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Now, on the client side, we are going to see how we could integrate a SignalR client with Knockout7, the open source framework based on the popular presentation layer design pattern MVVM8.

In this framework, there is a complete separation between the presentation elements, the logic that is responsible for managing presentation, and the data it uses. Thus, we will define the interface on the one hand (basically an HTML template with some special features) and the View-Model object on the other hand (which contains the data that feed said template and the logic to manage interactions).

For example, the following code could correspond to the markup of a page that uses Knockout to show a small text submission form and a list of messages received just below. Note that there is no reference to SignalR, only the Knockout binding system’s own attributes that indicate different aspects of the behavior and display of the elements of the interface:


<h1>Knockout Broadcaster</h1> <div>

<input type="text" data-bind="value: text, enable: ready" /> <button data-bind="click: send, enable: ready">Send</button>


<p data-bind="visible: !ready()">Connecting...</p> <ul data-bind="foreach: messages, visible: ready">

<li data-bind="text: $data"></li> </ul>


At run time, when connected to SignalR (we will see how to do this later on), the result displayed on screen would look like what you see in Figure 9-7.

7Knockout official website: http://knockoutjs.com/


Advanced topicsChapter 9



FIGURE 9-7  Knockout and SignalR executing.

In the preceding HTML code, we see the attributes that indicate binding rules of each element of interest with members of the View-Model object, which in Knockout are always called data-bind. One step at a time:

■■The <input> tag bindings indicate that the value of this text box will be backed by a field named text in the View-Model object. In addition, the field will be enabled depending on the content of the ready field of the same object: if it is false, the text box will appear disabled, and if not, it will be enabled. In the following listing, we will initialize ready as false, and it will become true after we have managed to connect to SignalR.

■■The button will also be enabled depending on the ready field of the View-Model, and clicking it will invoke the send() method available in the same object.

■■Next we have a static message (“Connecting...”) that will be visible only while ready is false.

■■Finally, we have a visible list whose contents depend on an array called messages available in the View-Model.

The binding system uses observables in both directions. Thanks to the Knockout dependency management system, if any property of the View-Model changes, the interface will be automatically updated according to the binding rules set, and the same applies in the opposite direction: any update to the data entry fields will be immediately reflected in the properties of the View-Model.

The following code could be the View-Model class for the preceding example. It could be found in a separate script file referenced from the page or on the page itself:

var BroadcasterViewModel = function (hub) { var self = this;

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self.ready = ko.observable(false); self.text = ko.observable(""); self.send = function () {

if (self.ready()) { hub.server.broadcast(self.text()).done(function() {





self.messages = ko.observableArray(); self.start = function() {

$.connection.hub.start().done(function() { self.ready(true);



hub.client.message = function(msg) { self.messages.push(msg);



The class constructor takes as an argument a reference to the hub on which it will act, and as we can see, the members who were referenced from the bindings are defined on the object itself. The properties are set and queried using ko.observable()9 objects, which are the ones that provide automatic dependency management. For example, the ready property is initially set to false, and it is set to true only when the connection to the hub is completed, whereupon all controls depending on it will automatically update their states, enabling and showing themselves.

The methods are declared directly on the class, and they can use the internal properties to perform their tasks.

The code that would initialize the page would be the one shown in the following example. All that we would need to do in this case is to instantiate the View-Model and supply it the hub on which it will operate, tell Knockout that it must use this instance as a reference for the bindings, and finally, invoke the method that we have prepared in the View-Model to start the connection to the Hub:

$(function () {

var vm = new BroadcasterViewModel($.connection.broadcaster); ko.applyBindings(vm);

vm.start(); // Starts the connection


Finally, the hub on which we have been working is shown here:

public class Broadcaster: Hub


public override Task OnConnected()


return Clients.All

.Message("New connection " + Context.ConnectionId);


public Task Broadcast(string message)

9 ko is the principal object of Knockout. As a simplistic parallelism, ko is to Knockout as $ is to jQuery.


Advanced topicsChapter 9




return Clients.All

.Message(Context.ConnectionId +"> " + message);




Of course, we can also easily integrate a SignalR client into applications built with AngularJS10, the popular SPA11 framework based on the MVC pattern.

