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Beginning Python (2005)

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Making Decisions


You have seen how many times every element in a sequence, or every element in a dictionary, needs to be examined and compared. Doing this manually is impossibly boring and error prone for a person, even a fast touch-typist. In addition, if you enter these things in manually, you’ll be caught off-guard when the inevitable typo happens, or when something that you’re evaluating is changed elsewhere, and your manually entered code can’t easily accommodate that change.

To perform repetitive tasks, Python offers two kinds of repetition operations. Both are similar — in fact, they’re almost identical — but each one lets you think about what you’re doing differently so each one should have its place in your skill set.

How to Do Something — Again and Again

The two operations that enable you to initiate and control repetitive tasks are the while and for operations. The while operation tests for one truth condition, so it will be referred to as while ... :. The for operation uses each value from within a list, so it will be referred to as for ... in ... :.

The while ... : operation will first check for its test condition (the ... between the while and the :) and if it’s True, it will evaluate the statements in its indented block a first time. After it reaches the end of its indented block, which can include other indented blocks that it may contain, it will once again evaluate its test condition to see whether it is still True. If it is, it will repeat its actions again; however, if it is False, Python leaves the indented section and continues to evaluate the rest of the program after the while ...: section. When names are used in the test condition, then between the first repetition and the next (and the next, and so on), the value referred to by the name could have changed and on and on until there is some reason to stop.

Try It Out

Using a while Loop

>>>ingredients = omelet_ingredients.keys()


[‘cheese’, ‘pepper’, ‘egg’, ‘milk’, ‘mushroom’]

>>> while len(ingredients) > 0:


current_ingredient = ingredients.pop()


print “Adding %d %s to the mix” % (omelet_ingredients[current_ingredient],




Adding 5 mushroom to the mix

Adding 1

milk to the mix

Adding 2

egg to the mix




to the





to the


How It Works

In making this omelet, first you have taken the list of ingredients from the omelet_ingredients dictionary. The dictionary contains both the ingredients and the corresponding quantities that are needed for an omelet. The ingredients list only has the names of the ingredients.

The repetition using the while ... : operation will ensure that at least one element is left in the ingredients list. For as long as there are elements in ingredients, the looping repetition will use



Chapter 4

pop to remove the last element from the ingredients list and reference its value with the name current_ingredient. Then, in the print statement, the current_ingredient is always going to be the name of an ingredient from the keys of the omelet_ingredients dictionary because that’s where the list ingredients came from.

Doing this the other way, with the for ... in ... : form of repetition, is, as shown before, very similar to the while ... : form, but it saves you a couple of steps. In the first part, the for ..., you provide a name that you will use inside of the indented code. In the second part, the in ... : part, you provide a sequence, such as a list or a tuple, which takes each element and assigns the value of the element to the name you provided in the first part. This saves you some of the effort that went in to using the while loop in showing the omelet ingredients being put together:

>>> for ingredient in omelet_ingredients.keys():

... print “adding %d %s to the mix” % (omelet_ingredients[ingredient], ingredient)


adding 1 cheese to the mix adding 1 pepper to the mix adding 2 egg to the mix adding 1 milk to the mix adding 5 mushroom to the mix

You can see that this method is performed in the opposite order of the while ... : example. This is because the first example used the pop method to remove elements from the end of the list, but the second example with for ... in ... : uses each element in the keys of the omelet_ingredients in order from first to last.

Stopping the Repetition

The common term infinite loop refers to a sequence of code that will repeat forever. A simple example just sets up a while ... : statement that tests against something that is always going to result in True. For instance, just using True will always work. You should not type in the following code, because it’s the kind of thing that’s better to see than to have to do yourself:

>>> while True:


print “You’re going to get bored with this quickly”



You’re going to get bored with this quickly

You’re going to get bored with this quickly

You’re going to get bored with this quickly

You’re going to get bored with this quickly

You’re going to get bored with this quickly

The preceding code continues forever or until you break out of it. Inconvenient as it seems at first glance to have something that repeats forever, there are times you may want this — for instance, in a program that waits for the user to type something in, and when the user is done, returns to waiting.

However, sometimes you will want to know that if certain conditions are met, such as the right time of day, when the water has run out, when there are no more eggs to be made into omelets, and so on, that



Making Decisions

the repetition can be broken out of even when there is no explicit test in the top of the while ... : or when the list that’s being used in the for ... in ... : doesn’t have an end.

