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Текст 5 The Academic Year

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For most colleges and universities in the USA, the academic year begins in late August or early September and ends in May or June. The semester system divides the academic year into two equal terms of approximately 16 weeks each. The quarter system divides the academic year into three equal terms of approximately 11 weeks each. Usually there is also a fourth "summer quarter". The trimester system has three equal terms of approximately 16 weeks each, including a summer term.

Most students take the summer off. Some students, however, choose to go to summer school and earn credits which may help them to complete their degree work in a shorter length of time than normally is required.

Текст 6 Admission Procedures in the uk

Students are admitted to British Universities largely on the basis of their performance in the examinations for the General Certificate of Education at ordinary and advanced levels. The selection procedure is rather complicated.

A student who wants to go to university usually applies for admission before he takes his advanced level examinations. First of all, he must write to the Universities Central Council on Admissions (UCCA), and they send him a form which he has to complete. On this form, he has to write the names of universities in order of preference. He may put down only two or three names, stating that if not accepted by these universities he would be willing to go to any other. This form, together with an account of his out-of-school activities and two references, one of which must be from the headteacher of his school, is then sent back to the UCCA.

The UCCA sends photocopies of the form to the universities concerned. Each applicant is first considered by the university admission board. In some cases the board sends the applicant a refusal. This may happen, for example, if the board receives a form in which their university is the applicant's sixth choice and the university already has many candidates. If there are no rea­sons for immediate refusal, the university admission officer passes the candi­date's papers on to the academic department concerned. One or two mem­bers of this department will then look at the candidate's application: see what he says about himself, look at his marks at the ordinary level examinations, see what his headteacher and the other referee say about him. On the basis of those, the department may make the candidate an offer (either a definite offer or a conditional one) or send him a definite rejection.

As a rule, the department makes a conditional offer. This means that the candidate will be accepted by the university if he fulfills the requirements stated in the offer.

In his turn, the student may accept the offer conditionally.

When the Advanced level examination results come out in August, the university admissions department sees whether the candidate has fulfilled his conditions and, if he has, sends him a definite offer. The candidate must accept or refuse within 72 hours.

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Students are accepted by British Universities largely on the basis of the results of their GCE examinations. On the form sent by the UCCA a candi­date has to write down the names of the universities beginning the list with the ones he prefers most and ending it with those least preferred. He may state that if not admitted to these universities, he would be willing to go to any other. Each applicant is first considered by the office at the university responsible for admission procedures. In some cases the board sends the applicant a refusal. As a rule, the department makes an offer according to which the candidate will be accepted on certain conditions. When the university admissions department sends the candidate a definite offer, he must express his agreement or dis­agreement to be admitted to the university within three days and nights.

Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Where should school leavers in Britain apply to if they want to go to university?

  2. What does a candidate write on the UCCA form?

  3. What papers are sent to the UCCA along with the completed UCCA form?

  4. What does the UCCA do with the applicant's papers?

  5. What university groups consider the applications for admission?

  6. What decision may be sent to the applicant?

  7. When is a definite offer sent to the applicant?

  8. How long is the time period within which the candidate must accept or refuse a definite offer?

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