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Text c Starting Beekeeping - Why and How

Write a letter to your friend in which tell him/ her what interesting things you’ve learnt from this text (see Appendix 3 on p.72)


There are many good reasons to keep bees, both for you personally and for the benefit of the natural environment.

The number of beekeepers and bee colonies has declined considerably since the 1950`s. This has been mostly due to socioeconomic reasons and this trend needs to be reversed.

Another reason for the decline of beekeeping is the introduction of the parasitic mite Varroa in the early 90`s. This has made beekeeping more difficult and some beekeepers have not adapted to this change, lost their bees and given up.

Your bees will also benefit your neighbours and many species of wild plant through pollination.

You will be able to supply your family and friends with honey which if you extract it carefully and do not damage it by using excessive heat, will be far superior to anything you can buy in the shops.

You will have a regular supply of beeswax to make candles or polish, the making of which is both interesting and useful.

It will provide you with a lifetime of interest and fascination over the remarkable organization of a honey bee colony.


Do not just rush out and buy hives and beekeeping equipment before you have found out something about what you are letting yourself in for.

If you have a friend or acquaintance who keeps bees, offer them your help so that you can see what it`s all about.

Find out about your local beekeeping association. Make contact and find out where and when they meet and why they do. Most associations will allow you to come along as a guest until you decide beekeeping is for you.


II. Vocabulary Section

Vocabulary study

1) omnivorous adj всеядный

2) carnivorous adj плотоядный, хищный

3) herbivorous adj травоядный, растительноядный

4) hog n домашняя свинья, боров

5) pork n свинина

6) cattle n крупный рогатый скот

7) ruminant n жвачное животное

8) digest v переваривать

9) coarse food грубый корм

10) compound stomach сложный желудок

11) roughage n грубые корма

12) convert v превращать, перерабатывать

13) produce v производить

14) hey n сено

15) grain n зерно, хлебные злаки

16) livestock n домашний скот

17) carbohydrates n углеводы

18) fats n жиры

19) nutritious adj питательный

20) quantity n количество

21) quality n качество

22) dairy cattle молочный скот

23) beef cattle мясной скот

24) stock n скот, порода

25) herd n стадо

26) calf n теленок

27) veal n телятина

28) breed v выращивать породу, разводить скот

29) heifer n тёлочка

30) gestation period период беременности

31) breed n порода

32) slaughter n первичная переработка скота, забой

33) smallholder мелкий фермер, мелкий земельный собственник

34) beekeeping n пчеловодство

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