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Пояснения к тексту

l) compared to - по сравнению с ;

2) bу themselves - сами по себе ;

З) as far as ... is concerned - что касается .

Лексический минимум к тексту А

abundant, fresh, carrots, radiches, onions, by-product, herbicide, weedkiller, to consume, to value, type, com­paratively, as a rule, level, recent, effective, to emer­ge, pre-emergence application, post-emergence application, mechanization, to facilitate.


Аудиторная работа

VШ. Выборочная проверка упражнений из задания на дои № I .

IX. Укажите в каждом предложении союз (или союзное слово),

зводящий придаточное предх кение; переведите предложения (устно).

1.When the soil is known to he low in organic matter, the growing of green manure сгорз may be desirable. 2.Until the plant food becomes available plants cannot uso it. 3.« Whether corn is grown for grain or for silage, the soil should be fertile enough for plants to develop well. 4. Eye belongs to drought-resistant plants, which is due to its well-developed root system. 5. Winter grains grow well and withstand winterkilling, provided they are sown at optimum time. 6. Air which constitutes from 20 to 25 percent of a normally mois\, soil supplies the necessary amount of oxygen. 7. Thcugh beets will withstand light frosts, it is usually best to delay seeding until the last killing frost date is past, 8. In our region com is grown principally for grain while its tops are used as livestock feed. 9. Since com is a warm-weather plant it is planted as soon as soil temperature becomes high enough.

X. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на . выделенные слова.

1. It is not recommended to apply barnyard manure for oats for they lodge due to the presence of nitrogen in the ma­nure. 2. Some perennials are able to live for more than 10 years or even longer. 3« For plants to manufacture much food they Deed an abundance of sunshine. 4. Soil provided with a good amount of organic matter will produce high


yields of farm crops. 5. Last year our Experimental Sta­tion provided tho collective farms of our region with the seed of this new wintor wheat variety. 6. Oats are known to yield much better, provided they are grown after sugar beets than after small grains. 7. The crop did not yield : well because the soil cortainod a email amount of nitrogen, 8. A poor potato crop was produced because of too low moisture content in the soil at the time of tuber formati­on. 9. They have grown this new com variety since 1980. 10.They have not grown any other corn variety since. 11. We have not applied either organic or commercial fer­tilizers to the soil since we began the experiment. 12. Sandy and sandy loam soils are best adapted to potato growing since they produce tubers of high quality. 13. The fertility of the 30il was rather low before growing legu-mea. 14. The grain may be injured before good storage conditions are provided. 15. Lodging resulted after abund­ant application of manure. 16. After the seedlings are transplanted to the field they should be watered.

XI. Выделите из каждого абзаца предложение, которое выража­ет его основную мысль.

ХП. Контроль чтения и перевода текста А.

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