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02 - Travel (пособие).doc
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II. Comprehension

  1. What are the most common reasons of travel?

  2. Why do people travel more nowadays?

  3. What do you need to hire a car?

  4. What are the most popular cruise routes?

  5. What biggest international airports do you know?

  6. What is the fastest passenger plane nowadays? What regular route does it follow?

  7. What is the oldest underground?

  8. What is a charter flight?

  9. What time is it in Moscow and New York when it is noon in Greenwich?

  10. What does coaching provide to tourists?

  11. What is the largest railway?

  12. Why there has been a decline in railway transport in USA?

  13. In what countries much attention is paid to railway transport development? What is the fastest railway route in Russia?

  14. On what see routes passenger traffic is increasing in Western Europe?

  15. What is included in package tour?

III. Language

Ex. 1. Match words to make collocations

























Ex .2 Fill in the prepositions:

  1. Travellers passing from one time zone to another have to adjust their watches ______ one hour.

  2. Boeing can attain speed as high as 450 km. _____ hour.

  3. Swissair may pick _____ passengers in London, take them to Zurich and then to some other place.

  4. Airport must be ______ convenient location.

  5. A scheduled airline flight is usually filled _____ strangers to the same destination.

  6. Coaches have replaced railroads passenger service ______ many local routes.

  7. The Titanic sank ______ its first voyage in 1912.

Ex. 3 Match the words with a suitable definition:

A tour

A journey from one side of the sea to the other

A trip

A journey by plane

A flight

The plan of a journey

A voyage

Taking journeys as a general idea

An expedition

An organised journey to see the sights of a place

A crossing

An informal word for journey a (a short one)

A package tour

A journey for a specific or special purpose

A cruise

A journey by ship for pleasure

An itinerary

A journey which includes organised travel and accommodation


A journey for a scientific or special purpose

Ex. 4 Complete each sentence with a suitable word

Runway, platform, destination, deck, cabin, quay, harbour, departure lounge, coach station, buffet.

  1. Most of the young people on the boat slept on the ______in their sleeping bags.

  2. As the train drew in to the station, Terry could see her sister waiting on the _______

  3. Iwas so nervous about flying that I left my bag in the _________

  4. By the time I got to the _______, the bus to Scotland had left.

  5. As soon as the boat left the _______the storm began.

  6. We hadn't had anything to eat, but luckily there was a __________on the train.

  7. I'm afraid there is only one first-class ________free on the boat.

  8. Tim reached Paris safely, but his luggage didn't reach its ______

  9. There was a queue of cars on the______, waiting for the car- ferry to the island.

  10. Our plane nearly crashed into a fire-engine on the _________

Ex.5 Underline the most suitable word or words

  1. David's plane was cancelled/delayed by thick fog.

  2. The ship's owner agreed to give the crew/passengers a pay-rise.

  3. The plane from Geneva has just grounded/landed-

  4. We hope that you will enjoy your flight/flying.

  5. Because of heavy snow, their plane was diverted/deviated to Luton,

  6. I won't be long. I'm fast packing my last luggage/suitcase.

  7. You have to check in/check up an hour before the plane leaves,

  8. All duty free goods must be declared/surrendered at customs.

  9. The plane took off/took up and was soon high over the city.

  10. I bought a simple/single ticket, as I was going to return by car.

  11. A sign above the seats in the plane says 'Fasten your life belt/seat belt'.

  12. On the plane the flight attendant/waitress brought me a newspaper.

Ex. 6 Use a word or words from exercises 4 or 5 to complete each sentence. The word may be in a different form:

  1. I had to _____ my tickets, because I was ill and couldn't travel.

  2. The train for London is now arriving at _________three.

  3. The plane ________on time but arrived half an hour late.

  4. We finally reached our ______after travelling all day.

  5. It was hard to find a seat on the train as there were so many _________

  6. While we were waiting at the station we had a bite to eat in the _________

  7. Ifelt seasick so I went to my _______and tried to sleep.

  8. Do you want a return ticket, or a _________?

  9. The customs officer asked Bill if he had anything to _________

  10. There is a small ______here for fishing boats and yachts.

  11. How much _______can I take with me on the plane?

  12. The 8.55 from Hull will be 30 minutes late. We apologize for the _________

Ex. 7 Use a dictionary to find compound words beginning with sea-. Complete each sentence with one of these words:

  1. Last year we didn't go to the mountains. We went to the ________instead.

  2. There's a restaurant near the harbour that serves wonderful _________

  3. The beach was covered in piles of smelly green _____

  4. This town is very high up. It's a thousand metres above ________

  5. We drove along the ______but we couldn't find anywhere to park.

  6. Tourists were throwing bread to the _______flying behind the ship.

  7. Luckily I had taken some travel pills so I didn't feel _________

  8. Children were building sand castles on the ________

Ex.8 Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.


