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Аудиторная работа

XIV. Проверка домашнего задания № 2.

XV. Укажите, какие из следующих утверждений не соответствуют содержанию текста А. Обоснуйте сбой ответ (по-русски или по-английски) (устно).


1. We know two main groups of pastures: natural and culti­vated ones. 2. Mitrog-siious fertilizers are believed to be beneficial for all pasture plant species. 3. Good grazing programme is the only way of pasture improvement. 4, Green succulent feed provided by pastures is of higher quality than hay, as it is richer in protein and vitamins. 5. Drills used for seeding pasture glasses are similar to the ones used for seeding cereals. 6. Pasture grasses and legumes having small seeds, the seedbed they require should be rather compact. 7. Farmers prefer to grow mixtures of grasses and legumes for they are more productive and mutually beneficial. 8. Permanent pastured are Known to be seeded, with such crops as barley, oats, ryegra, and some others. 9. The main thing to be considered while choos­ing the seeding mixture is the purpose for which it will be used. 10. Grasses and legumes grown or cultivated pas­tures are to provide more feed of better quality than the plants of native pastures.

ХVI. Прочтите следующий текст. Расположите вопросы, данные после текста, в виде плана к нему.


Sweetclover is considered to be one of the best le­gumes for soil improvement. The heavy, deeply penetrating and widely branching tap root tends to open up the subsoil ( подпочва). Subsoil minerals not available to pla its with shallow root systems are brought to the sur­face, and when the sweetclover plants decay, the nutrients contained in these minerals are made available for other


crops. The decay of plowed under sweetclover resuts in a marked improvement of aeration, drainago and the general physical condition of the soil.

Best results are usually obtained when sweetclover is rot plowed under until the plants are 6 to 12 inches tall in spring of the second year. At this time the plants already contain most of the accumulated nitrogen and it is. still sufficiently early to plant corn or somo other culti­vated crop.

The fertilizer value of sweetclover plowed under in the fall of the first year is nearly the same as that plo­wed in spring of the second year. But fall plowing seldom kills the sweetclover plants and they are likely to come 1 up the following spring as weeds in the succeeding crop.' It is primarily for this reason that late*fall plowing is not recommended.'

1. Why isn't it recommended to plow sweetclover under in the fall?

2. How does the tap root of sweetclover influence the soil?

3. What are the advantages of plowing sweetclover under in spring?

4. What is the result of sweetclover decay?

XVII. Прочтите текст В, не пользуясь словарем, и озаглавьте его.

Text В

There are several ways of establishing a pasture. The radical method is to plow an old pasture, to cultivate it


until free of weeds, and to sow the seed into a clean seedbed. Complete cultivation allows the farmer to conser­ve water in the soil, and it has the oi'foct of reducing competition between the pasture seedlings and other plants such as weeds and native grasses. Cultivation also males some nutrients which benefit young plants more available.

Sub-surface sowing is a method of drilling seeds into an existing pasture with the aim of obtaining the partare of a needed composition. From 10 to 20 per септ; of the seeds.may be expected to germinate and grow when this me­thod is used. In general, grass seeds sown in this way cannot compete with the native plants, but the mothod is more successful with legumes.

Whichever (какой бы ... ни ) method of establishment is used, it is usually found that the species with large seeds are established more easily. The larger seeds carry more food and the seedlings grow more rapidly.

With all methods of pasture establishment best re­sults follow the use of fertilisers. If pastures are not fertilized at all weeds may become a problem. It is due to tho fact that v/eeds tolerate low soil fertility and will grow quite well in the soil which is too poor for" the growth of pasture plants.

ХVIII. Передайте кратко основнуэ мысль катадого абзаца (по-рус­ски или по-английски) (устно).



Грамматика и лексика: Повторение пройденных лекси-

ческих и грамматических струк­тур.

Задание на дом № I

I. Из следующих слов и сочетаний слов назовите те, которые могут сочетаться со словом crop :

root, early, valuable, poor, mellow, deep, hay, fertile, serd, previous, tillage, farm, green manure, cultivated, manure, drought-resistant, mature, rate, food, firm, peren­nial, light, pasture, vegetable, rotation, warm-season, fibre, oxygen, quantity, useful, late, amount.

II. Из приведенных ниже глаголов назовите те, которые тематичес­ки связаны с сельским хозяйством:

to germinate, to value, to lodge, to depend, to develop, to harvest, to mature, to mean, to breed, to ripen, to require, to shatter, to plow, to drill, to cause, to in­crease, to improve, to grow, to provide, to harrow, to apply, to vary, to influence, to cut, to turn under.

III. Определите в тексте А:

а) функции инфинитива (абз. I, 2 случая);

б) где пропущено союзное слово "который" (абз.4);

в) I независимый! причастный оборот (последний абзац).

IV. Переведите текст А (устно). Отработайте чтение текста

в лаборатории (лабораторная работа № I).

Text А


A weed may be defined as a plant growing where it is not wanted. It means that any plant including a crop plant


may be classified as a weed in certain situations. Host people, howaver, do not cccoidor crop plants to be veeds, regardless of where they are found growing. To most of .. them a weed is a troublesome, wild plant that has inva­ded their fields. Whethor crop plants shou3d be called weeds would dopend largely .on how objectionable they ac­tually are. For example, barley growing in a field of oats that is to be U36d as feed for livestock cculd hard­ly be considered a weed because it ic not objectionable under such conditions. On the contrary, if the same field cf oats is being grown for seed, the mixture would be un­desirable because considerable time and labour Tould be " required in removing the barley seed. In this cat barley would undoubtedly be considered a weed.

Weeds in field crops are objectionable and harmful for a variety of reasons. They reduca the yields of crops as well as their quality. There are weeds which are knosn to be poisonous both to livestock and man. One should also remember that some weed species serve as host plants for certain insects and diseases that attack crops. They may thus act as sources of infection for farm crops.

The adverse effect of weeds on crop production is mainly associated with the decreased economic return from the land. Estimates show that weeds are responsible for an overall reduction of somewhat тоге than 'iO percent in the yield of the major world crops, representing ; huge annvO- loss of good supplies, bluch of this loss occure because weeds deprive the crop of water, mineral nutri-


ents and'light which would otherwise he available and so prevent it from producing high yields.

The extent to which yields may be reduced as a result of competition caused by weeds varies greatly. It depends on the competitive ability of the crop grown, on the type of weeds present, on the degree of infestation and on the season the crop is sown or planted at.

There exist different methods of controlling weeds in farm crops. The oldest but still common method is be­ll jved to 00 early and frequent cultivation of the land tfith different types of cultivators and harrows. These implements can be used to advantage in weedy fields of

row crops such as com, potatoes, soybeans, sugar beets, 'cad boons. Crop rotation is another valuable aid in dest­roying weeds since many of thu.i are associated with cer­tain crops. That is why the Dumber of weeds increases,, provided a crop is continuously grown on the same land. Ihej control of weeds through the use o:? chemical herbici­des has expanded considerably. For a herbicide to be ef­fective it should be used at a certain stage of the crop growth when it produces the least or no injury to the crop the rate and method of applying the herbicide being of great importance ай well.

Пояснения к тексту.

1) prevent ... from producing - мешают ... производить ;

2) to advantage - выгодно.

Лексический минимум к тексту А

wild, troublesome, oh\-ectionable, harmful, poisorous, to invade, to show, to deprive, reduction, infostatioas de­gree, frequent, implement, largely,insect.


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