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Задание на дом № 2

XI. Найдите в тексте и выпишите:

а) синонимы к следующим словам:

autumn, to hold, complex, preeipitation, method, highest;

б) антонимы к следующим словам:

deep, deficient, slow, moist, disadvantage, infertile,

fine textured, irrigated.

XII. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на

различные значения слова "means" (устно).

  1. Manure is considered to be a good means of improving soil structure. 2. What does "complete fertilizer" mean? 3 One may reduce the danger of diseases by means of proper treatment of the soeding material. 4. There exist a lot of means of increasing the yield. 5 The preparation of seed­bed in time and in the proper way means obtaining higher yield. 6. All cereals are thought to yield bettor when they are sown by means of a grain drill.


ХIII. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык (письменно):

а)I. Пшеница требует хорошо подготовлённую, мягкую пашню без сорняков. 2. Время и метод подготовки пашни зависят от многих условий. 3. Рано подготовленная почва сохраняет влагу лучше. 4. Большая часть пшеницы высевается рядовой сеялкой. 5. Пшеница обычно убирается при помощи комбайна, б. Важно убирать пшеницу в соответствующее время. 7. Пшеница готова для уборки, когда содержание влаги в зерне не более 14%;

б) I. Известно, что посев рядовой сеялкой имеет существенные преимущества перед посевом вразброс. 2. Мы сможем значительно улучшить структуру почвы посредством этого метода обработки.3. Ранняя вспашка помогает сохранять влагу в почве.4. Что нужно принимать во вни­мание, когда устанавливается норма посева? 5. Преоб­ладающие условия влажности также определяют время подготовки пашни, б. Наибольший урожай зерна высокого качества, как полагают, зависит от выбора правильного времени уборки. 7. Хотя большая часть пшеница убира­ется при помощи комбайна, это не значит, что ее нельзя убирать другими способом. В. Посев рядовой сеялкой обеспечивает более однородное распределение и глубину заделки семян.

ХIV. Выполните лабораторную работу № 2


Аудиторная работа

XV. Проверка домашнего зевания.

XVI. Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту А (устно).

  1. What soil does wheat require?

  2. Can wheat he grown successfully on clay soil?

  3. What seedbed is essential for wheat?

  4. What do the time and method of seedbed preparation depend on?

  5. What soil conserves moisture better?

  6. Why is the rate of seeding wheat a very complicated, problem?

  7. What is the relationship between the amount of rain-fall and the rate of seeding?

  8. What are the advantages of drilling?

  9. How is wheat harvested?

10. When is wheat ready for combine harvesting?

ХVII. Прочтите текст В, не пользуясь словарем. Догадайтесь по контексту о значении выделенного слова. Разделите текст на абзацы и озаглавьте их (по-английски).

Text В


In world production oats rank fourth among all cere­als, being exceeded only by wheat, rice and corn. Oat va-rieties may be divided into several classes, depending on the principle of classification. As regards to time of seeding there are spring and winter varieties, the winter oats being seeded in the fall. But as oate are known to


be less winter-hurdy than either wheat or barley, a small percentage of the total oat crop is fall-sown. Probably, about 80 per cent of the world crop of oats is spring-sown. Soil requirements of oats are believed to be lower than

thoseof any other cereal. They do better on a seedbed of medium compactness than on a very loose (рыхлая ) or very compact one. Deep plowing is not as essential as for corn, cotton, or wheat. A good practice is to plow and thoroughly pulverize the seedbed, and to sow the seed with a grain drill. Oats are sown either by broadcasting or drilling, but drilled oats yield better as a rule. The reasons for this arei (a) drilled seeds агэ covered at a uniform depth and better gemination is secured; (b) drilled seeds will bet­ter withstand dry and cold weatherj (c) drilling requires less seed per acre. Besides, broadcasting is not recommended on light and droughty soils where moisture is likely to be limited. We know combining to be the most popular method of harvesting oats today. Tor good results oats should not con­tain more than 13 to 14 per cent moisture at the time they are combined.

ХVIII. Задайте своему товарищу вопрос по содержанию одного из абзацев (по-английски).

XIX. Укажите, какие из следующих утверждений не соответствуют содержанию текста В. Обоснуйте свой ответ (по-русски или по-английски).

  1. Moisture content of the grain at the time of combining may be different.

  2. Winter oats are not so widely grown as spring oats.


  1. Less seed is required when oats are sown by broadcasting.

  2. Drilling oats is preferred to broadcasting.

  3. Oats require loose soil for producing higher yields.


Грамматика: Неполные придаточные предложения.

Задание на дом № I

I. Проработайте в разделе "Грамматика и словообразование" § 23, стр.33.

II. Определите по суффиксам, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова; дайте их русские эквиваленты (устно).

  1. require, requiring, required, requirement;

  2. adapt, adapted, adapting, adaptation, adaptability}

  3. germinate, germinated, germinating, germination;

  4. exist, existing, existence;

  5. vary, varying, various, variouely, variety, variability, variation.