Is it better to go on a package (1) _______ or to (2) ______ on your own? I suppose the answer depends on what kind of (3) ________you are. A complicated tour organized by a travel (4) _______has some advantages. You have a/an (5) _________which gives you definite (6) _______and arrival dates, and a list of all your (7) _________The (8) ________may be cheaper, as it has been (9) ______in advance, so you spend less time worrying about where you are going to (10) ________If you book your own hotel, you might have trouble finding a/an (11) _______unless you are going to stay for a (12) _______, for example. On the other hand, organizing your own (13) __________can be fun. Many students (14) ________or buy cheap train tickets, and (15) _______the night in student hostels or guest-houses.

A travel B tour C journey D cruise

A travel B trip C voyage D tourist

A voyager B passenger C tourist D mover

A office B agent C tour D operation

A timetable B scheme C notice D itinerary

A departure B parting C leave D quitting

A cancellations B expeditions C organisations D destinations

A bedrooms B staying C flat D accommodation

A preserved B booked C reservation D hotels

A stay B pass C live D cross

A empty B free C vacancy D available

A fortnight B daytime C fifteen days D passage

A voyage B expedition C trip D package

A auto-stop B hitch-hike C lift D journey

A have Bat C for D spend

Ex. 9 Give definitions to the following :

  1. tourists from far-away countries

  2. a tourist that is arriving in the country

  3. is a group of people with the same purpose or interests travelling to the same destination. An example can be a garden club making a tour of English gardens.

  4. is a large aircraft with a seating capacity of about 400 passengers. The term most often refers to Boeing

  5. means the number of seats that have been sold on an aircraft. The term also refers to the percentage of seats that must be sold before a flight is profitable.

  6. is a service for renting automobiles for short periods of time.

  7. is a pleasure voyage by ship. It is not part of a regularly scheduled service.

  8. operates its aircraft on fixed routes at fixed times. In other words, it operates according to a time-table.

  9. is an aircraft that has been rented to fly when and where the service is desired.

  10. means inclusive tour, a packaged tour, that offers transportation, accommodations, and often other inducements.

Ex. 10 Translate from English into Russian:

Traffic problems

It was the rush hour, and there was a long tailback on the motorway, [line of slow or stopped traffic]

There was a pile-up [crash between several or many cars] involving ten cars, because of the fog, so the road was closed and we were diverted [directed away from our road] on to a narrow country lane.

I had stupidly parked in a towaway zone and came back to find my car had gone! [area where your car may be taken away if you park illegally]

I just parked for a few minutes outside the station, but when I came out my car had been clamped, [fitted with a metal device on the wheel to prevent it from moving]

I saw two men fighting next to their cars. I think it was a case of road rage, [anger or violence between drivers because of difficult driving conditions]

The road was wet and I skidded on a bend and almost crashed, [lost control of the steering]

There was a head-on collision [two vehicles hitting each other directly in the front] on the main road between here and the next village last night. Luckily, both cars had air bags and the drivers survived.

Ex. 11 Translate from Russian into English:

  1. 1. В настоящее время возрос интерес к тематическим круизам, когда различные игры и развлечения организованы на палубе.

  2. Самолет отправляется в 6 утра и приземляется в 10 утра по местному времени.

  3. Нам придется сделать пересадку в Манчестере.

  4. Рейс на Петербург отложен из-за сильного снегопада.

  5. Мы хотели бы совершить круговую поездку через…

  6. Я люблю путешествовать налегке.

  7. Давайте сделаем предварительный заказ на билеты.

  8. Ручной багаж можно взять с собой.

  9. Сколько необходимо заплатить за перевес?

  10. Нам пришлось совершить вынужденную посадку, т.к. что-то случилось с мотором.