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Unit 1 – crossing barriers core vocabulary

Say (v) 1) говорить, сказать  say + that/how/what/who etc; say sth to sb Tell me what he said to you.

say hello/goodbye etc; say sorry(to sb for sth); say yes/no (to sb/sth) – согласиться/ отказаться The committee said yes, so we can go ahead.

say sth on/about I want to say something on this subject.

2) иметь мнение I say we go (=I think we should go) by car; I think we should stop now. What do you say?

to say nothing of – не говоря уже  Pollution affects the soil, to say nothing of its impact on wildlife.

go without saying (that) – совершенно очевидно It goes without saying how very sorry I am. 

say (n) have one’s say (on/over sth) – высказаться, сказать свое слово Residents are being given a chance  to have a say on the future of their town.


Tell (v) 1) рассказывать tell sb about sthTell me about your day,” she said.

tell the truth/a lie He tells some absolute whoppers (=big lies) sometimes.

2) говорить, сказать tell sb that/who/what/why/ how etc; Were you told when she would be arriving?

3) велеть tell sb to do sth

tell the difference (between) – отличать, различать These days it’s hard to tell the difference between political parties.

tell (sb/sth) apart - отличить (одно от другого) The two women are so similar that only their husbands can tell them apart.


Speak (v) 1) говорить, разговаривать

+ to I phoned your office and spoke to your assistant.

+ with Let me speak with Jennifer and see what she thinks.

+ of People spoke of their fear as the flood waters rose.

+ about  He spoke movingly about his son’s struggle with cancer.

to speak a language

2) выступать с речью The local MP will be speaking at our graduation ceremony.

3) высказываться (for/against sth) Only a small group of people dared to speak against the war

speak well/highly of sb – хорошо отзываться о ком-л. Yvonne has spoken so highly of youopp. speak badly/ill of sb You shouldn’t speak ill of your father

speak ones mind– высказывать свое мнение

generally/personally speaking – в сущности говоря, в общих чертах Generally speaking, rural schools provide a better environment for the students.

native speaker (n) – носитель языка; English/French speaker


Talk (v) 1) говорить, разговаривать Can their baby talk yet?

+ to I need to talk to you.

+ with Everyone was busily talking with their friends.

+ about We were talking about you just last night.

2) обсуждать что-либо talk politics/sports/religion etc He spoilt the evening by talking politics all the time.

3) сплетничать You can’t stay here – the neighbours would talk.

talk on/about sth In the hall a woman was talking on diet and health.

talk sb into/out of (doing) sth – уговорить/отговорить кого-л His father talked him out of moving out.

talk sense/nonsense He’s a bit old-fashioned but he talks a lot of sense.

talk non-stop– говорить без умолку

look who’s talking/you can talk – кто-бы говорил “Peggy shouldn’t smoke so much.” – “Look who’s talking!

talk (n)  have a talk (with sb) We had a nice talk yesterday.

talks (pl) – переговоры + with He visited Egypt in March for talks with the president.

+ between the outcome of talks between the government and the rebels

+ on preliminary talks on the future of the steel industry

have/hold talks – проводить переговоры The management will be holding informal talks with union officials.


Communicate (v) 1) передавать, выражать (мысли, эмоции) A baby communicates its needs by crying.

communicate sth to sb Without meaning to, she communicated her anxiety to her child.

2) общаться They communicate with each other via email.


communication (n) Good communication is vital in a large organization.


Chat (v) (chat away) – беседовать, разговаривать, болтать The doctor chatted away as she examined my hand

+ about They sat waiting, chatting about nothing in particular.

+ to/with Who was that you were chatting to

chat (n) I just rang up for a chat – Я позвонил просто поболтать.

have a chat (with sb)

a cosy/friendly/informal/little chat


Clap (v) – хлопать, аплодировать At the end of the speech everyone clapped.

clap sb on the back/shoulder


Giggle (v) – хихикать + at  She giggles at the smallest thing. 


Weep (v) – плакать She began to weep tears of joy.

+ with He almost felt like weeping with frustration.


Whisper (v) – шептать “Over here!” she whispered urgently.

whisper (sth) to sb; whisper (sth) in sb’s ear

whisper (n) – шепот in a whisper/in whispers The two men began talking in whispers.   

Whistle (v) – свистеть, насвистывать I wish you’d stop whistling that tune! She whistled softly to her friends. 


Yawn (v) – зевать The boy stretched and yawned.  

yawn (n)  Melissa gave a yawn


Yell (v) – кричать, выкрикивать Her husband was yelling at her.  

yell (n) Sandra let out a yell.

a yell of triumph/delight etc There was a yell of triumph from Mark 


Language (n) – язык, речь body/ sign/ first/ second language.

mother tongue – родной язык 


Exercise 1 – Vocabulary practice.

Translate the sentences using Core Vocabulary for the phrases in italics.

1. Это была пустая трата времени, не говоря ужеобо всех переживаниях!

2. Марку всегда надо сказать свое слово, даже если он совершенно не разбирается в предмете.

3. В  инструкции сказано, в каких дозах нужно принимать лекарство?

4. Диана  чрезвычайно взволнована, ведь  ее пригласили выступитьна ежегодной конференции по проблемам защиты окружающей среды.

5. Она  слишком прямолинейна, считая, что  всегда нужно говорить то, что думаешь.

6. Ненавижу, когда все вокруг начинают  говорить о политике.

7. С  тех пор, как Джеки и Мойра  сделали одинаковые прически, их  стало почти невозможно различить.

8. Может быть, мне удастся уговоритьВики отвести нас в торговый центр.

9. Очевидно, что новый законопроект вызовет недовольство налогоплательщиков.

10. Игра  началась, как только прозвучал свистокрефери.

11. Вчера по дороге домой я встретила бывшую одноклассницу. Мы очень мило поболтали в кафе за чашкой кофе.

12. Меня всегда раздражала его привычка похлопывать всех по плечупри встрече.

13. Должно  быть, зрители были в восторге  от представления. Весь зал  аплодировалв течение получаса.

14. Он выучил язык жестов, чтобыобщатьсяс глухими покупателями.

15. Я  видел, как Джеймс наклонился  и прошепталчто-то Маргарет.


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