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XMLUnit Java User’s Guide

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4.2JUnit 3.x Convenience Methods

Both XMLAssert and XMLTestCase provide an assertXMLValid(Validator) method that will fail if Validator’s isValid method returns false.

In addition several overloads of the assertXMLValid method are provided that directly correspond to similar overloads of Validator’s constructor. These overloads don’t support XML Schema validation at all.

Validator itself provides an assertIsValid method that will throw an AssertionFailedError if validation fails.

Neither method provides any control over the message of the AssertionFailedError in case of a failure.

4.3Configuration Options

Validator uses a SAX parser created by the configured SAX parser factory (see Section 2.4.1).

It will use the "control" EntityResolver if one has been specified (see Section 2.4.2).

The location of a DTD can be specified via Validator’s systemId constructor argument or a custom EntityResolver (see Section 4.1.1).

XML Schema validation is enabled via Validator.useXMLSchema(true).

The location(s) of XML Schema document(s) can be specified via Validator.setJAXP12SchemaSource (see Section 4.1.2).

4.4JAXP 1.3 Validation

JAXP 1.3 - shipping with Java5 or better and available as a separate product for earlier Java VMs - introduces a new package javax.xml.validation designed for validations of snippets of XML against different schema languages. Any compliant implementation must support the W3C XML Schema language, but other languages like RELAX NG or Schematron may be supported as well.

The class org.custommonkey.xmlunit.jaxp13.Validator can be used to validate a piece of XML against a schema definition but also to validate the schema definition itself. By default Validator will assume your definition uses the W3C XML Schema language, but it provides a constructor that can be used to specify a different language via an URL supported by the SchemaFactory class. Alternatively you can specify the schema factory itself.

The schema definition itself can be given via Source elements, just like the pieces of XML to validate are specified as Source as well.

The following example uses org.custommonkey.xmlunit.jaxp13.Validator to perform the same type of validation shown in Example 4.5.

Example 4.6 Validating Against a Local XML Schema

Validator v = new Validator();

v.addSchemaSource(new StreamSource(new File(myXmlSchemaFile)));

StreamSource is = new StreamSource(new File(myXmlDocument)); boolean isValid = v.isInstanceValid(is);

Validating a schema definition is shown in the next example.

Example 4.7 Validating an XML Schema Definition

Validator v = new Validator();

v.addSchemaSource(new StreamSource(new File(myXmlSchemaFile)));

boolean isValid = v.isSchemaValid();

There is no explicit JUnit 3 support for org.custommonkey.xmlunit.jaxp13.Validator.

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