In AngularJS, views are also defined independently of the other components, and as we saw with

Knockout, attributes (directives, in Angular slang) are used to specify the behavior of DOM elements. The following HTML code shows the view portion of an application similar to the one we saw in the preceding section:

<body ng-app="angularDemo" ng-controller="BroadcasterController" ng-init="start()">

<h1>AngularJS Broadcaster</h1> <div>

<input type="text" ng-model="text" ng-disabled="!ready" /> <button ng-click="send()" ng-disabled="!ready">Send</button>


<p ng-hide="ready">Connecting...</p> <ul ng-show="ready">

<li ng-repeat="msg in messages">{{msg}}</li> </ul>


In the <body> tag, we are specifying the name of the application (“angularDemo”), the name of the controller class (BroadcasterController), and the latter’s method to be executed when the application starts. We will use this moment to start the connection to SignalR, as we will see later on.

Next we encounter the following:

■■The <input> tag, where we specify that it will be bound to the text property of the controller class and that it will be disabled when its ready property, which indicates whether we have established a connection to SignalR, becomes true.

■■The button will be disabled in the same way as the text box, and clicking it will cause the execution of the send() method of the controller class.

■■Next, we encounter the message “Connecting...”, which will be visible only while the connection has not been made.

■■Finally, there is a list of messages. All the elements of the messages property—of the array type and defined in the controller class—will appear on this list.

10AngularJS official website: http://angularjs.org/

11Single Page Applications

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Note that, despite the differences in syntax, the concepts are very similar to those seen with Knockout. To get a graphical idea, the running result of the AngularJS application that we are building would be what’s shown in Figure 9-8.

FIGURE 9-8  SignalR clients written with AngularJS and Knockout.

We will now look at the code of the controller class. This class is created automatically by AngularJS—its name is stated in the markup code—and in its constructor, it receives an argument called $scope that references the instance of the model class that is used and on which we must define the properties and methods that we need to use from our application. We have previously referenced the following properties and methods: ready, text, messages, send(), and start():

function BroadcasterController($scope, hub) { $scope.ready = false;

$scope.text = ""; $scope.messages = []; $scope.send = function () {

if ($scope.ready) { hub.broadcast($scope.text); $scope.text = "";



$scope.start = function () { hub.start(function () {

$scope.$apply(function () { $scope.ready = true;




hub.messageReceived(function (msg) { $scope.$apply(function () {

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An important aspect to keep in mind when programming on AngularJS is that changes in the properties of the controller that do not come directly from events or actions managed by this framework will not be detected automatically, so the user interface will not be updated at times. In our example, this happens when we receive data from the SignalR server (implemented in the callback defined in hub.messageReceived) or when we are notified that the connection was successful. In both cases, we must use $scope.$apply() to inform Angular that changes occurred and to force its evaluation to refresh the user interface when necessary.

However, AngularJS is equipped with a magnificent out-of-the-box dependency injection system that makes it quite easy to implement controllers decoupled from the other components, allowing us to create better structured applications that are simpler and easier to maintain, as well as allowing us to perform unit tests on these classes.

In fact, you can see in the preceding code that there are no direct references to $.connection nor to any of its elements, because a service class is received as a dependency and it implements the functionalities that we need from the hub. Thus, from a unit test, we could instantiate the controller class and supply it mock objects, useful to check in an isolated manner that the operation of this component is correct.

The service class is defined as follows on the main module of the application. The name “hub” with which we created the class is used by Angular to perform automatic dependency injection; when it finds a parameter in the controller class with that name, it will search to see whether there is a factory for it in the module and use the value returned by it:

angular.module('angularDemo', [])

.factory('hub', function () { return {

start: function (successCallback) { $.connection.hub.start().done(successCallback);


broadcast: function (msg) { $.connection.broadcaster.server.broadcast(msg);


messageReceived: function (callback) { $.connection.broadcaster.client.message = callback;




In this class are the three features that we need from the SignalR client for this application and that are used from the controller class: start(), to start the connection; broadcast(), to send a message to the server; and messageReceived(), which allows defining the callback to receive messages.

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