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The History and Invention of the Airplane

An airplane is a powered aircraft that propels forward by thrust from a propeller or a jet engine. It comes in various shapes, wing configurations, and sizes. The wide spectrum of airplane use includes transportation, recreation, research, and military. In most cases, pilots fly planes, but some planes are computer or remotely controlled.

What is the History of the Airplane During the Ancient Period?

Numerous stories from ancient civilizations detail flight, for instance the Greek myth of Daedalus ([ˈdiːdələs]) and Icarus ([ˈɪkərəs]). Around approximately 400 B.C. in Greece, Archytas ([ˈɑrkɪtəs], an Ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer) allegedly built and designed the first, artificial, flying device. Some of the earliest documented trials with gliders were by Abbas Ibn in the ninth century and Eilmer (an English monk) in the 11th century. Both experiments resulted in the injury of the pilots. Leonardo da Vinci studied birds' wing design and devised a man-powered aircraft in 1502.

What is the History Behind the Invention of Early Powered Flights?

The Wright brothers have received recognition for developing the first controlled and sustained powered flight. By 1905, the third version of the Wright flights had the ability to control a stable flight fully for considerable periods. The brothers gave credit to Otto Lilienthal as a key inspiration for their resolution to pursue operated flight. In 1906, Alberto Santos developed what was to be the initial flight unaided by catapult. The invention set a global record flying 220 meters below 22 seconds according to the Aero-Club of France. This flight also received certification from the World Air Sports Federation. The development of aircraft technology continued after World War I. Airplanes were a vital element of military strategies during this period.

Which Inventions Took Place During the Jet Aircraft Development?

The German Heinkel was the original jet aircraft, which underwent testing in 1939. The Messerschmitt Me 262, which was the original jet fighter underwent service in 1943. In 1947, the Bell X-1 was the original aircraft to surpass the sound speed. The introduction of the original jet airliner, the Havilland Comet, occurred in 1952. The Boeing 707 was the first commercial jet that gained wide success. It underwent commercial service for over 50 years from 1958-2010. The Boeing 707 was the largest passenger aircraft from 1970 until the Airbus A 380 surpassed it in 2005.

What is the History of the Wright Brothers in the Airplane Invention?

The fundamental breakthrough of the brothers was their three-axis control invention. This invention permitted the pilot to steer the aircraft efficiently and preserve its balance. This technique became the norm and remained on fixed-wing planes of very kind. From the onset of their aeronautical venture, the brothers concentrated on creating a dependable technique of pilot control as the answer to resolving the "flying problem." In 1900, they traveled to Kitty Hawk to commence their manned flying experiments. They based their kite design on work conducted by fellow aviation pioneers in the 1890s.

What is the History of the Gliders in Airplane Invention?

The Wrights built the wings using a camber, a curve of the top façade. A camber refers to the asymmetry between the airfoil's bottom and top surfaces. The Wrights were not the inventors of this principle but capitalized on it. The brothers examined the work of Lilienthal. He employed cambered glider wings, demonstrating the benefit over even surfaces.


A. Say if the following statements are true or false, find the sentences in the text that prove it. Correct the false ones.

  1. The wide spectrum of airplane use includes transportation, creation, research, and military.

  2. Around approximately 400 B.C. in Greece, Archytas ([ˈɑrkɪtəs], an Ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer) allegedly built and designed the fifth, artificial, flying device.

  3. The brothers examined the work of Lilienthal.

  4. From the onset of their aeronautical venture, the brothers concentrated on creating a dependable technique of pilot control as the answer to irresolution the "flying problem."

  5. The Boeing 705 was the first commercial jet that gained wide success.

  6. The fundamental breakthrough of the brothers was their three-axis control invention.

  7. A camber refers to the asymmetry between the airfoil's bottom and left-side surfaces.

  8. In 1906, they traveled to Kitty Hawk to commence their manned flying experiments.

  9. The invention set a global record flying 22 meters below 220 seconds according to the Aero-Club of France.

  10. The development of aircraft technology continued after World War II.

B. Answer the following questions

1. What is the airplane?

2. How is the airplane used?

3. Who designed and built the first artificial flying device?

4. Were the experiments successful? What happened?

5. What happened in 1501?

6. What did Alberto Santos do in 1906?

7. What was a global record according to the Aero-Club of France?

8. What was the fundamental breakthrough in the Airplane Invention?

9. What was the largest passenger aircraft?

10. How did the Wrights develop the top façade?


Translate into English.

  1. Хоча брати Райт не були винахідниками цього принципу, однак зуміли отримати з нього прибуток.

  2. Винахід дозволив пілоту ефективно керувати літальним апаратом та утримувати його рівновагу.

  3. Боїнг 707 став першим комерційним реактивним літаком, що набув широкої популярності.

  4. У 1947р. Белл Х-1 став першим літаком, що перевищив швидкість звуку.

  5. Літаки були життєве необхідним елементом військових стратегій цього періоду.

  6. Цей винахід встановив світовий рекорд, пролетівши 220 метрів за менш ніж 22 секунди, згідно з даними Аероклубe Франції.

  7. Леонардо да Вінчі вивчив будову пташиного крила і у 1502 році спроектував літаючий пристрій, що приводиться в дію силою людини.

  8. Деякі з найбільш ранніх задокументованих спроб літати на планерах були здійснені Аббасом Ібном у 9 столітті та Ейлмером (англійським монахом) у 11 столітті.

  9. Літаками переважно управляють пілоти, однак деякі можуть бути на комп’ютерному чи дистанційному управлінні.

  10. Літаки широко використовуються для найрізноманітніших потреб, а саме для перевезення, відпочинку, досліджень, у військовій справі.


Select two appropriate words to fill each gap.

1.You cannot board the plane unless you have a boarding ________ / _______.

A pass

B permit

C card

D licence

2.Eventually, we managed to book a seat on a _______ / _______ flight to Cairo.

A charter

B straight

C stand-by

D direct

3.The seats in _______ / _______ class were a little wider than in economy.

A commercial

B executive

C exclusive

D business

4.The plane's takeoff was delayed due to ______ / ______ visibility on the runway.

A poor

B meagre

C deficient

D limited

5.The pilot advised us to expect a(n) ________ / ________ landing.

A uneven

B coarse

C rough

D bumpy

6.After take-off, we settled down to watch the in-flight ________ / _________.

A programme

B movie

C entertainment

D feature

7.I asked the person at the check-in if I could have a(n) ________ / ________.

A gangway

B starboard

B starboard

C window

8.During the flight we encountered some _________ / _________ turbulence.

A heavy

B grave

C stern

D severe


For questions 1-15, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (˅) by the number in the answer boxes provided. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the answer boxes provided. There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).

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