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Shumeyko O. A. Language means of creation of comical in the modern Ukrainian poetry (on materials of works of the second part of the 20th century). – Manuscript.

Dissertation on receiving of the scientific degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences on the speciality 10.02.01 – Ukrainian Language. – Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin, Kharkiv, 2007.

The dissertation is devoted to the research of language expression peculiarities of comical in the second part of the 20th century’s Ukrainian poetry. The author analyzes works of approximately 50 writers, whose creation represents main periods and style directions of that period’s Ukrainian poetry.

The author discovered the most significant lexical and phraseological means of creation of comical, determined its poetic realization’s general principles: the role and functions of appreciative vocabulary, proper names, poetic modern works, Russisms, reduced vocabulary and also untransformed and transformed phraseological units have been characterized. The author ascertained individual author’s peculiarities of using of corresponding language means and determined typical general tendencies of language manifestation of comical. Investigated phenomena as changes and the same time historically considerable artistic appearances have been characterized, their world outlook’s nature in certain language forms for that period’s poetry has been examined.

Key words: poetic language, comical, irony, humor, satire, sarcasm, idiostyle, image, lexeme, phraseological unite.

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1 Івашина О. Червона шапочка іронії або іронія як кістка і привид буття // Іронія: Збірник статей. – Львів: Літопис; К.: Смолоскип, 2006. – С. 102.