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Business Result Pre-Int Unit 2 Contacts

Useful Language






To open a computer file in order to find or add information

иметь, получать доступ



to plan or prepare for; to organize

устраивать, организовывать



A fault in a computer system, program

ошибка, сбой в системе



the job or series of jobs that you do during your working life, especially if you continue to get better jobs and earn more money




A person that you work with, especially in a profession or a business

коллега, сослуживец


consist of

To have something as a part of

состоять из

[kən'sɪst əv]


A person who knows a lot about a particular subject and is employed to give advice about it

консультант, советник



Dirty or not pure because a dangerous substance has been added

загрязненный, зараженный



Substances that you put on your face or body to make it more attractive

косметические средства



A person or an organization that buys something from a shop or business

покупатель; заказчик


deal with

To solve a problem, perform a task

заниматься (напр. проблемой), иметь дело с

[di:l wið]


To say that something is not true

отрицать; отвергать



a part of an organization which deals with a particular area of study or work

отдел, отделение


employment agency

a business that helps people to find work and employers to find workers

агентство по трудоустройству

[ɪm'plɔɪmənt 'eɪʤ(ə)n(t)sɪ]

external consultant

a specialist who gives expert advice or information and who is not an employee of the company

сторонний (внештатный) консультант

[ɪk'stɜ:n(ə)l kən'sʌlt(ə)nt]


within each other's sight or presence

лицом к лицу

[feɪs - t ə - feɪs]


able to change or be changed easily according to the situation

Легко приспосабливаемый;



a self-employed person

внештатный сотрудник,


full-time worker

a person who works for a whole of a working week

работающий полный рабочий день

[,ful'taɪm 'wɜ:kə]


things for sale, or the things that you own




happening at the beginning; first




the act of putting new equipment, software, etc in place and making it ready to use

установка; сборка; инсталляция



to have something as an important or necessary part

касаться, затрагивать


involved in

taking part in an activity or task

вовлечённый, участвующий

[ɪn'vɔlvd in]


to (cause something to) get better




the regular work which a person does to earn money

служба; место работы



a person whose job is to collect and write news stories for newspapers, magazines, radio, or television




existing in, or responsible for a small area



make up

to put together


[meɪk ʌp]

manual worker

a person working physically rather than mentally.

работник физического труда

['mænjuəl 'wɜ:kə]


a cream that is used to make the skin less dry

увлажняющий крем


occupational psychologist

a psychologist (a doctor specializing in how the mind works) who studied how people behave at work and what influences their way of thinking and behavior

психолог занятости (изучающий поведение людей при приеме на работу, во время работы)

[,ɔkju'peɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l saɪ'kɔləʤɪst]

out of order

not working


aut əv 'ɔ:də

part-time worker

someone who works for only some of the day or week.

работник, занятый неполный трудовой день

['pɑːt,taɪm 'wɜ:kə]


connected with making and selling drugs and medicines




the most important place or the right to have something first among a group of people

приоритет, преимущество



getting a better job in the same company

повышение в звании;


public relations

the relations between an organization and the public; the things an organization does to create a good impression with the public

связи с общественностью; установление связей с общественностью


retail buyer

a person who buys goods individually or in small quantities

розничный покупатель

['ri:teɪl 'baɪə]


to leave your job or stop working because of old age

уходить в отставку, на пенсию


sales rep

an employee of a company who travels around a particular area selling the company’s goods to shops, etc.

агент по продаже товаров

[seɪls rep]


special ability acquired by training

умение; навык; сноровка



programs used to operate a computer

программное обеспечение



to form a word or words with the letters in the correct order

писать или произносить (слово) по буквам



the people employed in an organization

штат служащих; служебный персонал;



a person or company that is paid to do part of the work given to another person or company




a person or company that provides goods



take part in

to be involved in something

принимать участие в чем-либо

teik pɑːt in


lasting only a short time;



total market

the total amount of money gained from selling some goods or services

общая сумма денег, полученная в результате операций на рынке или продажи каких-л. товаров

['təut(ə)l 'mɑːkɪt]

training organization

an organization that provides skills training to companies

компания по обучению персонала

['treɪnɪŋ ,ɔ:g(ə)naɪ'zeɪʃ(ə)n]


the total number of workers employed by a company on a specific job, project, etc

рабочая сила


  1. Match the words (1-10) with the definitions (a-j)

  1. department

  1. within each other's sight or presence

  1. workforce

  1. a person working physically rather than mentally.

  1. subcontractor

  1. a business that helps people to find work and employers to find workers

  1. to make up

  1. the total number of workers employed by a company on a specific job, project, etc

  1. to improve

  1. to put together

  1. part-time worker

  1. the total amount of money gained from selling some goods or services

  1. face-to-face

  1. to (cause something to) get better

  1. manual worker

  1. someone who works for only some of the day or week

  1. total market

  1. a part of an organization which deals with a particular area of study or work

  1. employment agency

  1. a person or company that is paid to do part of the work given to another person or company

  1. Fill in the gaps

  1. Journalists and writers usually work as …

  2. … … helps staff to deal with their psychological problems at work.

  3. The head researcher of the …. company invented a new medicine.

  4. I can spend a lot of time with my family, because I have … working hours

  5. You need special … if you want to work in this area.

  6. Installing new equipment is our … now.

  7. … is more important for men than for women.

  8. The elevator was … … … so we had to take the stairs.

  1. Answer the questions

  1. If you need a job, will you use an employment agency to help you find it or you will try to find it by yourself? Why?

  2. What does your job involve? What are you working hours?

  3. Do you want to work all your life for the same company? Why/why not?

  4. Are training organizations important? How do they help workers?

  5. When you retire would you like to work? What kind of worker would you like to be?


  1. Read the article. What sort of company is Manpower? What type of workers does the article mention?

Manpower. The world of work.

Manpower is a successful employment agency, which supplies temporary workers to companies. Two lawyers started a company when they couldn’t find temporary help with a project. Today it is a global company with offices all around the world and it’s becoming more and more popular because many people don’t want to be permanent workers anymore.

Employment agencies supply companies with different types of workers. These include professional and administrative full-time workers in offices and manual part-time workers in factories. Temporary workers (also called “temps”) now make up between one and three percent of the total workforce in most countries. Both multinational and small companies are using temps for a long time. People want to be temporary workers to have flexible working hours so that they can spend more time with their families.

Have careers changed very much since the 1990s? A decade ago, people expected to work for the same company until they retired. Today, nobody expects a job for life anymore. There are a lot of freelance workers and people are moving from job to job, working in different companies or in different departments. Training is important because it improves workers’ skills. These can help employees to find better jobs or get a promotion.

In some jobs there aren’t enough skilled workers that is why some companies want retired people with skills to return to work. Japan, Australia and Italy are starting to employ older workers. Companies need organizations like Manpower to arrange training for older employees, for example to use computer software or to work with a younger boss

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