III. Переведете следующие неполные предложения (устно). 1. When grown continuously on the same field, corn can exhaust the soil in a short time. 2. If included in the ro­tation, perennial grasses should precede cereals. 3» Though prepared properly, the seedbed didn't contain enough moistu­re for prompt germination of this crop. 4. When left rough, the soil is in better condition to hold moisture. 5. Unless applied at a proper rate, this type of fertilizer may injure the crop. 6. While young, cotton plants are easily damaged by cool weather.


IV. Найдите в тексте А:

  1. Неполные предложения (4-й и последний абзацы);

  2. Инфинитив в функции определения;

  3. Инфинитив, который переводится сказуемым в прошедшем времени (1-й и последний абзацы).

V. Переведите текст А (устно). Отработайте в лаборатории

чтение текста (лабораторная работа №1)

Text А


Corn is believed to have been a highly developed cul­tivated crop in the New World1 long before its discovery. She origin of com is unknown since the plant has been found only under cultivation. How corn is more widely dis­tributed over the world than any other cereal crop.

Corn is a member of the grabs family. It is an extre- . aely variable plant end there exist a large number of va­rieties that differ widely in size and shape.

Corn is a warn -weather plant that requires high tem­peratures day and night during the growing season. It has been found to be highly susceptible to frost injury any time of its growth.

Actually com requires a relatively small amount of water for each pound of dry matter produced, its high water requirement being due to the potential high acre producti­on. When growing rapidly in July and August, corn needs amch water because of the high rate of evaporation from the soil end transpiration from the leaves. Corn makes its beet growth if planted in a fertile, well-drained, loam

22 ­

soil. Besides, soils high in organic matter are ideal for this crop for they have e high water-holding capacity.

In addition to fertile soil and adequate moisture an abundance of sunshine is necessary for the plants to manu­facture large quantities of food to be stored in the grain. Cool, cloudy weather results in heavy vegetative growth and low yields of grain.

The object is to plant com at the depth that will pro­vide optimum soil temperature and water and result in rapid germination. Com planting depth varies widely with the 3oil conditions and climate. As corn should bo planted deep enough to place the seed in contact with warm Moist soil, the usual depth is 2 to 3 inches in rows from 30 to 40 inches apart. The soil being rather cold, the depth of 1 to 1 1/2 inches may be advisable.

Com is cultivated primarily to control weeds and to a less extent to conserve moisture and aerave vhe soil.

Corn is grown principally for (a) grain, (b) fodder., (o) silage, and (d) pasturing. Nearly 90 per cent of the com grain harvested is used directly as livestock feed. When cut for silage or harvested for fodder, com (toes not usually leave the farms on which it is produced. Corn has numerous industrial uses. Its stems or leaves seem to have been used for making paper from ancient times.

Пояснения к тексту

the New World - Новый Свет

from ancient times - с давних времен


Лексический минимум к тексту А .

extremely, variable, shape, pound, transpiration, to he high in, water-holding capacity, adequate, sunshine, vege­tative growth,, to manufacture, apart, advisable, livestock feed.


VI. Выборочная проверка упражнений из задания на дом №I.

VII. Переведите следующие неполные предложения (устно).

1.If planted too deeply, the seedlings of this crop will have some difficulty in reaching the surface of the soil. 2. When present great amounts in the soil, nitrogen is known to cause lodging of most cereals. 3. Though of the same variety, the seeds may differ greatly in size and quality. 4. When young, weeds are easily controlled by pro­per cultivation. 5. This plant is said to be affected by cold weather, until well-rooted. 6. Though not sufficien-fc-ly fertile for growing wheat, this soil can be used successfully for growing rye. 7. Unless planted deep enough, the corn seed will not have sufficient moisture for rapid germination. 8. Though not as important as climatic condi­tions, soil properties must be also taken into consideration when choosing the crop to be grown. 9. When young, the corn plant is about 90 per cent water and 10 per cent dry matter.

VIII. Заполните пропуски в предложениях следующими словами в соответствующей форме (устно):

to vary, to vary in, to vary with, to vary from ... to, variety, various, variable, variation.


1. The method of applying fertilizer … … the crop grown

and the type of fertilizer to be used. 2. The depth of corn seeding ... ... 1 ... 3 inches, depending on soil tempera­ture. 3. The stem of com plant is found to be more ... in size and height than that of any other cereal. 4. The ex­ternal factors influencing plant growth are moisture, su­itable temperature, oxygen, ... nutrients, and light. 5. Water-holding capacity of different soils ... greatly, being the highest in soils rich in organic matter. 6. The first step in the improvement of any crop is the selection of tho best ... for given conditions. 7. Fertilizing materi­als for this crop ... ... nature and rate of application,

being determined to a great extent by the character of the soil on which the crop is grovm. 8. Great ... in the size of com plant and in the time of its maturity is mainly due to the environment in which the crop is grown.

IX. Найдите в тексте А и прочтите предложение, в которой говорится о цели обработки кукурузы.

X. Контроль чтения и перевода текста-А.

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