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Україна – перша у Східній Європі за кількістю віл-інфікованих.

Перший день зими традиційно відзначається як день боротьби зі СНІДом. За темпами розповсюдження ВІЛ-інфекції Україна посідає перше місце у Східній Європі. Сьогодні, як повідомляють у Міністерстві охорони здоров'я, в Україні зареєстровано більше 137 тисяч ВІЛ-інфікованих. За рівнем розповсюдження ВІЛ-інфекції в Україні лідером є Дніпропетровська область, за якою йдуть Одеська та Миколаївська.

Нагадаємо, що єдиний спосіб дізнатися, чи є у вас ВІЛ – пройти спеціальний тест. В Україні він безкоштовний та конфіденційний.


Match the medical fields below to their areas of speciality.

  1. Cardiology

  1. Eyesight

  1. Geriatrics

  1. Inherited characteristics

  1. Paediatrics

  1. X-rays and ultra sounds

  1. Genetics

  1. Children

  1. Ophthalmology

  1. The elderly

  1. Radiology

  1. The heart


Look at this of possible medical breakthroughs. In how many years do you think they will occur?

  1. Epidemics like malaria will be eradicated.

  2. All types of cancer will be curable.

  3. Average life expectancy will rise to 100 years.

  4. An AIDS vaccine will be discovered.

  5. The cure for the common cold will be discovered.

  6. 80% of heart surgery will be bloodless.

I think that in five years’ time epidemics like malaria will have been eradicated.


Check your understanding of the words in this vocabulary bank, then fill in the gaps in the sentences that follow.

• ache • clot • concussion • condition • cramp• deficiency • discomfort • disorder • exhaustion• fractured • infection • inflammation • injury • irritation • sprain • wound • predisposition

1. The patient complained about a constant dull in ______ his back.

2. She had severe ________ in her right leg while swimming and had to be rescued by lifeguards.

3. The face cream was withdrawn from the market after several complaints of painful skin _____.

4. In a three-hour operation, doctors removed a _____ from one of the patient's main arteries.

5. Jim hasn't broken his ankle, it's only a bad _____.

6. The recurrence of an old knee _____ kept Roger out of football for three months.

7. After five days stranded on the mountain, the climbers were found suffering from _____.

8. He escaped a very serious car crash with only a couple of _____ ribs.

9. Even a small blow to the head can result in _____.

10. If you eat nothing but junk food you'll end up with a serious vitamin ____.

11. All cuts should be treated with antiseptic to prevent ____.

12. If the _____ has not healed in a week's time or if there is any swelling or _____ around it, see your doctor.

13. After the operation, you will suffer a little ____, but no pain.

14. Anorexia is an eating _____ which is common in teenagers.

15. He suffers from a rare ______ which causes his skin to blister every time he goes out in the sun.

16. His weak chest means he has a _____ to ailments such as bronchitis.


F Овал 84ind the odd one out, then briefly explain why it doesn't fit in its group. Use a dictionary if necessary.

brain – eardrum – jaw –

'Shoulder blade' is the odd one out because all others refer to parts of the head.

  1. prevent - treat - cure - heal

  2. finger - toe - thumb - knuckle

  3. gasp -pant - faint - wheeze

  4. muscle- bone - nerve - eyelash

  5. surgery- ward - stretcher - lab

  6. slide -beaker - powder - vial

  7. knee - elbow - thigh - calf

  8. surgeon - consultant - specialist - orderly


Match words from columns A and B to make collocations, then make sentences.

















The lab tests will reveal whether iron deficiency is the cause of the problem.


Match the sets of adjectives to the nouns to form collocations. Choose any 3 sets and make sentences.

Anyone suffering from a contagious disease has to be quarantined in order to prevent the infection from spreading.


fatal, contagious



congenital, chronic



serious, slight



holistic, conventional



speedy, miraculous



multiple, internal



superficial, flesh



emergency, on-going



Select two suitable words which can complete each sentence.

  1. He felt a stabbing / knifing / cutting / piercing / needling pain in his side as he bent to pick up the ball.

  2. Most doctors do not usually know much about non-conformist / holistic / alternative / conventional /orthodox medicine.

  3. He will have to suffer / take / undergo / experience / have treatment at the cardiac clinic very soon.

  4. David was doubtful about whether he could play in the match or not because of a/an niggling / irritable / recurring / inflammatory / terminal injury.

  5. The dentist assured me that I would feel only petty / mild / trivial / slight / little discomfort as he did the fillings in my teeth.

  6. A surprising number of people have toxic / noxious / poisonous / allergic / adverse reactions to very common foodstuffs.


Study the pairs of words/phrases below and make sentences in order to show their difference in meaning.

1 cut / incision

2 pain / tenderness

3 dizzy / faint

4 hoarse voice / sore throat

5 nausea / vertigo

6 diagnosis/prescription

7 consultation / examination

8 exhaustion / exertion

9 midwife / matron

10 recuperate / improve

The young boy had a nasty cut on his finger. The surgeon stitched up the incision and removed his gloves.



Study the difference.

Wound (n, v) and injury are both used to describe damage to the body, but a wound is generally caused by a weapon (e.g. gun or knife) and it is usually intentional.

He shot the man in the chest. (= a bullet wound in the chest) [from a gun]

He stabbed the boy in the back. (= a knife wound in the back)

He got into a fight and got beaten up. He had a black eye and two broken ribs.


Choose the correct answer.

1. He got that ….. on his forehead when he ran into an open cupboard door in the dark a few days ago.

a) blister b) bruise c) scar d) sprain

2. Mary was ….. by a wasp while she was gathering some pears.

a) bitten b) eaten c) stung d) wounded

3. Be careful, don't ….. yourself when you are cutting those roses.

a) pick b) prick c) sting d) wound

4. I fell off my bicycle when I was five and I still have a ….. on my knee.

a) freckle b) scar c) hole d) scratch

5. He got a terrible ….. on the head when he forgot to bend as he went through the low doorway.

a) bump b) hunch c) ripple d) wrinkle

6. This ….. dates from my operation last year.

a) cut b) scar c) scratch d) sore

7. A sword will only draw blood if it actually ….. the skin.

a) pierces b) pricks c) plunges d) thrusts

8. I have a ….. on my leg where you hit me.

a) blister b) bruise c) hole d) wound

9. She cried so much that her face became ….. .

a) fat b) soft c) swollen d) torn


Here is a list of injuries. Look them up in your dictionary to check the meaning and the pronunciation, and fill in the chart. Use your imagination to think of a cause for the injuries.




a broken arm

a fall during a football match

Set the arm and put it in plaster.

a bruise

a dislocated shoulder

a sprained wrist

a sting


a swollen ankle


a blister

a black eye

a burn


Translate into English.

Зібратися з духом, приймальня, кабінет лікаря, сісти в крісло, дати пораду, видивлятися, шприц, відчувати гострий біль від уколу в ясна, хірургічні щипці, затискувати зуб, викручувати зуб, видалити зуб, дезінфікуючий засіб. Запломбований зуб, хворий/зіпсований зуб, догляд за зубами, знімок зуба, зуб мудрості, корінь зуба, лікування зубів, порожнина в зубі, зубна емаль, зубний камінь, зберегти зуб, лікувати зуби, оглядати зуби, карієс зуба, пломбування зуба.



Read the text and describe your last visit to the dentist.

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