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Министерство культуры Российской Федерации

федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

«Пермский государственный институт искусства и культуры»

Кафедра иностранных языков

Л.А. Яровая

Методические указания

для студентов заочного отделения факультета культурологии


«Режиссура театрализованных представлений и праздников»


(английский язык)

Рекомендовано к изданию методическим советом кафедры иностранных языков.

Протокол № _3_ от 24.10.2012

Методические указания для студентов заочного отделения факультета культурологии направления «Режиссура театрализованных представлений и праздников» (071400) (английский язык)/ Сост. доцент Л.А. Яровая; Перм. гос. ин-т искусства и культуры. – Пермь, 2012. – 26c.

Учебный план

Установка – 4 часа

I семестр – 4 часа – аудиторные занятия, зачёт

24 часа – СРС

II семестр – 4 часа – аудиторные занятия

24 часа – СРС – зачёт

III семестр – 8 часов – аудиторные занятия

33 часа – СРС

IV семестр – 6 часов – аудиторные занятия, экзамен

24 часа – СРС

Студентам рекомендуется пользоваться учебником С.Н. Любимцева, Б.М. Тарповская, Л.Г. Памухина. “Деловой английский” для начинающих. Учебник Москва “ГИС” 1988г.

В течении установочной сессии (4 часа) студенты имеют:

  1. вводно-корректирующий курс по фонетике английского языка и правилам чтения (алфавит, чтение гласных под ударением, чтение буквосочетаний, чтение и написание транскрипции)

  2. Повторение грамматики:

а) существительное (артикль, мн. число, притяжательный падеж)

б) глагол (to be, to have, to have got)

в) местоимения: личные, объектные, притяжательные

К зимней сессии ( I семестр) необходимо изучить следующий материал по учебнику С.Н. Любимцевой:

  1. Имя существительное (ед. и мн. число) стр. 49-50

  2. Притяжательный падеж существительных стр. 21

  3. Артикль

стр. 13-14 (неопределенный артикль)

стр. 23 (определенный артикль)

стр. 67, 102-103 (определенный артикль)

  1. Имя числительное стр. 48-49

  2. Местоимения

а) Указательные (стр. 16 стр. 58)

б) Личные (стр. 10-11)

в) Притяжательные(стр. 17 стр. 37)

г) Объектные (стр. 23-24)

д) Some, any, no (стр. 71-72)

6. Глагол to be (вопросительная, отрицательная и утвердительная формы)

7. Употребление слов: much, many, few, little, a little, a few (стр. 58-59)

8. Степень сравнения прилагательных (стр. 103-104)

9. Оборот there is/ there are (стр. 70)

10. Изучить лексический и грамматический материал 4-х уроков из учебника (стр. 9-116) и выполнить упражнения письменно.

Ex 17, p. 23

Ex 15, p. 69

Ex 25, p. 78

Ex 27,p 104-105

К зачету в I семестре сессии необходимо:

  1. Знать алфавит

  2. Буквы (вразброс по карточкам)

  3. Звуки (по карточкам)

  4. Знать правила чтения гласных под ударением (4 типа слога)

  5. Знать правила чтения буквосочетаний, уметь читать транскрипцию

  6. Знать наизусть 20 неправильных глаголов (учебник З.И. Буровой, стр. 544-545)

  7. Подготовить темы:

My family and me

Film reviews

My flat

  1. Письменно перевести тексты, иметь словарь с транскрипцией и переводом незнакомых слов. Уметь читать и переводить тексты устно со своим словарём

  1. My family

  2. My friend’s family

  3. Ann’s new flat

  4. Film reviews

  5. William Shakespeare

Тексты для изучения

I семестр

Текст 1.

My Family

My name is George. I'm a businessman.

Our family is large.

My father's name is Fred. He is an engineer. My mother's name is Jane. She is a doctor.

My parents are not old but they are not very young.

My grandfather and grandmother are rather old. They are on pension.

I have a brother and a sister.

My sister is a student. Her name is Ann. She is not married.

My brother is an interpreter. His name is John. He is married. His wife's name is Kate. She is an economist.

John and his wife have no children.

Текст 2.

My friend’s family

I have a friend. His name is Vladimir. Vladimir is 35. He is married and has a daughter. They have got a large and comfortable flat in Moscow.

Vladimir is an economist. He works at the Ministry of Economics. His office is small but very nice. Vlad is not at the office now. He is in Rome. He is at an international conference.

Vlad's wife is 30. She is an office clerk. She is at work now. She is very busy.

Vlad's daughter is at school. Vlad's "parents are at home. They are pensioners.

I like my friend. He is always friendly and helpful.

Текст 3.

Ann’s new flat

MARY: Hello, Ann!

ANN: Hello, Mary. Come in, please. I want to show you my new flat. This way, please. This is our living-room.

MARY: What a nice room! It's larger than your old one, isn't it?

ANN: Yes, it’s larger and lighter. The flat is very comfortable.

The kitchen is larger too.

MARY: The flat is really good. I'm glad for you, Ann.

ANN: Oh, Mary, this is my sister Helen.

MARY: How do you do. Nice to meet you. Are you a student, Helen?

HELEN: How do you do, Mary. I'm an interpreter.

MARY: Are you really? But you are very young, I think.

ANN: She is younger than we are. She is only 21.

MARY: Is your work interesting? Do you like it?

HELEN: Oh, yes, I like it.

ANN: Look, Mary, let's have a cup of coffee.

MARY: Thank you, Ann, but I'd like to buy a skirt today. Let's go to the shop together.

ANN: With pleasure.

Текст 4.

Film Reviews


My favourite film is "Vassa". Its director is Gleb Panfilov. His productions are popular in our country. Panfilov is an experienced film-maker. His films are first class. Some of his films are "The Beginning", "Valentina" and "The Theme". They are well-known to our film-goers. "Vassa" is a screen-adaptation of a play by Gorky. Its interpretation is original. As for Churikova as Vassa, she is very good. Her acting is brilliant. "Vassa" is a wide-screen colour film. Its photographic effects are expressive. I like this film very much.


This is a Japanese film by Kurata. Kurata is a young director. This film is a thriller. Its story is trivial. Thrillers are very popular in the world today. This is an interesting social problem. "The Legend" is a wide-screen colour film. As for its photography, it is professional, but many special effects are elementary and primitive. Its horror-scenes are vulgar and shock­ing. In short "The Legend" is a typical commercial film. I don't like this film because it is banal and trivial.

Текст 5.

William Shakespeare

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо и переведите письменно.

William Shakespeare, ... greatest English play­wright, was born in 1564 in ... Stratford-upon-Avon in ... England. ... Stratford is ... small country town in ... farming district near ... centre of ... England. ... Avon, which is ... pretty river with ... grass and ... trees all along its banks, runs through ... Strat­ford.

Not much is known of ... Shakespeare's father. He was ... farmer who, at ... different times of his life, sold ... meat and bought and sold ... wool. He was poor and was often in ... money difficulties. Very little is known about ... life of his only son William also. ... little house in which ... great writer was born still stands. It is now ... museum. William went to ... school in ... Stratford. In 1586 he went to ... London. Probably ... first work he did there was at one of the two theatres that there were in ... London at that time. Then he became ... actor and soon began to write ... plays for ... company of actors to which he belonged. Shakespeare bought ... largest house in his home town in 1597, but he did not spend much time there till 1610. He spent ... last years of his life mostly in ... Stratford, but he often visited ... London. He died in 1616.