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12. Imagine that you were present when these things happened, then, in pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the example.

SA What were you doing when the burglar broke in?

SB: / was watching TV.

SA What did you do?

SB: I called for help.

1. The burglar broke in.

2. The storm broke.

3. The lights went out.

4. The boat overturned.

5. The earthquake hit.

6. The building caught fire.

Past simple всравнениисPresent perfect

Мы используем past simple для действия, которое произошло в определенное время в прошлом. Время указано или уже известно:

Kate Steele wrote her first novel in 1970.

Мы используем present perfect для действия, которое произошло в неопределенное время в прошлом, то есть, когда время не указано:

Kate Steele has written a lot of successful novels.

Мы используем past simple, чтобы сказать о людях, которых уже нет в живых, даже если время не указано:

William Shakespeare wrote “Romeo and Juliet”.

Мы используем past simple для действия, которое началось и закончилось в прошлом:

George Brums was a basketball player for ten years.

Мы используем present perfect и present perfect continuous для действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается до настоящего момента:

Jim Presley has worked/has been working as a waiter for fifteen years.

Мы используем present perfect, чтобы объявить о ком-то новости иpast simple илиpast continuous,чтобы сообщить детали этой новости:

I've just seen the new boss. I was talking to Carol on the phone when he came in.

13. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect.

A. A: Do you know that man?

B: Oh yes. He's a very good friend of mine. I 1) ...’ve known... (know) him for about ten years.

A: I think I 2)..........(meet) him at a business meeting last month.

B. A: Mum 1).....................................(lose) her purse.

B: Where 2)......................................(she/lose) it?

A: At the supermarket while she was shopping.

C. A: Who was on the telephone?

B: It 1)...................................(be) Jane.

A: Who is Jane?

B: Someone who 2).........(work) in my office for a few years. She's got a new job now, though.

D. A: Who is your favorite singer?

B: Freddie Mercury. He 1) .......(have) a wonderful voice.

A: Yes, I agree. He 2)........(enjoy) performing live, too.

14. In this exercise you have to read the situation and then write a sentence. Use the verbs given in brackets. Read the example carefully first.

Example: Ten minutes ago Tom lost his key. Now he has it in his hand. (lose / find) .........Tom lost his key but now he has found it. …………

1. I lost a lot of weight but now I am too heavy again.

(lose weight / put on weight) I......but now I ...........................

2. She went to Australia but now she is back in Britain again.

(go / come back) She...........but now......…...............................

3. Last year Kevin bought a car. Now it belongs to someone else.


4. The police arrested the man but now he is at home again.

(arrest / release)............................................................................

5. Bill cut his hair. Now it is long again.


6. The prisoner escaped from the prison. Now he is back in prison.

(escape / be caught)......................................................................