Infinite loops can be exited by using the break statement. Some of the lines in the example here continue for a long time. When you try this out, if you see a line that doesn’t begin with a >>> or a . . ., then it’s actually part of the prior line, so type the entire line. In addition, make sure your indentation matches what’s on the page:

>>>omlettes_ordered = 5 >>> omlettes_delivered = 0

>>>fridge_contents = {“egg”:8, “mushroom”:20, “pepper”:3, “cheese”:2, “tomato”:4, “milk”:13}

>>>while omelets_delivered < omelets_ordered:


break_out = False




for ingredient in omelet_ingredients.keys():





ingredients_needed = omelet_ingredients[ingredient]





print “adding %d %s to the mix” % (omelet_ingredients[ingredient],








fridge_contents[ingredient] = fridge_contents[ingredient] -








if fridge_contents[ingredient] < ingredients_needed:





print “There isn’t enough %s for another omelet!” % ingredient



break_out = True




omelets_delivered = omelets_delivered + 1




print “One more omelet made! %d more to go” % (omelets_ordered -






if break_out == True:





print “Out of ingredients, go shopping if you want to make more


















adding 1 cheese to the mix



adding 1 pepper to the mix



adding 2 egg to the mix



adding 1 milk to the mix



adding 5 mushroom to the mix



One more omelet made! 4 more to go



adding 1 cheese to the mix



There isn’t enough cheese for another omelet!



adding 1 pepper to the mix



adding 2 egg to the mix



adding 1 milk to the mix



adding 5 mushroom to the mix



One more omelet made! 3 more to go



Out of ingredients, go shopping if you want to make more omelets!


If you use break, it will only take you out of the most recent loop — if you have a while

... : loop that

contains a for ...

in ...

: loop indented within it, a break within the for ...

in ...

: will not break

out of the while ...







Chapter 4

Both while ... : and for ... in ... : loops can have an else: statement at the end of the loop, but it will be run only if the loop doesn’t end due to a break statement. In this case, else: could be better named something like done or on_completion, but else: is a convenient name because you’ve already seen it, and it’s not hard to remember.

Try It Out

Using else While Repeating

>>> for food in

(“pate”, “cheese”, “crackers”, “yogurt”):


if food

== “yogurt”:




... else:



print “There’s no yogurt!”




>>> for food in

(“pate”, “cheese”, “crackers”):


if food

== “yogurt”:




... else:



print “There’s no yogurt!”


There’s no yogurt!

How It Works

In each example, there is a test to determine whether there is any yogurt. If there is, the while ...: is terminated by using a break. However, in the second loop, there is no yogurt in the list, so when the loop terminates after reaching the end of the list, the else: condition is invoked.

There is one other commonly used feature for loops: the continue statement. When continue is used, you’re telling Python that you do not want the loop to be terminated, but that you want to skip the rest of the current repetition of the loop, and if you’re in a for ... in ...: loop, re-evaluate the conditions and the list for the next round.

Try It Out Using continue to Keep Repeating

>>> for

food in (“pate”, “cheese”, “rotten apples”, “crackers”, “whip cream”,





if food[0:6] ==






print “Hey, you

can eat %s” % food


Hey, you can eat pate Hey, you can eat cheese Hey, you can eat crackers

Hey, you can eat whip cream Hey, you can eat tomato soup

How It Works

Because you’ve used an if ...: test to determine whether the first part of each item in the food list contains the string “rotten”, the “rotten apples” element will be skipped by the continue, whereas everything else is printed as safe to eat.



Making Decisions

Handling Errors

You have seen examples of how Python reports errors in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. Those errors usually contain a lot of information pertaining to what failed and how:

>>>fridge_contents = {“egg”:8, “mushroom”:20, “pepper”:3, “cheese”:2, “tomato”:4, “milk”:13}

>>>if fridge_contents[“orange juice”] > 3:


print “Sure, let’s have some juice”



Traceback (most recent call last):

File “<stdin>”, line 1, in ?

KeyError: ‘orange juice’

Oops. There is no orange juice in the fridge right now, but it would be nice to be able to learn this without having to crash out of the program.

You have already learned one way to find out about the keys that are present in a dictionary, by using the keys method of the dictionary and then searching through the list of keys to determine whether the key you want is present. However, there’s no reason not to take a shortcut. The last line of the error shown in the preceding code is:

KeyError: ‘orange juice’

This says that the error Python encountered was an error with the key in the fridge_contents dictionary. You can use the error that Python has told you about to brace the program against that particular class of error. You do this with the special word try:, telling Python to prepare for an error.

Trying Things Out

A try: statement sets up a situation in which an except: statement can follow it. Each except: statement handles the error, which is formally named an exception, that was just raised when Python evaluated the code within the try: statement instead of failing. To start with, use except: to handle one type of error — for instance, the KeyError that you get when trying to check the fridge.

