyes. I like riding a bike and I am very naughty.

Slow: I am Slow. I am a nice little girl. I am short and plump. I have long curly hair and brown eyes. I like wearing beautiful clothes, but I am very slow.

Funny: I am Funny. I am a nice little boy. I am tall and thin. I have short fair hair and dark eyes. I like walking and I am very funny.

Author: They are in the same form and they are friends.

Все уходят, кроме автора.

Author: It is Sunday. It is Fat’s birthday.

Входят папа и мама.

Father: Wake up, dear! Happy birthday to you!

Mother: Here is your present! Look! It is a bike! It is beautiful! It is red and blue! It has very big wheels!

Brother: Oh, I like it!

Fat: Oh, thank you very much! Can I go to the yard and cycle?

Mother: Yes, you can, but come home at noon. Your friends are coming at 3 o’clock. You must tidy your room, lay the table and bake pizza.

Fat: Oh, Mommy! Don’t worry! I know, I must do it. Sister: Oh! Look at me! I am Fat’s sister. Sometimes he gets

on my nerves, but I love him.

And I like his friends so much. You know, they are great. But Funny is the best!

(ОбращаетсякFat.) Oh, Fat, look out of the window! It’s sunny and warm. Take off your trousers, jumper and trainers! Put on some shorts, a T-shirt and sandals!

Fat: OK!

Fat убегает переодеваться.

Brother: And I am Fat’s little brother. I am 5. I like to play with Fat. He is cool. And sometimes his friends take me with them. When I am big, I’ll always play with them, because I am strong and brave like a lion.

Fat вбегает на сцену, смотрится в зеркало.

Fat: Oh, I look cute!

Fat идет с велосипедом. Брат идет за ним.

Входят Funny и Naughty.

Fat: Hi!

Naughty: Oh, Fat! We are glad to see you.

Funny: Happy birthday! Why do you look like traffic lights?

Выходит Fat и садится на стул с подушкой, как будто спит.

Fat: I don’t! I look cute! Naughty: What have you got? Fat: I’ve got a bike.

Slow: Is it your birthday present? I think it’s too small for you!

Clever: Exactly! He must go on a diet. Noisy: Oh, great! Can I ride it?

Fat садится на велосипед.

Fat: But I want to ride it myself!

Noisy: OK.

Author: He climbed on the bike and… There was a small gate in the fence of the yard, and it was too small for Fat… (2 стула стоят рядом, изображая калитку в заборе.) So his bike went through the gate, but he stuck there.

Fat: Help! Help me! Help me! Catch my bike!

Author: Funny and Naughty ran to catch the bike and they did.

Slow: Help him! He can’t hang here like this! Fat: I must be home at noon!

Funny: Oh, you look so funny!

Clever: Don’t laugh! Please get him down. The fence might be broken! You must save Fat or the fence.

Author: Funny and Naughty pulled him, then pushed him, nothing helped…

Brother: He is so sad. Somebody, help him!

Sister: He is going to cry. Today is the worst day for him. Fat: Run to my Mum!

Noisy: I’ll run and tell her the story! Clever: I’ll go with you!

Slow (говорит медленно, как бы рассуждая вслух): And they ran very fast. I can’t do like this.

Mother, Noisy и Clever говорят одновременно, перебивая друг друга в другом конце сцены: And the gate was too small! He stuck. He can’t get out! We can’t help him!

Mother: I’ll take a bottle of olive oil… (Бежит к Fat с

бутылкой масла.)

Funny: She opened a bottle and… Fat: What are you doing? Mother: I am helping you, my dear!

Brother: Oh, he is slipping down! On the grass. Fat: How happy I am. At last! I am free now.

Author: So, Fat went home with his Mum and his bike. Mother: Go to the bathroom and wash yourself. Your friends

are coming soon, and we are not ready!

Sister: Mum went to make pizza. I’m going to lay the table.



February 2013

Funny and Naughty: It’s three o’clock. It’s time to go to the party. (Подходят к Fat, протягивают ему бутылку с маслом.) Happy birthday to you! (Смеются.)

Fat злится.

Funny: Don’t be angry. It’s a joke! Naughty: Best wishes on your 9th birthday!

Author: And they gave him a big box! (Остальные загля-

дывают в коробку.)

Brother: Oh, it’s a CD, a book, a jar of jam!

Садятся смотреть книгу.

Входят Noisy и Clever. Они поют “Happy Birthday!”

Noisy: We gave you a big cake and a box of chocolates. Clever: And what are you doing? Reading? And where is Slow? All together: We don’t know. Let’s phone her!

Author: And they phoned her. But she wasn’t at home! Nobody answered…

Funny: We can’t wait for her... I am hungry and thirsty. Clever: We can’t wait for her… Let’s sing and dance…

Clever играет на пианино. Все кружатся, танцуют.

Noisy: It’s a very merry birthday party…

Раздается звонок.

All together: At last! It must be Slow… Naughty: What time is it now?

Brother and Mother: It’s half past 5.

Slow: Here I am! Funny: You are late! Slow: I am awfully sorry!

Noisy: But you look beautiful!

Slow: Thank you! It is the 5th dress! I put on the first dress at 12…

Funny: But you looked fat in it!?

Slow: Yes! How do you know? Then I tried on the second dress.

Naughty: But it was too long and covered your shoes… Slow: That’s it… The third dress was red and I don’t have

red shoes…

Clever: I think the fourth was old and short! Am I right? Slow: Oh, yes, and now I am late!

Fat, Brother, Sister, Mother, Father: But you are in time to enjoy the party, and sing, and dance and play together with your friends! Better late than never!

By Inga Kuzmina, Natalya Petrova,

Gymnasium No. 1781, Moscow

Photos taken by the authors

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