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3. Susan Bennett invites her husband to dinner:

Susan: Shall we have dinner now or would you finish your work


David: It makes no difference to me.


Exercise 1. Ask someone's opinion about the following using proper names. The person asked then replies.

1) A well-known writer.

2) A TV programme.

3) A famous singer.

4) Somebody's English.

5) A theatre performance.

6) The economic situation in the country.

7) The last football match.

Exercise 2. Express your opinion about the following:

a) the climate of your home town;

b) women politicians;

c) smoking and health;

d) young married couples living with their parents;

e) violence shown on TV;

f) modern music;

g) the latest fashion for men / women; h) computers in modern life;

i) your progress in English;

j) summer schools for youngsters abroad

Exercise 3. Change the sentences and use other ways of saying I think.

Example: I think English is the most popular foreign language in schools at the moment. - My view is that English is the most popular foreign language in schools at the moment.

1. I think shopping for food is boring. 2.1 think there are few good shows on television. 3. I think the climate is changing very quickly. 4. I think reading books is enjoyable. 5. I think stories with a happy end are better than stories with a bad end. 6. I think all people should be friends. 7. I think translating from Russian into English is difficult. 8. I think ice hockey is not a good sport for girls. 9.1 think pollution is one of the greatest problems today. 10. I think pupils should be given a chance to choose the school subjects they want to do.

Exercise 4. Develop the situations into short dialogues. And act them out.

  1. You are asked to interview a famous person. Ask about his/her attitude to the burning issues of the day.

  2. You are speaking to your friend after the film you both have just seen.

  3. You are asked about the life on the other planets.

  4. You have no opinion on the topic.

  5. You are discussing the current events. You are trying to avoid giving an opinion.

Unit 3 science and scientists: famous people in the history of it

Чтение дробей, десятичных чисел

Предлоги времени


Повелительное наклонение

Безличные и неопределенно-личные предложения

Усилительные конструкции

Словообразование: un-/in-/ir-/il-/im-; -able/-ible; -ure, -turе; -(i)ty; -ive, -al

Английские времена группы Perfect действительного залога

Text A. John Napier

Text B. Blaise Pascal

Text C. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Text D. Joseph Marie Jacquard

Text E. Isaac Newton’s Mistake

Диалогическая речь: Приглашение / Предложение / Выражение интереса.

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

Almost everyone uses computers these days for everything from shopping to working to playing games. But have you ever stopped to think about where all this amazing technology came from? Who invented it all? Well, behind every company, programming language or piece of software, there is a person - or sometimes a team of people - who turned ideas into reality. We've all heard of Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and one of the richest men in history. Equally famous is Steve Jobs, the person who, along with Steve Wozniak, started Apple computers. However, there are hundreds of other people, from early pioneers to later geniuses, who aren't as well known but who deserve recognition for the work they did in advancing the world of computing.

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