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Books on Happiness / the happiness revolution - 2 students

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The Happiness Revolution

has to teach his patients to switch from a “co ee gathering” to a juice, chai or tea gathering. This new trend can be witnessed by the widespread selling of chai in nationwide chains of co eehouses. (Chai is black tea that is mixed with boiled milk, sugar, ginger root and spices - see recipe on page 365.)

When most people think of co ee, they think of conversations, phone calls and casual morning gatherings. When I think of co ee, I think of the health problems associated with co ee, way beyond the ca eine and diuretic, stimulating e ects.

In addition to being a stimulant, ca eine is broken down into uric acid, which is excreted through the kidneys. Therefore, an excess of ca eine can overtax the kidneys. However, the ca eine in co ee is of lesser concern than is the nature of the co ee bean itself. The bean consists of approximately 200 di erent acids, making co ee a bowel irritant. Because co ee is so acidic, it is very aggravating to the digestive system. The ca eine in co ee stimulates all of the body, including the colon, to speed up its activity. In fact, co ee enemas are touted as a method of treating constipation as it is thought that the ca eine and irritating constituents of co ee cause the bowels to increase the rate of their contractions to eliminate the irritating co ee along with all that lies in its wake.

Carbonation, most commonly associated with consumption of soda, is very aggravating to both Vata and Pitta constitutions. When any beverage is pu ed full of air (carbonated), it is unsettling for Vatas. The carbon dioxide gas in carbonated beverages combines with water to form carbonic acid. Furthermore, many sodas contain phosphoric acid and citric acid (in citrus soda-pop). These slight changes in the body’s pH (a measure of acidity) can cause less-than-optimal function in every part of your body.

Carbonation also has a detrimental e ect on your bones. Because carbonation increases the acidity of your entire body, your body must

The Happiness Diet


counteract this change in pH. The best bu er for increased acidity is calcium phosphate – which is pulled out of your gut and your bones. Thus your body weakens your bone mass by using it to neutralize over-acidity from foods and excessively acidic beverages like soda pop. When you repeatedly drain your body’s supply of calcium on a daily basis for years, then you may eventually lower your bone mass to the point when your bones become weak and brittle.

Soda — containing carbonation and usually ca eine — and co ee

— with its irritating acidity and ca eine — are best avoided in the everyday diet. Black tea, though ca einated, contains less ca eine than ca einated co ee. When taken as chai, both the milk fat and spices, such as cardamom, act to calm the negative aspects of ca eine on your body and mind. This is a wonderful replacement for co ee. However, if you do continue your use of co ee, it would be best to add your brewed co ee to a rolling boil of sweetened milk. To the cosmopolitan, you are creating a homemade co ee latte.


Food as a therapy is a topic that floods the bookshelves and airwaves with seasonal emphasis. For example, the warming spring rains herald the weight loss diet fads where exercising and eating less are not enough; instead, we must read 300 pages and memorize menus and charts before heading to the grocery store. The heart attack season, the dates of which are commonly determined by the media, brings television commercials and more books about how to eat right for our heart, for our blood type and for our longevity. Once again, we have much to learn and many notes to take.

As I understand it, the human race has been eating for a long time. When we eat foods that are not really foods, we commonly su er the consequences. The ignorance of how to eat, breathe and sleep properly has caused irreparable harm to modern generations. My


The Happiness Revolution

Ca eine Comparison (in milligrams)

Coca-Cola Classic (12 oz) -- 34

Green tea (one bag in 8oz water) -- 25-40

Black tea (one bag in 8oz water) -- 40-70

Mountain Dew (12 oz) -- 55

Co ee plain, brewed (8 oz) -- 135

Starbucks’ Co ee Grande (16 oz) -- 259

*Data from MayoClinic.com13

grandfather and many of my uncles were farmers. Options on the farm were simple and, for the most part, harmless. Their simplicity became scientific when I began my study in nutrition with Dr. Rudolph Ballentine, M.D., and Dr. John Clarke, M.D., at the Himalayan Institute in 1979. Later, Swami Rama would both simplify and embellish their teachings with broad, sweeping statements that would not be verified by medical science for 20 years or more. When reputable journals did at last publish such reassuring research, I would find myself both relieved and amazed at how much Swamiji knew.

In Rishikesh, India, in 1985, Swami Rama spoke about nutrition. He told us that various foods and spices were the gatekeepers to every metabolic function. He talked of the dangers of co ee and the benefits of turmeric and cumin. He asked us to eat with him and notice how we felt from consuming foods from his simple menu for the next several weeks. At that time, he encouraged all of us to have the experience of good food before he would expound on the scientific aspects of nutrition.