You have only one line in which to handle the error, which may seem restrictive, but in Chapter 5 you’ll learn how to write your own functions so that you can handle errors with more flexibility:

>>>fridge_contents = {“egg”:8, “mushroom”:20, “pepper”:3, “cheese”:2, “tomato”:4, “milk”:13}




fridge_contents[“orange juice”] > 3:



print “Sure, let’s have some juice”

... except



print “Aww, there’s no juice. Lets go shopping”


Aww, there’s no juice. Lets go shopping

You may find that you need to print more information about the error itself, and this is the information that you have access to.



Chapter 4

There are multiple kinds of exceptions, and each one’s name reflects the problem that’s occurred and, when possible, the condition under which it can happen. Because dictionaries have keys and values, the KeyError indicates that the key that was requested from a dictionary isn’t present. Similarly, a TypeError indicates that while Python was expecting one type of data (such as a string or an integer), another type was provided that can’t do what’s needed.

In addition, when an exception occurs, the message that you would have otherwise seen when the program stops (when you run interactively) can be accessed.

When you’ve learned more, you’ll be able to define your own types of exceptions for conditions that require it.

Try It Out

Creating an Exception with Its Explanation

>>>fridge_contents = {“egg”:8, “mushroom”:20, “pepper”:3, “cheese”:2, “tomato”:4, “milk”:13}



if fridge_contents[“orange juice”] > 3:


print “Sure, let’s have some juice”

... except KeyError, error:


print “Woah! There is no %s” % error




There is no ‘orange juice’

How It Works

Because there is no key in fridge_contents dictionary for “orange juice”, a KeyError is raised by Python to let you know that no such key is available. In addition, you specified the name error, which Python will use to reference a string that contains any information about the error that Python can offer. In this case, the string relates to the key that was requested but not present in the fridge_contents dictionary (which is, again, “orange juice”).

There may be times when you handle more than one type of error in exactly the same way; and in those cases, you can use a tuple with all of those exception types described:

>>>fridge_contents = {“egg”:8, “mushroom”:20, “pepper”:3, “cheese”:2, “tomato”:4, “milk”:13}

>>>try: ... if fridge_contents[“orange juice”] > 3:


print “Sure, let’s have some juice”

... except (KeyError, TypeError), error:


print “Woah! There is no %s” % error




There is no ‘orange juice’

If you have an exception that you need to handle, but you want to handle it by not doing anything (for cases in which failure isn’t actually a big deal), Python will let you skip that case by using the special word pass:



Making Decisions

>>>fridge_contents = {“egg”:8, “mushroom”:20, “pepper”:3, “cheese”:2, “tomato”:4, “milk”:13}




fridge_contents[“orange juice”] > 3:



print “Sure, let’s have some juice”

... except

KeyError, error:


print “Woah! There is no %s” % error

... except








There is no ‘orange juice’

There is also an else: clause that can be put at the end of the try: block of code. This will only be run when there are no errors to be caught. Like before, else may not be the obvious choice for a name that could better be described as “in case it all works” or “all_clear” or something like that. By now, however, you can see how else: has become a flexible catch-all that means “in case something happens” although it’s not consistent. In any case, it’s there for you to use.

Summar y

In this chapter, you’ve learned about the methods for making decisions that Python offers. Any operation that results in True or False can be used by if ...: statements to determine whether a program will evaluate an indented block of code.

You have seen for the first time the important role that indentation plays in Python programs. Even in the interactive Python shell the number of spaces in the indentation matters.

You now have the knowledge to use sequence and dictionary elements in repetition loops. By using repetitions, you can perform operations on every element in a list and make decisions about the values of each list element.

The two types of repeating loops that Python offers you are the while ... : loop and the for ... in

... : loop. They perform similar jobs, continuing until a condition causes them to finish. The difference between the two lies in the conditions that will permit them to evaluate their indented block of code. The while ... : loop only tests for true or false in its test case, while the for ... in ... : loop will take a sequence you provide in the in ... : section, and each element from first to last in the sequence will be assigned to the value provided in the for ... section.

Both types of repeating loops can be exited before their test conditions are met by using the break operation. The break operation will cause the loop that is being evaluated to stop without further evaluations of any more code in the loop’s code block. However, if a break operation is performed, then

the optional else: condition for a loop will not be run. In addition to break is the continue operation, which will skip the rest of the current loop but return to the top of the loop and evaluate the next

test case.



