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1.English as an analytical language, its typological characterization.

All languages can be either analytical or synthetic. The modern English language is analytical. Analytical language is the language in which the predicative line is expressed with the help of conjunctions, prepositions and word order. The old English was synthetic. It means that the predicative line was expressed with the help of changing the forms of the words in the sentence.

English is an analytical language, in which grammatical meaning in largely expressed through the use of additional words and by changes in word order. Russian is a synthetic language, in which the majority of grammatical forms are created through changes in the structure of words, by means of a developed system of prefixes, suffixes and ending. 

Modern English is an analytic language, and non-inflected one, most of inflections died out within Middle English period. That means that word order is essential to the meaning of a sentence. The meaning of an utterance is rendered by its grammatical structure, while the shape of a word plays minor role.

If we want to emphasize something in a sentence, we use grammatical transformation to achieve this. Emphatic transformation is widely used to make new grammatical structures changing meaning of a sentence or to emphasize emotional color of an utterance. Being not native speakers of English, we can face misunderstanding in one or another grammatical transformation.

On the contrary, some grammatical structures can seem for us suitable, while they are wrong, because we study English on the background of our native language. To be aware of right word order and acceptable ways to change the structure is veryimportant for English study. A wrong way to use structural transformation of a sentence can cause curiosity and misunderstanding.

The problem of structural transformation is very important in Modern English Language. Structure of the English sentence is basic for the English study. Modern grammars pay special attention to English word order as to the essential subject of the language. The approach to the problem, however, is very different. Russian school, for instance, defines two types of inversion which are grammatical inversion and stylistically inversion. Anglo-American school defines the inversion as reversed order of subject and predicate and does not refer here any other cases of changing the words’ positions.

2.Derivational typology of words in English.

The term word-building or derivational pattern is used to denote a meaningful combination of stems and affixes that occur regularly enough to indicate the part of speech, the lexico-semantic category and semantic peculiarities common to most words with this particular arrangement of morphemes. Every type of word-building as well as every part of speech has a characteristic set of patterns. According to their derivational structure words form into2 large classes: simple non-derived words; derivatives complexes. Complexes are classified according to the type of the underline derivational pattern into: derived; compound words.

Derived words fall into: affixational words which in their term are classified into suffixational and prefixational derivatives and conversions. Each derivational type of words is unequally represented in different parts of speech.

Pattern 1: Derivatives: 1 Stem + suffix: beautiful;

2 prefix + stem: unlucky;

3 prefix + stem + suffix: ungenlemanly.

 Pattern 2: Compound words: stem + stem: bedroom.

Pattern 3: Compound derivatives: stem + stem + suffix: shortsighted.

Pattern 4: Shortenings: mike = microphone; USSR etc. The largest class in the English vocabulary is derived words: 67% of nouns,86% of adjectives. Compounds: 15% of nouns,4% of adjectives. Simple stems: 18% of nouns,10% of adjectives. According to frequency counts about 60% of the total number of nouns and 62% of the total number of adjectives in current use — are simple words.

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