Nineteen years later, Newsweek magazine reported on Jan. 17th, 2005, that turmeric has the ability to “suppress genes that ratchet up inflammation.” Newsweek referred to the benefits of turmeric in controlling the activation of the inflammation causing COX-2

The Happiness Diet


gene.14 The comments I had heard almost two decades earlier were now proven and printed. Why do we spend our time and money developing drugs that prove to be harmful, instead of trusting nature’s gentle gifts, such as turmeric? At the conclusion of this chapter I have provided you with a list of spices and their benefits.


Sometimes in our life we reach a point where we have misused our intestinal fortitude to the point where we are forced to stop our daily routines of eating and snacking. This pause in consumption is necessary when your digestive system is malfunctioning and healing requires you to start over from the beginning. If this day comes, Ayurvedic wisdom will be there to greet you. You see, you were not the first one to ignore the signals of your bloating and belching as you plowed full-steam ahead into your next meal of munchies and mischief. All of us have performed outrageous nutritional escapades at home and on the road.

For the next couple of weeks your diet and your day will be di erent as you now re-balance and heal your entire digestive system. You will find this entire process to be easy and nourishing as you make your o erings of atonement literally into the belly of the fire.

Like any campfire, you are going to re-start your digestive fire as if it was a brand new fire. To clean out the fire pit, you only have to stop eating. Like your kitchen oven, your stomach is also “self-clean- ing.” On the eve of your first day of atonement, conclude your meal by the end of sunset and finish your waking hours with the occasional sipping of warm water that was boiled previously. When morning comes, break your fast at sunrise with the “Hot Water & Lemon Cleanse” described below. This will be your main beverage for the next three to five days. Here is the recipe:


The Happiness Revolution

Hot Water & Lemon Cleanse -- To be used for 3-5 days only.

1.Boil two quarts of water in a pot -- no microwaving. Remove from the heat. The boiling lowers the surface tension in the water, making the water easier to absorb into the body.

2.After the boiling has stopped, add the juice of two freshly squeezed lemons into the 2 quart pot of water. Boiling the lemon juice will alter and kill the enzymes in the juice. Strain the juice to prevent any lemon seeds from entering the beverage.

3.Add a small pinch of salt to the mixture, approximately 1/4 - 1/2 of a teaspoon.

4.Add approximately 1/3 to 1/2 cup of honey -- this varies according to your taste preferences. Once you know the amount that works for you, please stay with that amount. You can use real maple syrup, but honey is preferred.

5.For the Kaphic constitution, add in liquid cayenne tincture -- used in extreme moderation. About 15-30 drops for the entire 2 quarts of water.

6.Stir the elixir thoroughly and pour into a thermos.

7.Keep your lemon beverage warm and drink 8-12 ounces every 2 hours throughout your day. Always drink at least 8 ounces every 2 hours as a minimum baseline. Do not allow yourself to feel overly hungry.

8.This is not your only food source for the next three to five days. Also, if you are concerned about calories or carbohydrates, this might help you:

Honey has 63.8 calories per tablespoon and 17.3 grams of carbohydrates. Maple syrup has 52.2 calories per tablespoon and 13 grams of carbohydrates.

The Happiness Diet


Depending upon your personal preferences and medical history, you may find it very satisfying to use this beverage as your entire nourishment for one to three days. For the first 24 hours, this plan would be the best. Don’t worry, fasting will not be your long-term lifestyle.

Like the campfire, you must feed the tiny flame very simple and easily burnable fuels. High quality yogurt that you sweeten with a fresh banana or fresh deep-colored berries is a good fuel. No grains, nuts or seeds for now. As you use the hot water and lemon beverage you will be amazed at how little food you actually need. I do believe we can all live on less food than we thought.

In regards to breaking your 24-hour fast, I would first honor whatever you normally do if you have fasted previously. If I was to o er you advice, I would start with only a few foods if possible - yogurt, fruit and warm cooked vegetables. Vegetable soups are optimal, especially when you add a teaspoon of ghee into each serving. You must do what makes sense to you. Only eat until you feel “almost” full or less. This will probably be much less than your normal habits.

Secondly, fresh crunchy vegetables are simple and satisfying - red and yellow bell peppers dipped in hummus will make an excellent snack. In the afternoon or evening, enjoy a homemade vegetable soup or stir-fry.

Ideally, use these food groups for 3-5 days. This will allow you to carefully monitor your digestion. The less food the better in the first week. Please note that no grains are added in yet. Over the next few days, expand your diet with tofu, broccoli & cauliflower. No carrots yet, and still be shy on grains. Use butter or ghee as desired. Garlic, ginger, cumin, coriander and turmeric are the best spices for cooking your vegetables and tofu.