Chapter 4

You also learned about one other kind of decision-making, which is handling the exceptions that Python uses to report errors. These exceptions are how any error is reported. If they are not accommodated, these errors will result in your program stopping at the point at which the error occurred. However, if you enclose code that may cause an error in a code block indented beneath a try: you can specify

how to prevent the program from exiting, even going so far as handling the error and continuing with the program. The errors that you anticipate encountering will be specified in the except ... : clause, where the first value provided defines the type of the error (or types if a tuple of error types is provided); and, optionally, a comma followed by a name used to refer to data containing information about the error, can be provided.


Perform all of the following in the codeEditor Python Shell:

1.Using a series of if ... : statements, evaluate whether the numbers from 0 through 4 are True or False by creating five separate tests.

2.Create a test using a single if ... : statement that will tell you whether a value is between 0 and 9 inclusively (that is, the number can be 0 or 9 as well as all of the numbers in between, not just 1-8) and print a message if it’s a success. Test it.

3.Using if ... :, elseif ...: and else:, create a test for whether a value referred to by a name is in the first two elements of a sequence. Use the if ... : to test for the first element of the list; use elif ... : to test the second value referenced in the sequence; and use the else: clause to print a message indicating whether the element being searched for is not in the list.

4.Create a dictionary containing foods in an imaginary refrigerator, using the name fridge. The name of the food will be the key, and the corresponding value of each food item should be a string that describes the food. Then create a name that refers to a string containing the name of a food. Call the name food_sought. Modify the test from question 2 to be a simple if ... : test (no elif ... : or else: will be needed here) for each key and value in the refrigerator using a for ... in ... : loop to test every key contained in the fridge. If a match is found, print a message that contains the key and the value and then use break to leave the loop. Use an else

... : statement at the end of the for loop to print a message for cases in which the element wasn’t found.

5.Modify question 3 to use a while ... : loop by creating a separate list called fridge_list that will contain the values given by fridge.keys. As well, use a variable name, current_key that will refer to the value of the current element in the loop that will be obtained by the method fridge_list.pop. Remember to place fridge_list.pop as the last line of the while ... : loop so that the repetition will end normally. Use the same else: statement at the end of the while loop as the one used at the end of question 3.

6.Query the fridge dictionary created in question 3 for a key that is not present, and elicit an error. In cases like this, the KeyError can be used as a shortcut to determining whether or not the value you want is in the list. Modify the solution to question 3 so that instead of using a for

... in ... : a try: block is used.





Up until this point, any time you wanted to accomplish a task, you have needed to type out entire programs to do the job. If you needed to do the same work again, you could type the entire program again or place it in a loop. However, loops are most useful when you are repeating the same thing, but writing the same loop repeatedly in different parts of your program with slightly modified values in each one is not a sane way to live your life.

Python has functions that enable you to gather sections of code into more convenient groupings that can be called on when you have a need for them.

In this chapter, you will learn how to create and use your own functions. You will be given guidelines to help facilitate your thinking about how to create and structure your programs to use functions. You will also learn to write your functions so that you can later interrogate them for information about how they behave and what you intend for them to do.

Putting Your Program into Its Own File

As the examples in this book get longer, typing the entire code block begins to be a burden. A single mistake causes you to retype in the entire block of code you are working on. Long before you’ve gotten to the point where you’ve got more than, say, 40 lines of code to type, you are unlikely to want to have to do it more than once.

You are probably already aware that programmers write programs that are saved as source code into files that can be opened, edited, and run without a great deal of work.

To reach this far more convenient state of affairs, from here on out you should type the programs you are using into the main codeEditor window, and save the examples from the book into a single folder from which you can reference them and run them. One suggestion for naming the folder could be “Learning Python,” and then you could name the programs according to the chapters in which they appear.


Chapter 5

You can do two things to make your programs easy to run. The first line of all of your Python files should look like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python

This enables Unix and Linux systems to run the script if you follow the instructions in the appendix at the end of the book. A second important thing to do is to name all of your Python files with names that end in .py. On Windows systems, this will provide the operating system with the information that it needs to launch the file as a Python file and to not just treat it as a text file. For instance, if you put all of the examples from the chapters you’ve read so far into their own files, you may have a folder with the following files:

chapter_1.py chapter_2.py chapter_3.py chapter_4.py chapter_5.py

After you save your first program into a file, you’ll notice that codeEditor has begun to emphasize certain parts of the file by displaying them in a few different colors and styles. You’ll notice a pattern — some of the built-in functions and reserved words are treated one way, while strings get a different treatment and a few keywords are treated yet another way. However, most of the text in your files will still be plain black and white, as shown in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1