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Medical education in creat britain

Task 1 Learn the following words:

entrance вступ

assistance допомога, сприяння

tuition навчання

attend відвідувати (лекції)

obtain одержувати, здобувати

occupy займати

salary платня, оклад

Task 2 Match the following Ukrainian word combinations with the English ones:

1 отримати ступінь a) tuition fee

2 вступні іспити b) clinical subjects

3 клінічні предмети c) final exams

4 випускні іспити d) to obtain degree

5 плата за навчання e) entrance examinations

Task 3 Find the sentences in the Future Continuous Tense. Translate them into Ukrainian:

1 The students will be working in the physical laboratory from 9 to 10.50 in the evening.

2 When he came they were writing the test.

3 We are discussing the characteristic features of cardiac muscles now.

4 First-year students will be working in the anatomy museum on Monday.

Task 4 Read the text:


To enter a medical school in Great Britain candidates must pass entrance examinations. Entrance examinations are both oral and written.

Students take these examinations at the end of 6-year secondary-school course, generally at the age of 18-19 years. For entrance to a faculty of medicine or a medical school, it is required that the subjects of chemistry, physics and biology or mathematics should be taken at advanced level.

Tuition fees are charged. Most students receive financial assistance in the form of grants, which cover their expenses wholly or in part.

As for the academic year, it is divided into 3 terms, each of 10-11 weeks’ duration. The terms run from October to December, from January to March and from April to June. Clinical students, however, attend for 48 weeks of the year. Undergraduate education occupies five years, consisting essentially of two years of basic sciences and three years of clinical work. Two pre-clinical years are occupied by human anatomy and biology, physiology and biochemistry. They also study physiology, statistics and genetics. Students attend lectures, do directions and prac­tical work in labs.

Beginning with the third year the students study the methods of clin­ical examinations and history taking, general pathology, microbiology, pharmacology and community medicine. Medical students have practical training in teaching hospitals. These hospitals consist of in-patient and out-patient departments. Sometimes these departments are called units. Senior students and especially undergraduates spend most of the time in teaching hospitals. Daily bedside instruction in hospital wards and out­patient departments is given by teachers and doctors. Students follow up their patients and attend ward rounds. Besides the work in the wards the students attend lectures and demonstrations in clinical pharmacology, pathology and microbiology as well as in clinical subjects which are being studied. Three years are spent in clinical studies to obtain degrees of Bachelor of Medicine (B. M.) and Bachelor of Surgery (B. S.).

Examinations are hold at the end of each term. It is three times a year. At the end of each term and after each special course students take final exams. They are called sessionals. Most of the exams are written. They include academic and practical problems. The final examinations or finals are in Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology they must assist in operations. Before finals in Obstetrics and Gynaecology they must assist during the delivery of at least 20 babies. These examinations are both written and oral. Written test includes short and long questions and questions of multiple choice. Oral tests include diagnosing a case.

After the finals graduates work in hospitals for a year. This period is called internship. The newly qualified doctor must serve for six months as a house physician and six months as a house surgeon under the super­vision of his medical school. House physicians and surgeons are on call every second or third night. The work of interns is very difficult but their salary is very small. Interns work at least 8 hours a day. After internship a young doctor obtains a “Certificate of experience” from the medical school and he or she may work as medical practitioner.

Further specialisation requires training in residency. It takes 1 or 2 years of work in a hospital in some field. Residency trains highly quali­fied specialists in a definite field: gynaecologists, urologists, neurolo­gists, and others. The salary of residents is higher than the salary of interns. After residency a specialist gets rather a high salary.

After passing the finals the students are given the B. M. and B. S. degrees. Besides these degrees they have the degree of Doctor of Medicine (M. D.). This degree is a postgraduate qualification obtained by writing a thesis based on original work. It is not required for practice. Such degree in surgery is termed a mastership (M. S.). The degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery give the right to registration as a med­ical practitioner.

Task 5 Read the text and find the answers to the following question:.

1 When are entrance examinations to a medical school taken?

2 What examinations do medical students pass?

3 What degrees are given to medical students after the final exami­nations?

4 Is it obligatory to obtain the degree of Doctor of Medicine for all graduates of a medical school?

5 When can a young doctor work as a medical practitioner?

Task 6 Say whether the following statements are true or false.

Start your answer with: Yes, you are right; I don’t think so;

I agree with you that; No, you are wrong.

1 The examinations in medical schools in Great Britain are only oral.

2 Different grants are available to aid students who don’t have funds to finance their medical education.

3 The academic year is divided into two terms.

4 Entry to a medical school in Great Britain is a simple matter.

5 The degree of M.D. is not required for practice.

Task 7 Find the proper continuation:

1 The Degree of Bachelor of Medicine (Surgery) is given to a me­dical student after ... .

2 The Degree of Doctor of Medicine is obtained after ... .

3 Mastership degree is given in ... .

Task 8 Choose the proper tense form:

1 We shall/shall be studying the functions of heart during the whole month.

2 They made/were making their experiment from 5 to 7.

3 The students discuss/are discussing the problem of medical educa­tion in Great Britain for two hours running.

4 The first year students will study/will be studying Chemistry for the whole term.

Task 9 Comment on the following points:

1 The selection of students to a medical school.

2 Premedical and medical subjects studied at medical schools.

3 The work of a resident.

4 The work of young doctors after residency.

Task 10 Choose the proper continuation on the right:

undergraduate (1) any graduate who continues his studies

or re­search to receive a Degree of

Master or Doctor.

graduate (2) student who hasn’t yet taken a University


post-graduate (3) a person who has taken a Degree of


Task 11 Try to make the following dialogue using active vocabulary from the text:

Peter: Hello, Sam.

Sam : …

Peter: I’m a student of the Oxford Medical School.

Sam : …

Peter: I entered it last year after I had finished a grammar sec­ondary school.

Sam : …

Peter: Certainly. The number of applicants was several times as great as the number of places available.

Sam : …

Peter: Oh, yes. It is more expensive to study in Oxford, than at any other University.

Sam : …

Peter: Hope to see you again. Bye-bye.

Task 12 Translate into English.

1 Протягом двох років доклінічного навчання студенти-медики вивчають анатомію людини, біологію, фізіологію, біохімію, ста­тистику і генетику.

2 Академічний рік має три семестри до 10-11 тижнів навчання в кожному.

3 Наприкінці кожного семестру студенти складають іспити, більшість з яких проводиться письмово.

4 Кожний молодий лікар повинен після закінчення медичної шко­ли працювати рік інтерном.

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