Optimal results favor abstaining from co ee, tea, carbonation, meat and restaurant food for the next 10 – 14 days. If any food you


The Happiness Revolution

add back into your diet causes bloating or gastric distress, please remove it again from your menu. Once your digestive fire is stronger, you can try again. Obviously, junk foods and candy are also avoided. However, you can return to eating salads at the end of the first week. Use homemade dressings if possible.

In Ayurveda, life comes from fire. The human body is said to be the kunda (fire bowl) of the Divine fire of consciousness, the spark of human goodness, the glow of the Divine from above. Accepting this metaphor for now, you can learn to view your menu as a listing of o erings that you wish to place as an oblation on the sacred fire of life that dwells within you. All that is good in life is described using metaphors of fire and light – light being the first visible sign of fire. Meals, menus and snacks all become o erings into the fire of consciousness dwelling in your solar plexus. The more precious and pure the o ering, the brighter the fire of your life will glow and grow.

Your attitude is also an important part of this cleansing and rejuvenation process. You infuse your food with your emotions and attitudes while cooking and eating. The entire time you are cooking, eating and digesting, the food is listening. Have a blend of delightful conversations, enchanting music and family fun at each and every meal. The optimal musical tunes are those sung by all before or after the meal. My father always kept his baritone ukulele leaning in the corner of our dining room – at any moment throughout dinner he could break into song.

The Happiness Diet





Day 1

Hot Lemon Drink



Snacks* (optional)


Day 2

Hot Lemon Drink



Snacks (optional)



Cream of vegetable soup (optional)


Day 3

Hot Lemon Drink



Snacks (optional)



Cream of vegetable soup (optional)


Day 4

Hot Lemon Drink



Lunch - Vegetable stir-fry, Tiger sauce (optional)


Snacks (suggested)


Day 5

Hot Lemon Drink



Lunch - Vegetable stir-fry, Tiger sauce (optional)


Snacks (suggested)


Day 6

Breakfast - Yogurt and fresh fruit (blueberries,



strawberries, bananas)



Lunch - Tofu, vegetable and cashew stir-fry



Dinner - Cream of vegetable soup


Day 7

Breakfast - Yogurt and fresh fruit



Lunch - Mung bean soup, whole wheat toast






Dinner - Cream of vegetable soup, whole wheat



toast (optional)


Day 8

Breakfast - Yogurt and fresh fruit



Lunch - Scrambled tofu, whole wheat toast






Dinner - Toor dal, brown rice (optional)


Continued on next page


The Happiness Revolution



Day 9

Breakfast - Yogurt and fresh fruit


Lunch - Lentil soup, whole wheat toast




Dinner - Tofu, vegetable and cashew stir-fry,


brown rice (optional)

Day 10

Breakfast - Yogurt and fresh fruit


Lunch - Toor dal with mango, whole wheat toast




Dinner - Coconut vegetables, brown rice



*Snacks can include apples (fresh or baked with cinnamon), bananas, cherries, grapes, fresh red or yellow bell peppers dipped in hummus, and fresh nuts.

(cashews, almonds or walnuts).

Recipes for all meals listed here can be found in Appendix C.


Feeding the goddess called Happiness . . . .

Like every good friend and every great parent, the goddess Happiness lovingly accepts every gift you o er. I believe her presence in our lives and at our dinner tables is needed now more than ever. Knowing your sincerity in your search for a healthier, happier life, I o er you menus that can help you heal the past and the present, as you bravely stride into the future you create. You will find the menus in the appendix.

As you watch those around you glow with the fire of joy from good food and good friends, I hope this chapter has inspired you to see your meals, menus and snacks in a new light. Delicious, delectable, scrumptious living. Live it.

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The Happiness Diet



A few basic principles on how and what you eat will guide you toward the quality of life you seek.

Foods have a powerful impact on your moods and emotions. If you keep eating the same way, you will keep feeling the same way.

Foods determine your health status, longevity and the appearance of your body. Most diseases and deaths can be attributed to the patient’s diet. Likewise, longevity and happiness can be attributed to the diet.

Foods can feed you or feed many. Today we live in a global community and our harvest belongs to everyone. Your diet can support the feeding of millions or the feeding of the fortunate few.

To live a healthier lifestyle, follow these simple dietary ideas.

Reduce and consider removing fast food, junk food and overly-pro- cessed foods from your diet. Home-cooked meals will make it easy for you to avoid foods with added salt or sugar, refi ned sugars and refi ned grains.

Limit dairy and meat consumption (especially ice cream and aged cheese).

Add fruits and vegetables.

Add whole grains.

Switch to healthy oils.

Replace soda, alcohol, coffee and sweetened juices with water.

Enjoy your meal in a calm peaceful environment. Take time to chew your food thoroughly. Try to eat at regular times throughout the week.