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What makes a global Top 10 university?

By Sean Coughlan

BBC News Education Correspondent

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is in first place in the latest league table of the world's best universities.

It's the third year in a row (2014) that the US university, famous for its science and technology research, has been top of the QS World University Rankings. (Note: QS World University Rankings are annual university rankings published by British Quacquarelli Symonds (QS)).

Another science-based university, Imperial College London, is in joint second place along with Cambridge University.

Behind these in fourth place is Harvard University, the world's wealthiest university. And two more UK universities share joint fifth place, University College London and Oxford.

But US universities are still in the majority, taking 11 of the places in the Top- 20.

Even though some university leaders might be skeptical about such rankings, they will all be sharply aware of their significance. No university website is complete without the claim to be in the top 100 for something or other.

How to be top

But what is perhaps more surprising is that they are a relatively recent arrival on the higher education landscape.

How does a university get to the top of the rankings? And why does such a small group of institutions seem to have an iron grip on the top places?

The biggest single factor in the QS rankings is academic reputation. This is calculated by surveying more than 60,000 academics around the world about their opinion on the merits of institutions other than their own.

The next biggest factor - "citations per faculty" - looks at the strength of research in universities, calculated in terms of the number of times research work is cited by other researchers.

The ratio of academic staff to students represents another big chunk of how the rankings are decided.

Big brands

These three elements, reputation, research citations and staff ratios, account for four-fifths of the rankings. And there are also marks for being more international, in terms of academic staff and students.

As a template for success, it means that the winners are likely to be large, prestigious, research-intensive universities, with strong science departments and lots of international collaborations.

Immigration points

The overall effect of a decade of such league tables has been beneficial, Mr Sowter argues. It has made universities take a closer look at themselves to see how they compared with rivals.

There always were "unwritten league tables, based on stereotypes," he says, so having some more transparency allows a more open debate.

"Some fixate on it too closely," he says. Improving their ranking position has been written into the mission statements of some universities.

It has also taken on a quasi-official status. Denmark's immigration system gives extra points to graduate applicants according to how high their university is ranked.

The pressure to get up the ladder has also pushed some universities into trying to bend the rules, says Mr Sowter, with incorrect data being submitted.

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings, ahead of its annual rankings next month, has been even more specific about what constitutes a top-200 university.

"You need serious money, it is essential to pay the salaries to attract and retain the leading scholars and to build the facilities needed," says THE rankings editor, Phil Baty.


Regardless of how they are calculated, there is a seductive simplicity to rankings.

An attempt to create a different type of university comparison has been launched this year by the European Union.

This puts less emphasis on reputation and allows students to select their own criteria to make comparisons.

The idea is that a student wanting to find an undergraduate arts course isn't really going to learn much from rankings driven by international science research projects.

There could be another entirely different way of comparing universities on the horizon.

It's not difficult to see the limitations of university rankings. They measure the attributes of the university rather than its students. They produce a list dominated by certain of type of institution. Small, specialist, arts-based colleges are going to suffer regardless of their quality.

Those that focus on teaching rather than research will not be as recognized. The emphasis on reputation will reinforce the advantage of those that are already famous. And the top tier of these global rankings is exclusively filled with English-speaking universities.

But such lists still exert an undeniable, attention-grabbing appeal.

TOP-10 Universities in the World

Based on QS World University Rankings



Position in 2014/15

Massachusetts Institute of Technology



University of Cambridge



Imperial College London



Harvard University



UCL (University College London)



University of Oxford



Stanford University



Californian Institute of Technology (Caltech)



Princeton University



Yale University




Find the list of TOP 10 Universities of Ukraine. Give short info of Top 5. In your opinion, why these universities are top?

What is rank of your university among national ones? In groups, brainstorm ideas how to improve the rank of your university. Prepare a project.


Translate into English

  1. Серед випускників Кембриджа, заснованого у 1209 році "вигнанцями" з Оксфорда, 61 Нобелівський лауреат - це також найвищий показник серед усіх університетів світу. Викладачі Кембриджа мають 52 Нобелівські премії.

  2. Кембридж складається з центральної адміністрації та 31 коледжа. Серед них три приймають лише жінок (Нью-Хол, Ньюнам, Люсі Кавендіш). Крім того ще шість коледжів приймають лише студентів, що, хоча отримують свій перший ступінь (бакалавр), є старшими за 21 рік, або тих, хто отримують другий ступінь (магістр) або здійснюють дослідження.

  3. Кембридж - не тільки кращий за Гарвард за якістю освіти, але й дешевший. Якщо магістратура у Гарварді коштує 38-40 тисяч доларів, то у Кембриджі - 14-16 тисяч. Утім, такою є вартість навчання лише для громадян Великої Британії та США відповідно. Для іноземних студентів вартість навчання у цих закладах є набагато більшою.

  4. Чи не найвідоміший університет світу - Оксфорд - на п’ятому місці. Крім трьох лідерів рейтингу, Оксфорд поступився ще й американському Гарварду.

  5. Загалом укладачі рейтингу оцінювали університети за такими критеріями: популярність ВУЗу в академічних колах, частота згадок у пресі та цитування викладачів, популярність серед роботодавців, строки та кількість працевлаштованих випускників, частка іноземних студентів та викладачів-іноземців серед загальної кількості слухачів.


Listen to Lisa and Howard – two members of Morton Associates, talking about the requirements for candidates applying for an internship at UNESCO. Make notes under the following headings:




Work experience

Computer skills

Duration of Internship


Listen to the part of the conversation and complete the following extracts. Use a maximum of two words for each gap.

  1. Lisa: It’s ______ that candidates are doing a postgraduate degree…

  2. Howard: What about languages?

Lisa: They _____an excellent knowledge of one of the working languages of the organization…

Howard: Right, so that’s_____.

  1. Howard: How about work experience?

Lisa: They don’t mention that specifically, but it’s obviously _____ to have some work experience…

  1. Howard: You haven’t mentioned computer skills.

Lisa: Well, candidates _____ to be able to use office-related software.

  1. Howard: Anything else?

Lisa: No, but we’ll be _____ some evidence of a special cultural or scientific interest.

Study methods


Look at the study methods in the list. For which of the tasks (1-10) is each method best suited?

Which methods do you use in your studies?

  • Revising

  • Cramming

  • Highlighting

  • Note-taking

  • Summarizing

  • Proof-reading

  • Editing


You will read an article by a student who graduated from the university with a First- class degree. Before you read, discuss with your group mates:

  1. What part do the following play in motivating people to excel in education?

  • desire for professional success

  • desire for personal achievement

  • pressure from family/friends? employers

  1. Rank the following according to how necessary you think they are in order to do well at university, what else can you add to this chart?


Competitive spirit

Understanding what is expected of you

Organizational skills




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