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Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Complete the following statements. Choose one of the alternatives:


The Olympic Games consist of the

- Summer Games

Winter Games

Summer and Winter Games


At the opening ceremony the athletes of Greece march into the stadium

- first


in alphabetical order


The athletes of the host country enter

- first




The most dramatic moment of the opening ceremony is the

- raising of the Olympic flag

lighting of the Olympic flame

bringing a lighted torch


The flame is kept burning

- one day

one weak

until the end of the Games


The Olympic symbol consists of

- five rings

four interlocking rings

five interlocking rings


The Olympic motto is

- higher, stronger, faster

faster, higher, stronger

faster, stronger, higher

II. Ask questions about missing information and answer them. Work in pairs. Model: The o. G. Bring together thousands of the world's finest athletes …

Why do the Olympic Games bring thousands of the world's finest athletes together?

The Olympic Games bring together thousands of the world's finest athletes to compete against one another.

1. The Summer Games are held in ...

Where .…………… ?


2. The Winter Games are held in ...

Where ... ………………… ?


3. ... the Summer Games and Winter Games have been held on

four-year cycles two years apart.

Since when … ………… ?


4. A special feeling of …….. surrounds the Olympics.

What kind of feeling .…………………. ?

……………………………………………………………….. .

5. … is particularly impressive.

What .………………….. ?


6. The athletes of Greece march into the stadium first, ...

Why ... …………………. ?


7. ... enter the stadium last.

Who ... …………………… ?


8. … declares the Games open.

Who ... ……………………… ?


9. The most dramatic moment of the opening ceremony is ...

What ... ……………………… ?


III. Say and reply about the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games:

Model 1: The most dramatic moment of the opening ceremony

is lightening of the Olympic Flame.

Yes, no other moment attracts so much attention.

Prompts: 1. bringing of a lighted torch from the valley of Olympia; 2. marching of athletes into the stadium; 3. booming of cannons in salute; 4. playing of trumpets; 5. releasing of hundreds of doves into the air.

Model 2: A special feeling of excitement surrounds the Olympics.

Yes, it is an unforgettable feeling.

Prompts: 1. the opening ceremony; 2. the lighting of the Olympic Flame; 3. the opening speech of the head of state of the host country; 4. the cross-country relays with a lighted Olympic torch; 5. the opening parade of the participant nations.

IV. Give extensive answers to the following questions:

1. What role do the Olympic Games play in the development of the world sports?

2.What did you feel while watching the Olympic Games on TV?

V. Speak on:

- the aim of the Modern Olympic Games;

- the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games;

- the relay of the Olympic Flame;

- the Olympic Symbol.

VI. Before reading Text 6 B learn the Olympic sports:

Summer Games

Archery - стрельба из лука

Athletics - легкая атлетика

Badminton - бадминтон

Baseball - бейсбол

Basketball - баскетбол

Beach volleyball - пляжный волейбол

Boxing - бокс

Canoeing - гребля на каноэ

Cycling - велоспорт

Equestrian - конный спорт

Fencing - фехтование

Football - футбол

Gymnastics - гимнастика

Handball - гандбол

Judo - дзюдо

Modern pentathlon - современное пятиборье

Rowing – гребля (академическая)

Shooting - стрельба

Softball - софтбол

Swimming - плавание

Table tennis - настольный теннис

Tennis - большой теннис

Volleyball - волейбол

Water polo - водное поло

Weightlifting - тяжелая атлетика

Wrestling - борьба

Yachting - парусный спорт

Winter Games

Biathlon - биатлон

Bobsleigh - бобслей

Curling - керлинг

Figure skating - фигурное катание

Ice hockey - хоккей

Luge - санный спорт

Alpine skiing - горнолыжный спорт

Freestyle skiing - фристайл

Nordic skiing – северное двоеборье

Snowboard - сноуборд

Skeleton - скелетон

Speed skating – конькобежный спорт

Short track – шорт трек

VII. Complete the sentences below by writing the correct sport words from the list above:

1. Five sports that need ice are ___,____,____,_____ and ________ .

2.Seven sports that take place on a snowy hillside are ____,____,____,_____,_____,_____ and ________ .

3. Eleven sports played with a ball are ________ , ________ , ________ , ________ , ________ , ________ ,__________, __________, __________, ________,_______.

4. Three sports involving boats are ________ , ________ and ________ .

5. Two sports where horses are also athletes are ________ and ________ .

6. Four sports where athletes shoot at a target are ________ , ________ , ________ ,___________.

7. Running, jumping and throwing events are ________ events.

8. A sport where athletes do twists and turns on bars and rings is ________ .

9.Three Olympic sports involving man to man combat are ________ ,________ and_________.